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A seaman dies during a voyage. What is NOT required to be entered into the Official Log? ()

Statement that the Master has taken custody of the deceased's MMD and passport


An inventory of the money and property


Statement of the wages due


Statement as to the total deductions to be made from the wages


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题A seaman dies during a voyage. What is NOT required to be entered into the Official Log? ()A Statement that the Master has taken custody of the deceased's MMD and passportB An inventory of the money and propertyC Statement of the wages dueD Statement as to the total deductions to be made from the wages” 相关考题
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考题 单选题We have planned to remove the piston with the help of assistant engineers during the cargo unloading, while the vessel ()port Shanghai.A reaches toB getsC calls onD calls at

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考题 单选题柴油机船舶废气锅炉的排烟温度不应()。A 低于露点B 高于露点C 低于凝点D 高于凝点

考题 单选题船舶航行所受到的总阻力根据产生原因和性质分为(),水下阻力中()受航速影响最小。 a.船体阻力; b.摩擦阻力; c.兴波阻力; d.形状阻力; e.空气阻力; f.附体阻力; g.波涛阻力。A a+f+g/dB b~g/cC b~e/bD b~g/d

考题 单选题检查艉轴和曲轴的同轴度误差除平轴计算法、光学仪器法外还有()。A 直尺-塞尺法B 平轴法C 指针法D 拉线法和平轴法

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考题 单选题A chart position enclosed by a square is a(n)().A fixB estimated positionC dead reckoning positionD running fix

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