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更多 “单选题从单吊杆受力计算公式中知,千斤索张力T()。A 与滑轮数m及L/H无关B 与滑轮数m有关,与L/H无关C 与滑轮数m及L/H有关D 与滑轮数m无关,与L/H(a/H)有关” 相关考题
考题 单选题普通杂货运输,装货前船方对舱内设备的检查通常包括() ①测深管;②入孔盖;③污水井;④舱内子;⑤舱内各种管系;⑥通风设备A ①~⑤B ②~⑥C 除③④D 除④⑤

考题 单选题我国《抗沉性规范》规定,船舶最小的干舷值必须保持()mm。A 300B 450C 76D 80

考题 单选题If the turbocharger of a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine fails to operate, which of the following statements best describes the probable effect?()A Intake manifold pressure will be highB Intake manifold pressure will be unaffectedC Exhaust temperatures will be highD Exhaust temperatures will be low

考题 单选题按照现行S0LAS公约的要求,()应不迟于1999年1月1日安装应急拖带装置。A 任何危险品船B 超大型散装船C 移动式钻井装置D 2万载重吨及以上的油船

考题 单选题In respect of the carrier’s liabilities,responsibilities,the rights and immunities in China Ocean Shipping Company Bill of Lading Clauses,()shall be applied.A Hague RulesB Peking Adjustment RulesC SINOTIMED BALTIME

考题 单选题If a vessel list to port,the center of buoyancy will().A move to portB move to starboardC move directly downD stay in the position

考题 单选题During the PSC inspection, under the provisions of SOLAS 74, which one may not be regarded as clear grounds for ships’ detainment?()A failure of the proper operation of emergency generatorB insulation of piping including exhaust pipes in engine room contaminated by oilC improper operation of bilge of bilge of bilge pumping arrangementsD damaged sanitary pump

考题 单选题根据我国《海商法》规定,在旅客运输、货物运输中承运人享受责任限制的条件是().A 完全相同的B 完全不相同C 旅客运输比货物运输条件严格D 货物运输比旅客运输条件严格

考题 单选题SULZER RTA型主机的操纵系统中,位于主起动阀处的起动切断阀的作用是()。A 当主机的转速达到发火转速时,停止向气缸起动阀供应控制空气B 在主机的转速达到发火转速前,不向主机供应燃油C 当主机在慢转进行时,不向主机供应燃油D 当主机慢转结束时,停止向气缸起动阀供应控制空气

考题 单选题大风浪中转向,当船舶已产生严重倾斜时应立即().A 停车B 快速回舵C 快速操反舵D 减速、再逐渐回舵

考题 单选题The flash point of a residual fuel oil should be used to determine the highest temperature to which oil may be heated ()A for atomizingB for centrifugingC in a storage tankD in the re-circulating line

考题 单选题An air compressor can be unloaded at start-up by ().A holding the discharge valve openB relieving the intercooler pressure to the atmosphereC using an enlarged, permanently opened clearance expansion spaceD a pre-charged accumulator

考题 单选题在气动避上限的自动回避临界转速回路中,所采用的阀件有()。 ①调压阀; ②比例阀; ③电磁阀; ④速放阀; ⑤二位三通阀; ⑥双座止回阀。A ①②③B ①④⑤C ②③④D ②④⑥

考题 单选题船舶动力装置特殊性体现在所有设备在选择过程中必须考虑连接方式和储备,在相同条件下,部件和系统的连接方式对可靠性的影响是()。A 部件并联高于系统并联B 系统并联高于部件并联C 部件串联高于系统串联D 部件串联小于系统串联

考题 单选题交通流密度是描述船舶交通流的基本要素之一,它可()。A 根据船舶交通量的统计数据确定B 根据航迹分布图确定C 根据船舶的运动方向确定D 根据船舶密度分布图确定

考题 单选题The limit switches on a ships survival-craft winch system().A stop the winch just before the craft reaches the final stowage positionB limit the amount of cable on the drumC limit the ascent rateD stop the winch in case the craft weighs too much

考题 单选题The main purpose of an electric space heater installed in a large AC generator is to ()A prevent the windings from becoming brittleB prevent moisture from condensing in the windings during shutdownC prevent acidic pitting of the slip ringsD keep the lube oil warm for quick starting

考题 单选题中华人民共和国海事局主管和实施我国船舶的()。 Ⅰ.法定检验; Ⅱ.SMC的发证; Ⅲ.安全检查。A Ⅰ对B Ⅱ对C Ⅰ+ⅡD Ⅰ+Ⅲ

考题 单选题An “ABC” dry chemical fire extinguisher would be LEAST effective against a fire in().A a mattressB spilled liquids such as oil or paintC high voltage electrical gearD a trash can

考题 单选题On a ship crane,the load chart relates the allowable load to the combination of boom length and().A boom angleB boom strengthC load radiusD cable strength

考题 单选题空调装置取暖工况可用控制送风露点(含湿量)的方法来控制舱室相对湿度,特别适合()空调系统。A 末端电再热式B 双风管C 分区再热式D B或C

考题 单选题Lubricating oil is supplied to the crank-pin bearings in a marine diesel engine by ().A internal crankshaft passagesB immersion in oilC splash lubricationD injection lubrication

考题 单选题()spirits and tobacco do you have on board?A How muchB How manyC How longD How far

考题 单选题船舶浮心的位置在()处。A 船的重心B 船舶坐标原点C 船底面积中心D 入水船体的形状中心

考题 单选题二冲程十字头式柴油机活塞运动部件的平台检验主要是检查()相互位置关系。A 活塞与活塞杆B 活塞杆与十字头部件C 十字头部件与连杆D 运动件

考题 单选题当主机滑油管破裂大量外泄滑油造成污染时,应(),再作处理。A 减速航行B 立即停车C 加速航行到港D 不改变原航行工况

考题 单选题两台向空气瓶供气的船用空压机分别由两只压力继电器自动控制启、停,如产生调节动作的压力值分别为2.4、2.5、2.9、3.0(MPa),问候补工作的空压机启、停压力值是()_MPa。A 2.4和3.0B 2.5和2.9C 2.4和2.9D 2.5和3.0

考题 单选题船用对讲机电话系统是用两台()电话机直接固定连接。A 声力式B 普通C 自动D 上述任一种