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对因治疗(etiological treatment)


更多 “对因治疗(etiological treatment)” 相关考题
考题 用药目的在于改善症状称为A、对症治疗,或称治本B、对症治疗C、对因治疗D、对症治疗,或称治标E、对因治疗,或称治标

考题 康复治疗的基本途径有哪些?() A、改善(toimprove)、代偿(tocompensate)和替代(tosubstitute)B、独立(Independence)、自主(autonomy)和权利(rights)C、治疗(treatment)、改善(toimprove)和恢复(recovery)D、改善(toimprove)、代偿(tocompensate)和赋予(togive)E、以上都不是

考题 用药目的在于改善症状,这种治疗方法称为A、对症治疗,或称治本B、既非对症,也非对因治疗C、对因治疗,或称治本D、对症治疗,或称治标E、对因治疗,或称治标

考题 To get well, ( ). A、we are going to give the patient a chemical treatmentB、the patient needs a chemical treatmentC、the doctors suggest a chemical treatment of the patientD、a chemical treatment is necessary

考题 The doctor told him to carry ___ with the treatment. A.inB.forC.onD.by

考题 意向性治疗分析intention to treatment,ITT(名词解释)

考题 治疗药物监测的英文是() A.therapeutic drug monitoringB.treatment drug monitoringC.drug concentration monitoringD.drug therapy monitoring

考题 第三组:The sewage treatment system must be capable of discharging an effluent that comes within the limits of the tests. Sewage can be treated biologically so that it may be discharged with minimal damage to ecosystem. Biological treatment involves the use of living organisms to treat the sewage within the sewage treatment plant so the liquids and sludge discharged are within the standards specified.Biological treatment plants are usually built up as a module and consist of various sections.Waste matter collected from the ships sanitary appliances is led through a sanitary piping system to the treatment module. The solid matter is broken up by passing it through a screen or a series of revolving cutters. The broken up solid material, together with the waste liquid, passes into a tank containing bacteria which require oxygen and a nutrient to propagate. The nutrient is contained in the solid waste material, and oxygen is supplied by bubbling compressed air through the broken up waste. The propagated bacteria change the waste material into a sludge by aerobic digestion. The sludge is finally treated to kill the coliform. bacteria before it is passed overboard.When a biological sewage plant is started up, such as when activating a new ship or after cleaning out the tank, a pellet containing bacteria is introduced into the tank. It takes approximately one week for the bacteria to propagate and make the system fully effective. The choice of sanitary appliance cleaners requires extreme care, as many cleaners are toxic to the active bacteria. Once a biological sewage plant is made active it should not be shut down. If it is it will have to be reactivated again because the bacteria will die without a supply of nutrients and oxygen.Bacteria that require oxygen for their survival are referred to as aerobic. Aerobic bacteria are normally used in ships sewage treatment equipment. Other forms of bacteria that do not require oxygen are referred to as anaerobic. Anaerobic bacteria are used in shore based sewage treatment works where methane is obtained as a by-product for use as fuel.This passage is mainly aboutA.sewage treatment methodsB.the various sections of a sewage treatment plantsC.biological sewage treatment systemD.how the sewage treatment plants are started up

考题 对因治疗

考题 Whichtwostatementsaboutforwardingequivalenceclass(FEC)aretrue?() A.FECmightcorrespondtoadestinationIPsubnet,butitmightalsocorrespondtoanytrafficclassthat theedgeLSRconsiderssignificant.B.FECisagroupofIPpacketsthatisforwardedoveradifferentpath,butwiththesameforwarding treatment.C.FECisagroupofIPpacketsthatisforwardedoverthesamepath,andwiththesameforwarding treatment.D.FECisagroupofIPpacketsthatisforwardedoveradifferentpath,butwiththedifferentforwarding treatment.E.FECisagroupofIPpacketsthatisforwardedoverthesamepath,butwithadifferentforwarding treatment

考题 Based on the laser operation treatment of three patients。what can we infer from the passage?A.Laser light treatment is safe and effective.B.Laser light treatment is dangerous and ineffectiveC.Laser light treatment still requires much more studies.D.Government should encourage doctors to do research of laser light treatment on the human body.

考题 What’S the main idea of the passage7A.Laser light treatment of heart disease should take the place of the traditional operatlon.B.Laser light treatment has been proved better and more effective than the traditional operation.C.More advanced technology should be encouraged to try on.D.Laser light treatment of heart disease still needs’more research.

考题 意向性治疗分析intention to treatment,ITT

考题 表示“疗程”的英语单词是:course of treatment

考题 Which two statements about forwarding equivalence class (FEC) are true?()A、FEC might correspond to a destination IP subnet, but it might also correspond to any traffic class that the edge LSR considers significant.B、FEC is a group of IP packets that is forwarded over a different path, but with the same forwarding treatment.C、FEC is a group of IP packets that is forwarded over the same path, and with the same forwarding treatment.D、FEC is a group of IP packets that is forwarded over a different path, but with the different forwarding treatment.E、FEC is a group of IP packets that is forwarded over the same path, but with a different forwarding treatment

考题 用药的目的在于改善症状,这种治疗方法称为()A、对症治疗B、对症治疗,或称治本C、对因治疗D、对症治疗,或称治标E、对因治疗,或称治标

考题 某男,30岁,3个月来经常出现头痛、眩晕、失眠、面色苍白、平静状态有气短甚至端坐呼吸,自觉心悸,心率加快,食欲减低,腹胀等症状。对该患者的治疗应采用()A、对因治疗B、对症治疗C、对因治疗并对症治疗D、先对因治疗E、先对症治疗

考题 缩写“DOT”指()。A、Department of TreatmentB、Direction of TransportationC、Department of TransportationD、Direction of Treatment

考题 水质稳定处理(stabilization treatment ofwater quality)

考题 名词解释题对因治疗(etiological treatment)

考题 判断题The uninsured in inner and suburbia don’t need to pay for the treatment of their illnesses.A 对B 错

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT among the solutions to the lack of sewage water treatment plants?A Cooperation with other organizations.B Cooperation with the World Bank.C Two projects about treatment plants for sewage waters in Vlore and Pogradec.D To control the waste water discharged.

考题 单选题用药目的在于改善症状,这种治疗方法称为(  )。A 对症治疗,或称治本B 既非对症,也非对因治疗C 对因治疗,或称治本D 对症治疗,或称治标E 对因治疗,或称治标

考题 单选题In America, seriously ill patients will _____.A be treated if they have an insuranceB make an appointment with a specialist onlyC receive treatment even without insuranceD normally go to see an expert for treatment

考题 名词解释题意向性治疗分析intention to treatment,ITT

考题 单选题First aid means().A medical treatment of accidentB setting of broken bonesC emergency treatment at the scene of the injuryD dosage of medications

考题 单选题She is()treatment at the hospitalA undergoingB standingC bearingD suffering