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regard ... as ...把……看作……。
更多 “单选题_____A regardedB saidC talkedD spread” 相关考题
考题 In the dictionary a workaholic is () as a person obsessively addicted to work. A、regardedB、definedC、takenD、labeled

考题 A neighbor _________ me about him. He_________ Percy Buttons was a beggar.() A.said, spokeB.told, saidC.said, talkedD.told, spoke

考题 I____ angry with him. A. gotB. saidC. spokeD. shouted

考题 19.A toldB.saidC.madeD.let

考题 Have you seen Mr Green? Yes, I saw him at the school gate. He_ with the headmaster.A is talkingB.was talkingC. talkedD.has talked

考题 The instructor has ______ us of tomorrow's meeting.A. toldB. saidC. informedD. reported

考题 Stop() and listen to me.A. to talkB. talkC. talkedD. talking

考题 Their handshake should be firm, and they ’ve both()their names and jobs. A、mentionedB、askedC、talkedD、remembered

考题 _____ is that he was blessed with a very good memory.A:What can be said with certainty of Richard NixonB:What of Richard Nixon with certainty can be saidC:What can say with certainty of Richard NixonD:What of Richard Nixon with certainty can say

考题 We give you on the attached full details()packing and marking. A、regardedB、regardingC、be regardedD、regard

考题 My teacher told me( )to English people as much as I can to practise my English.A. talkingB. talkC. talkedD. to talk

考题 A regardedB impressedC influencedD effected

考题 All casualties such as personnel injuries or illness, oil spills, accidental fire, collision,stranding, and unusually severe weather damage, whether at sea, in port, or in shipyard, must be promptly ______ to the company.A.spokenB.saidC.toldD.communicated

考题 She proposed that we have a rest.A:stated B:said C:announced D:suggested

考题 There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when an athlete breaks a previous record of performance.A:stated B:said C:suggested D:announced

考题 The monitor has( )us of tomorrow’s meeting.A.told B.said C.informed D.reported

考题 The president proposed that we should bring the meeting to a close.A:stated B:said C:suggested D:announced

考题 燃气轮机排气温度分散度(exhaust gas temperature spread(EGT spread))

考题 下列期权交易策略中,不属于风险有限、收益也有限的策略的是()。A、看涨期权构成的牛市价差策略(Bull SpreaD)B、看涨期权构成的熊市价差策略(Bear SpreaD)C、看涨期权构成的蝶式价差策略(Butterfly SpreaD)D、看涨期权构成的比率价差策略(CallRatio SpreaD.)

考题 Spread Spectrum扩展频谱

考题 单选题Which of the following could be the best title for this passage?A The Spread of HIV—Will We Ever Cure AIDS?B The Worse Situation of AIDS—Will AIDS Ruin the Human Race?C The Statistics of AIDS—Will AIDS Spread around the World?D The Potential of HIV—Will Asia Become the Core of AIDS?

考题 单选题下列期权交易策略中,不属于风险有限、收益也有限的策略的是()。A 看涨期权构成的牛市价差策略(Bull SpreaD)B 看涨期权构成的熊市价差策略(Bear SpreaD)C 看涨期权构成的蝶式价差策略(Butterfly SpreaD)D 看涨期权构成的比率价差策略(CallRatio SpreaD.)

考题 单选题60. A made B built C spread D paidA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题Which type of database file is spread across all disks in a disk group?()A  All types of files are spread across all disks in the disk group.B  DatafilesC  Redo log filesD  Archived redo log filesE  Control files

考题 单选题Spread a safety net under the () (舷梯).A gangwayB ladderC pilot ladderD bridge

考题 单选题Spread a () net under the gangway.A safeB safetyC dangerD dangerous

考题 单选题Fire may be spread by which means?()A Conduction of heat to adjacent surfacesB Direct radiationC ConvectionD All of the above

考题 单选题75 A ensure B separate C spread D switchA AB BC CD D