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更多 “单选题百日咳杆菌是传播途径()A 消化道传播B 呼吸道传播C 接触传播D 粪便传播E 多途径传播” 相关考题
考题 单选题You have been called upon to add location-based services into an existing controller-based wireless design which primarily encompasses handheld devices such as barcode scanners and Cisco7920 wireless IP phones. In which mode should you deploy the additional access points to achievethe density required without excessive co-channel interference?()A sniffer modeB monitor modeC location modeD tracking mode

考题 单选题你的企业网络中实现了WLAN,为了确保WLAN中的VOICE数据流的通话质量,决定实施QOS,在WMM中应该把VOICE数据流设置在下面哪个优先级别中?()A PlatinumB GoldC SilverD Bronze

考题 单选题You are provisioning a DS-1 circuit on an ONS 15454 2F-BLSR with a XC-10G card. Each VT1.5 connection must also terminate via the STS matrix. On the originating circuit node, how many STS ports are now available for VT1.5 circuits?()A 2B 3C 4D 20E 22F 24

考题 单选题A customer is considering purchasing either a Cisco Catalyst 2960 or Cisco Catalyst Express 500. Which feature can only be found on the Catalyst 2960?()A  48 Ethernet 10/100 portsB  Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet connectivityC  dual-purpose copper or fiber uplinksD  standalone fixed-configuration Layer 2 switching

考题 单选题男婴,4个月,母乳喂养,母亲突患急性乳腺炎,患侧有硬结,伴红、肿、热、痛,无全身感染症状,来门诊咨询。为保证其还能继续哺乳,母亲应()A 积极治疗,继续哺乳B 积极治疗,暂停哺乳C 积极治疗,患侧暂停哺乳,健侧可继续哺乳D 人工喂养,但定时将乳汁挤出E 采用混合喂养法

考题 单选题Refer to the exhibit. The command spanning-tree guard root is configured on interface Gi0/0 on both  switch S2 and S5. The global configuration command spanning-tree uplinkfast has been configured on both switch S2 and S5. The link between switch S4 and S5 fails. Will Host A be able to reach Host B?()A  Yes. Traffic can pass either from switch S6 to S3 to S2 to S1, or, from switch S6 to S5 to S2 to S1.B  No. Traffic will pass from switch S6 to S5 and dead-end at interface Gi 0/0.C  No. Traffic will loop back and forth between switch S5 and S2.D  Yes. Traffic will pass from switch S6 to S3 to S2 to S1.E  No. Traffic will either pass from switch S6 to S5 and dead-end, or traffic will pass from switch S6 to S3 to S2 and dead-end.

考题 多选题What are the two reasons for the appearance of as the next hop for a network in the show ip bgp command output?()AThe network was originated via redistribution of an interior gateway protocol into BGPBThe network was defined by a static routeCThe network was originated via a network or aggregate commandDThe network was learned via EBGPEThe network was learned via IBGP

考题 单选题If the power is 0 dBm, what is the power in mW?()A  0 mWB  1 mWC  10 mWD  1.5 mW

考题 单选题用于治疗特发性血小板减少性紫癜的肾上腺糖皮质激素类常用药是()A 泼尼松B 丙种球蛋白C 长春新碱D α-干扰素E 抗-D免疫球蛋白

考题 单选题What does Cisco Unity Express use, by default, to select a voice-mail mail box?()A Last Called Number B Last Redirect Number C Original Called Number D Original Redirect Number E Forward Redirect Number

考题 单选题应选择的正确治疗是(  )。A INH+RFP+SM+PZA+泼尼松B 青霉素C 异烟肼D 对症处理+中药E INH+RFP+SM+PZA

考题 单选题Router R1 sets a route tag for subnet when redistributing from OSPF into EIGRP.Which of the following unit is assigned to the route tag?()A Kilobits/seconDB Tens of microsecondsC CostD Hop countE No unit is assigneD

考题 单选题患儿,男,6岁。发热2天,体温39℃。咽痛,咽部有脓性分泌物,周身可见针尖大小的充血性皮疹,疹间无正常皮肤。治疗本病应首选的抗生素是()A 头孢曲松B 青霉素C 阿米卡星D 万古霉素E 庆大霉素

考题 单选题Router R-1 is configured for BGP routing as shown below: router bgp 65300network remote-as 65300 From the perspective of router R-1, what kind of router is the router with IP address A peer router running IBGPB A peer router running EBGPC A community member running IBGPD A peer group member running IBGPE A peer group member running EBGP

考题 单选题新生儿女,胎龄35周,生后第一天,基本情况可,其母尚无乳汁分泌。若患儿发生新生儿低血糖,血糖1.6mmol/L,医嘱给予输入葡萄糖治疗,该患儿主要的护理措施是()A 给予高糖饮食B 给予高蛋白饮食C 监测血糖变化D 防止外伤E 注意保暖

考题 单选题对惊厥发作持续时间较长的患儿,家长日后观察患儿有无神经系统后遗症的方法是()A 心理测验B 智力测试C 游戏D 查体E 心理、智力测试

考题 多选题What are two characteristics of the relationship between the Cisco PIN architecture and Cisco Validated Designs? ()(Choose two.)ACisco is focusing on Cisco Validated Designs as a means to driving integrated networks.BCisco is focusing on the PIN architecture as a means to driving integrated networks.CThe Cisco PIN architecture is a critical mechanism for supporting integrated markets because it can be implemented quickly.DThe Cisco Validated Designs program provides critical mechanisms for supporting integrated markets because the mechanisms can be implemented quickly.ECisco Validated Designs can be implemented quickly without customer input.

考题 单选题The fol lowing line of output was extracted from the output of the show ip bgp command on Router R1. Which of the following can be determined from this output?() Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path * 0 1 2 3 4 iA The route is learne d from an eBGP peerB The route has no more than three ASNs in the AS_PatHC The route is the best route for this prefixD None of these facts can be positively determined by this output

考题 单选题During the installation of the Cisco WCS version 4.0, an error occurs. Where would you look for theinstallation log, in order to learn more about this error?()A in the Cisco WCS installation directoryB at the root of the installation driveC in the Cisco WCS/Logs directoryD on the desktop of the server

考题 单选题患儿女,5个月。因多日腹泻肛周皮肤潮红,便后清洗臀部后局部应涂()A 1%甲紫B 红霉素软膏C 硫酸锌软膏D 鞣酸软膏E 硝酸咪康唑霜

考题 单选题发病率高、死亡率高的时期是指(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题Where are CTI route points added or configured for Cisco Unified Contact Center Express? ()A Cisco Unified CallManager Device ConfigurationB Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Directory Management  C Cisco Supervisor Desktop  D Cisco CRS Administration, JTAPI Trigger Creation  E Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Media Subsystem 

考题 多选题What are two steps that must be taken when mitigating a worm attack?()AInoculate systems by applying update patches.BLimit traffic rate.CApply authentication.DQuarantine infected machines.EEnable anti-spoof measures.

考题 单选题急性感染性多发性神经根炎患儿,出现呼吸肌重度麻痹时应()A 去枕平卧B 静脉给呼吸兴奋药C 高流量面罩给氧D 人工呼吸E 迅速准备气管插管或切开

考题 单选题Which feature is added when upgrading from IPCC Express Standard to Enhanced?()A text chat  B Log Out/Not Ready reason codes C WrapUp State  D WrapUp timer  E competency-based routing

考题 单选题Which Cisco solution was developed to let you create separate networks on one SAN; thusproviding you with improved availability, security, and backup? ()A Cisco Direct Attached StorageB Cisco Direct Storage Area NetworkC Cisco Virtual Storage Area NetworkD Cisco Virtual Attached Storage Network

考题 单选题患儿女,生后3天。皮肤、巩膜出现黄染,精神、食欲尚好,大便黄色糊状,查血清胆红素浓度128μmol/L,血常规无异常,小儿血型为O型,其母为B型。该女婴最可能是()A 溶血性黄疸B 阻塞性黄疸C 先天性黄疸D 肝细胞性黄疸E 生理性黄疸

考题 单选题关于麻疹的叙述,以下哪项不正确()A 病人是唯一传染源B 只通过呼吸道传染C 凡未患过麻疹或未接种过麻疹疫苗者为易感者D 感染后可终身免疫E 潜伏期末2~3天至出疹后5天有传染性