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桶状胸(barrel chest)


更多 “桶状胸(barrel chest)” 相关考题
考题 可出现反常呼吸运动的是()A.脓胸B.桶状胸C.漏斗胸D.连枷胸 可出现反常呼吸运动的是()2016年护士资格证考试真题及答案(网友回忆版)A.脓胸B.桶状胸C.漏斗胸D.连枷胸E.血气胸

考题 可出现反常呼吸运动的是A、浓胸B、桶状胸C、漏斗胸D、连枷胸E、血气胸

考题 可出现反常呼吸运动的是A.浓胸 B.桶状胸 C.漏斗胸 D.连枷胸 E.血气胸

考题 肺气肿患者胸廓常见为( )。 A.扁平胸 B.畸形胸 C.桶状胸 D.鸡胸

考题 A.正常胸 B.鸡胸 C.龟背 D.漏斗胸 E.桶状胸胸骨高突,按之不痛者是( )

考题 可出现反常呼吸的是A.脓胸 B.桶状胸 C.漏洞胸 D.连枷胸 E.血气胸

考题 多见于肺气肿的胸廓改变是()。A扁平胸B桶状胸C漏斗胸D鸡胸

考题 佝偻病胸的胸廓改变包括()A桶状胸B鸡胸C扁平胸D肋膈沟E漏斗胸

考题 肺气肿患者胸廓常见为()。A、扁平胸B、畸形胸C、桶状胸D、鸡胸

考题 1Barrel=()m3。

考题 肺气肿病人胸廓形状常见为()。A、桶状胸B、畸形胸C、扁平胸D、漏斗胸

考题 属于佝偻病胸的是()A、扁平胸B、肋膈沟C、桶状胸D、漏斗胸E、鸡胸

考题 胸廓前后径小于左右径的一半称为()A、桶状胸B、佝偻病胸C、串珠胸D、漏斗胸E、扁平胸

考题 桶状胸的临床特征及其意义?

考题 桶状胸(barrel chest)

考题 下列胸廓改变,提示肺气肿的是()。A、扁平胸B、桶状胸C、漏斗胸D、鸡胸E、不对称胸

考题 桶状胸

考题 漏斗胸(funnel chest)

考题 初学者实施胸大肌重量训练,其下列何项最适当、最安全()A、Machine.Chest.Press(器械握推):12RMB、Barbell.Bench.Press(哑铃胸部推举):2RMC、Cable.Cross.Over(绳索夹胸):4RMD、Dumbbell.Chest.Fly(哑铃夹胸):6RME、以上皆非

考题 单选题When disassembling or assembling an injection pump plunger and barrel you should ()A keep the parts immersed in diesel fuelB always keep the plunger and barrel togetherC work over a linoleum-type surfaceD all of the above

考题 问答题简述桶状胸的临床特征及其意义。

考题 单选题If the plunger or barrel of a fuel injection jerk pump becomes damaged,()A only the replacement of the entire pump would be acceptableB the injection pump and injection nozzle must be replacedC either the barrel or plunger must be replacedD the barrel and plunger must be replaced as a unit

考题 单选题With reference to an axial piston pump, which one of the following statements is true?()A The cylindrical barrel is coupled to the motorB The cylindrical barrel has an odd number of boresC The bores end in socketsD The sockets fit in the swash plate

考题 名词解释题桶状胸