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Utopia was written by _____.

Thomas More


Francis Bacon


Daniel Defoe


Jonathan Swift


《乌托邦》是英国最主要的早期人文主义者托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More)所著。
更多 “单选题Utopia was written by _____.A Thomas MoreB Francis BaconC Daniel DefoeD Jonathan Swift” 相关考题
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考题 According to the article, Piano Man and Street-life Serenade were ______.A. written when Billy Joel was fourteenB. released by Columb a RecordsC. hit albumsD. written as movies soundtracks

考题 Which of the following defines memory interleaving?() A. The distribution of data written across all the memory DIMMs and the L1 cacheB. The distribution of data written across all the memory DIMMs in one bankC. The distribution of data written across all the memory DIMMs and the processorD. The distribution of data written across all the memory DIMMs and the L2 cache

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考题 the master of Utopia,______ owners,hereby declares general average and require all benefited interests to provide general average security.A.on behalf ofB.in behalf ofC.in behalf withD.on behalf with

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考题 近代历史上的空想社会主义来源于( )A.欧文的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念 B.戈定的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念 C.傅里叶的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念 D.莫尔的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念

考题 近代历史上的空想社会主义来源于(  )。A:欧文的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念 B:戈定的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念 C:傅里叶的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念 D:莫尔的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念

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考题 Which of the following defines memory interleaving?()A、The distribution of data written across all the memory DIMMs and the L1 cacheB、The distribution of data written across all the memory DIMMs in one bankC、The distribution of data written across all the memory DIMMs and the processorD、The distribution of data written across all the memory DIMMs and the L2 cache

考题 单选题Which of the following defines memory interleaving?()A  The distribution of data written across all the memory DIMMs and the L1 cacheB  The distribution of data written across all the memory DIMMs in one bankC  The distribution of data written across all the memory DIMMs and the processorD  The distribution of data written across all the memory DIMMs and the L2 cache

考题 单选题I will pass()Utopia.A north ofB by north ofC in north ofD from north of

考题 单选题Utopia was written by _____.A Thomas MoreB Francis BaconC Daniel DefoeD Jonathan Swift

考题 单选题MV Utopia may conduct the following operations to stop listing except to().A jettison cargoB immobilize the engineC transfer cargoD transfer bunkers

考题 单选题The book “Kids Are From Mars, Parents Are From Venus” is mentioned in the third paragraph because______.A it has the opposite opinion to the book written by the two girls.B it has ranked first on the list of best sellers for several times.C it has the same theme with the book written by the two girls.D it is another book that the two girls have ever written.

考题 单选题the master of Utopia,()owners,hereby declares general average and require all benefited interests to provide general average security.A on behalf ofB in behalf ofC in behalf withD on behalf with

考题 单选题This is to bring()your notice that MV Utopia has anchored too close to my ship.A forB toC inD with

考题 单选题I will wait for Utopia()before getting underway.A clearB to clearC clearingD cleared

考题 单选题(), the book has many mistakes.A Having not been written carefullyB Not writing carefullyC Having written not carefullyD Not having been written carefully

考题 单选题Vroom摩托车公司总部在美国,它正在Utopia 生产它们的摩托车,这是因为这个国家的生产成本更低,低关税,有利的汇率,以及容易获得更低成本的原材料(比美国低50%)。但是最近几年,更多的公司将生产搬到Utopia。由于这个因素,汇率对Vroom变得不利了,结果是原材料的成本在过去几年上涨了25%。你会建议Vroom管理层采取哪项对策?()A 当生产成本变得太高时,将所有经营立即回迁美国B 等到Utopia的经济情况发生改变,经济因素是周期性的,并回归正常C 继续营运,但是密切监控Utopia最近的经济情况D 什么都不做

考题 单选题My advice to you, sir, is that manuscripts ______ on one side only.A is written B be written C are writtenD will be written

考题 判断题Modern linguistics regards the written language as primary, not the written language.A 对B 错

考题 单选题In the instance of the PROD database, the checkpoint (CKPT) process runs after every minute. A database user updates the rows of the ORDERS table. Because of the configuration, the CKPT process gets initiated before the user commits the transaction. What would happen to the modified blocks when the CKPT process is started?()A The modified blocks would be written to the data files.B The modified blocks would be written to the temp files.C The modified blocks would be written to the control file.D The modified blocks would be written to the redo log files.E The modified blocks would be written to the archived redo log files.F The modified blocks would be retained in the database buffer cache.

考题 单选题According to the talk, which of the terms are different from each other?A Written Arabic and pan-Arabic.B Classical Arabic and written Arabic.C Modern Arabic and written ArabicD Modern Arabic and colloquial Arabic.

考题 单选题His father mentioned to me that Robert had written to him requesting money for buying a new car.A to meB had written toC himD for buying

考题 单选题If you do not know the subject, you will not understand what is said or written, even if English is your mother () what is said or written.A speakingB languageC sayingD tongue