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解析: 注意缺陷多动障碍病儿的临床表现主要为注意缺陷和活动过度,其他还有任性冲动、情绪不稳、缺乏克制力、伴有学习困难,神经发育障碍或延迟等。但智力基本正常。
更多 “单选题注意缺陷多动障碍病儿的临床表现不包括()A 注意力缺陷B 活动过度C 任性冲动D 情绪不稳E 神经检查多异常,智商偏低” 相关考题
考题 多选题Which two states are the port states when RSTP has converged?()AblockingBlearningCdiscardingDforwardingElistening

考题 单选题You download a file from an FTP site on the Internet. What is the highest layer in the OSI model used in this FTP operation?()A ApplicationB PresentationC SessionD TransportE InternetF Data LinkG Physical

考题 单选题卡介苗初种的年龄是()A 新生儿B 8个月C 1岁D 1.5~2岁E 2~2.5岁

考题 单选题治疗先天性甲状腺功能减低症时,使用甲状腺制剂的方法下列哪项是正确的?(  )A 长期用药不需调整B 用药剂量随年龄增长而减小C 用药剂量随年龄增长而增加D 临床症状消失后停止用药E 成年后停止用药

考题 单选题患儿男,1岁半。发热,咳嗽4天,曾用青霉素肌注治疗无效。昨天起拒食,呕吐,尿量减少。入院查体:体温39.8℃,脉率180次/分,呼吸65次/分,精神萎靡,烦躁不安,口唇发绀,鼻翼扇动,三凹征(+),两肺散在中小水泡音,肝脏右肋下3cm。血白细胞2.5×109/L,中性粒细胞90%。 该患儿最可能的情况是()A 肺炎合并心衰B 肺炎合并中毒性脑病C 肺炎合并脓胸D 肺炎合并肺大疱E 肺炎合并肺脓肿

考题 单选题血浆中钠氯之比为(  )。A 1:1B 2:1C 1:2D 3:2E 2:3

考题 单选题新生儿破伤风控制惊厥应首选()A 苯巴比妥B 地西泮C 氯丙嗪D 苯妥英钠E 水合氯醛

考题 单选题蛲虫病的主要症状是()A 皮肤瘙痒,皮疹,夜晚尤甚B 肛门,会阴部溃疡,剧痛C 肛门,会阴部奇痒,夜晚尤甚D 阴道炎,下腹隐痛E 尿路刺激症状

考题 单选题什么是发出帧中继映射IP192.168.1.2 202广播命令的结果?()A 定义了用于所有的广播包的DLCI202的源IP地址B 定义了用于发送到192.168.1.2的IP地址的所有数据包的DLCIC 定义了用于所有的广播包的DLCI202的目的IP地址D 定义了它从192.168.1.2的IP地址的数据包接收的DLCI

考题 多选题Which of the following correctly describe steps in the OSI data encapsulation process?()AThe transport layer divides a data stream into segments and may add reliability and flow control information.BThe data link layer adds physical source and destination addresses and an FCS to the segment.CPackets are created when the network layer encapsulates a frame with source and destination host addresses and protocol-related control information.DPackets are created when the network layer adds Layer 3 addresses and control information to a segment.EThe presentation layer translates bits into voltages for transmission across the physical link.

考题 多选题系统日志配置了一个3级的陷阱。将会产生哪3种类型的日志()A紧急情况B警报C关键D错误E警告

考题 单选题女孩,3岁,平时体健。今日下午突然恶心,呕吐数次,随之抽搐,以昏迷待查急诊入院。查体:唾液过多,心率缓慢,瞳孔缩小,呈浅昏迷状态。经检验确定为灭鼠药(磷化锌)中毒,应采取哪种溶液洗胃()A 生理盐水B 0.02%高锰酸钾溶液洗胃C 2%~4%碳酸氢钠洗胃D 0.5%~1%鞣酸溶液E 温开水

考题 单选题属于脑膜刺激征的是()A 布鲁津斯基征阳性B 巴宾斯基征阳性C 前囟饱满D 嗜睡、昏迷E 双侧瞳孔不等大

考题 单选题You are securing a network for TestKing and want to apply an ACL (access control list) to an interface of a router. Which one of the following commands would you use?()A permit access-list 101 outB ip access-group 101 outC apply access-list 101 outD access-class 101 outE ip access-list e0 out

考题 单选题Which command displays EIGRP-related router activities as they occur?()A TestKing# show ip route *B TestKing# debug eigrp routeC TestKing# debug ip eigrpD TestKing# debug ip protocols eigrpE TestKing# show ip route eigrp

考题 单选题Given an IP address with a subnet mask of, what is the correct network addres?()A

考题 单选题What is known as "one-to-nearest" addressing in IPv6?()A global unicastB anycastC multicastD unspecified address

考题 单选题如何在EUI-64格式的接口ID创建从48位MAC地址?()A 通过附加0xFF的MAC地址B 由前缀与0xFFFF的MAC地址C 由前缀与0xFF的MAC地址和附加0xFF的吧D 由上部三个字节和下三个字节的MAC地址之间插入为0xFFFFE 由前缀与0xF的MAC地址后它的每一个前三个字节插入0xF的

考题 单选题Which of these is an accurate list of Cisco Lifecycle Services phases? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。A initiation planning analysis design development implementation operations and maintenanceB project planning, site assessment risk assessment solution selection and acquisition, testing, and operationsC prepare, plan, design, implement operate, and optimizeD analysis, design, deployment testing, implementation, and productionE presales, project planning, development implementation, operations testing, and operations sign- off

考题 单选题每日服用铁剂的时间是(  )。A 餐前B 餐后C 两餐之间D 临睡前E 晨起时

考题 单选题Which of the following processes, is used to find the hardware address of a LAN device?()A Inverse-ARPB Reverse-ARPC Proxy ARPD ARP

考题 单选题Which result is of securing the Cisco IOS image by use of the Cisco IOS image resilience feature?()A The Cisco IOS image file will not be visible in the output from the show flash command.B The show version command will not show the Cisco IOS image file location.C When the router boots up, the Cisco IOS image will be loaded from a secured FTP location.D The running Cisco IOS image will be encrypted and then automatically backed up to a TFTP server.

考题 单选题Why does L4TM require T1 to be in promiscuous mode?()A to process traffic that is not intended for its MAC addressB to transmit TCP reset packetsC to bind with other promiscuous mode portsD to receive Ethernet broadcasts

考题 单选题入院当天晚上,患儿体温39℃,呼吸70次/分,出现哮鸣音,吸气末少量中细湿性啰音,心率170次/分,心音低钝,肝肋下3.5cm,脾肋下2cm。该患儿可能出现下列哪种问题?(  )A 肺不张B 脓胸C 心力衰竭D 张力性气胸E 支气管异物

考题 单选题以下说法错误的是()?A SLIP协议是一种没有协商过程的协议。B SLIP支持同步和异步模式。C SLIP只支持IP协议。D 以上说法均不对

考题 单选题Which component of VPN technology ensures that data can be read only by its intended recipient?()A data integrityB encryptionC key exchangeD authentication

考题 单选题不属于中度新生儿缺血缺氧性脑病的临床表现的是()A 嗜睡,反应迟钝B 拥抱反射活跃C 肌张力减低D 瞳孔缩小E 前囟张力正常或稍高

考题 单选题哪项辅助检查对诊断最有帮助?(  )A 咽拭培养B 血常规C 血气分析D X线胸片E PPD试验