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The experience of foreign countries is worth learning from and taking for reference.

learning and reference


our learning and our reference


our learning from and taking for reference


our learning and make reference to


固定搭配题。句意:外国的经验值得我们学习和借鉴。be worth (doing) sth.意为“值得去做”。在本句中的something应该是”我们学习和借鉴“,所以答案为选项C。
更多 “单选题The experience of foreign countries is worth learning from and taking for reference.A learning and referenceB our learning and our referenceC our learning from and taking for referenceD our learning and make reference to” 相关考题
考题 -I find it hard to complete all the assignments while 1 am working every day._________ A.The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives.B.You know , good time management is very important in online learning.C.Great.That s a nice way to expand our knowledge nowadays.

考题 We _________ to make him feel at home. A. went to our wayB. went out of our wayC. went away from our wayD. went on our way

考题 Our likes and ______are all related to social contexts and learning experiences.A. unlikesB. dislikesC. alikesD. nonlikes

考题 Our English teacher always emphasizes the importance of learning new words in context rather than learning each of them( ). A、individuallyB、exclusivelyC、approximatelyD、supposedly

考题 We are happy to have concluded business with you, our work was not wasted. The time-taking negotiations were ().A、worthwhileB、worth our whileC、worthyD、worth while

考题 the change from sentence to discourse is the change from learning language _________ to __________. A、In isolation; in contextsB、In dependence; in discourseC、In isolation; in discourseD、In dependence; in contexts

考题 As a teacher, we should try to _______ it _______ to our students how helpful a correct learning method is.A.get, about B.get; away C.get; across D.get; off

考题 Which type of approach can best describe the following learning pattern Students search for materials in self-assess center.A.Autonomous learning. B.Interactive learning. C.Contextualized learning. D.Task-based learning.

考题 Which type of approach can best describe the following learning pattern? Students search for materials in self-assess center. A.Autonomous learning. B.Interactive learning. C.Contextualized learning. D.Task-based learning.

考题 Which type of approach can best describe the following learning pattern?Students search for materials in self-assess center.A.Autonomous learning B.Interactive learning. C.Contextualized learning. D.Task-based learning.

考题 Which type of approach can best describe the following learning pattern Students search for materials in self-assess center. A.Autonomous learning. B.Interactive learning. C.Contextualized learning. D.Task-based learning.

考题 Questions 53-55 refer to the following letter. Dear Valued customer Thank you for taking the time to fill out our questionnaire during your stay with us. We do appreciate hearing from our customers, as their comments are vital( ) us to continue improving our accommodations. A.with B.for C.at D.as

考题 共用题干 Successful Language Learners1.Some people seem to have a knack for learning languages.They can pick up new vocabulary,master rules or grammar,and learn to write in the new language more quickly than others.They do not seem to be any more intelligent than others,so what makes language learning so much easier for them?Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful language learners,we may discover a few of the techniques which make language learning easier for them.2.First of all,successful language learners are independent learners.They do not depend on the book or the teacher;they discover their own way to learn the language.Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain,they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves.They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions.When they guess wrong,they guess again.They try to learn from mistakes.3.Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore,successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language;they look for such a chance.They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake.They will try anything to com-municate.They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things;they are willing to make mistakes and try again.When communication is difficult,they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete.It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.4.Finally,successful language learners are learners with a purpose.They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it.It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them.They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it.5.What kind of language learner are you?If you are a successful language learner,you have probably been learning independently,actively,and purposefully.On the other hand,if your language learning has been less than successful,you might as well try some of the techniques outlined above. Paragraph 3_________.A:Ways to learn a language successfully.B:Learning a language purposefully.C:Learning a language actively.D:Learning a language independently.E:Learning from mistakes.F:Learning to think in the target language.

考题 共用题干 第一篇Computer LiteracyThere is no denying that students should learn something about how computers work,just as we expect them at least to understand that the internal-combustion engine(内燃机)has something to do with burning fuel, expanding gases and pistons(活塞)being driven. For people should have some basic idea of how the things that they use do what they do.Further,students might be helped by a course that considers the computer's impact on society. But that is not what is meant by computer literacy. For computer literacy is not a form of literacy(读写能力)。It is a trade skill that should not be taught as a liberal art.Learning how to use a computer and learning how to program one are two distinct activities. A case might be made that the competent citizens of tomorrow should free themselves from their fear of computers.But this is quite different from saying that all ought to know how to program one. Leave that to people who have chosen programming as a career. While programming can be lots of fun,and while our society needs some people who are experts at it,the same is true of auto repair and violin-making.Learning how to use a computer is not that difficult,and it gets easier all the time as programs become more"user-friendly".Let us assume that in the future everyone is going to have to know how to use a computer to be a competent citizen.What does the phrase"learning to use a computer" mean? It sounds like"learning to drive a car",that is,it sounds as if there is some set of definite skills that,once acquired,enable one to use a computer.In fact,"learning to use a computer" is much more like"learning to play a game",but learning the rules of one game may not help you play a second game,whose rules may not be the same. There is no such a thing as teaching someone how to use a computer. One can only teach people to use this or that program.In the second paragraph"violin-making"is mentioned to show that_______.A:programming a computer is as interesting as making a violinB:our society needs experts in different fieldsC:violin-making requires as much skill as computer programmingD:people who can use a computer don't necessarily have to know computer programming

考题 共用题干 第一篇Computer LiteracyThere is no denying that students should learn something about how computers work,just as we expect them at least to understand that the internal-combustion engine(内燃机)has something to do with burning fuel, expanding gases and pistons(活塞)being driven. For people should have some basic idea of how the things that they use do what they do.Further,students might be helped by a course that considers the computer's impact on society. But that is not what is meant by computer literacy. For computer literacy is not a form of literacy(读写能力)。It is a trade skill that should not be taught as a liberal art.Learning how to use a computer and learning how to program one are two distinct activities. A case might be made that the competent citizens of tomorrow should free themselves from their fear of computers.But this is quite different from saying that all ought to know how to program one. Leave that to people who have chosen programming as a career. While programming can be lots of fun,and while our society needs some people who are experts at it,the same is true of auto repair and violin-making.Learning how to use a computer is not that difficult,and it gets easier all the time as programs become more"user-friendly".Let us assume that in the future everyone is going to have to know how to use a computer to be a competent citizen.What does the phrase"learning to use a computer" mean? It sounds like"learning to drive a car",that is,it sounds as if there is some set of definite skills that,once acquired,enable one to use a computer.In fact,"learning to use a computer" is much more like"learning to play a game",but learning the rules of one game may not help you play a second game,whose rules may not be the same. There is no such a thing as teaching someone how to use a computer. One can only teach people to use this or that program.According to the author,the phrase "learning to use a computer"(Para. 3)means learning_______.A:a set of rulesB:the fundamentals of computer scienceC:specific programsD:general principles of programming

考题 What is the major difference between deductive learning of grammar and inductive learning of grammar?

考题 ()is the study of second and foreign language teaching and learning.

考题 Learn from Mistakes You can only learn from a mistake after you (1) you’ve made it. As soon as you start blaming other people (or the universe itself) you distance yourself (2)any possible lesson. But if you courageously stand up and honestly say “This is my mistake and I am responsible” the possibilities for learning will move towards you. Admission of a mistake, even if only privately to yourself, makes learning (3)by moving the focus away from blame assignment and towards understanding. This advice (4)counter to the cultural assumptions we have about mistakes and failure, namely that they are (5) things. We’re taught in school, in our families, or at work to feel guilty about failure and to do whatever we can to (6)mistakes. This sense of shame explains why many people give up on their goals: they’re not (7) for the mistakes and failures What’s missing in many people’s beliefs about success is the fact that the more (8)the goal, the more frequent and difficult setbacks will be. The larger your ambitions, the more dependent you will be on your ability to overcome and learn from your mistakes. But for many reasons admitting mistakes is difficult. An implied value in many cultures is that our work represents us: if you fail a test, then you are a (9). If you make a mistake then you are a mistake. Learning from mistakes requires three things: putting yourself in situations where you can make interesting mistakes; having the self-confidence to admit to them; being (10)about making changes. (1)内应选()A、runsB、accessC、challengingD、shamefulE、courageousF、possibleG、admitH、failureI、avoidJ、preparedK、activitiesL、from

考题 单选题The characteristics of good distance learning programs are the following EXCEPT _____.A students don’t have to travel away from home to take a testB the content of distance learning program is the same as that of the full time program in colleges and universitiesC the good distance learning programs include courses that are not taught in average universitiesD the relationship between students and professors are one-to-one

考题 单选题In English teaching, teachers should NOT pay attention to ________.A providing independent learning and communicating opportunities for studentsB correcting students' mistakes and erors in the process of learning immediatelyC encouraging students to discuss, cooperate, experience, practice, and explore the way to master EnglishD cultivating students' interest

考题 问答题There are great impediments to the general use of a standard in pronunciationcomparable to that existing in spelling (orthography). One is thefact that pronunciation is learnt ‘naturally’ and unconsciously, and orthography 1._______is learnt deliberately and consciously. Large numbers of us, in fact, remainthroughout our lives quite unconscious with what our speech sounds         2._______like when we speak out, and it often comes as a shock when we            3._______firstly hear a recording of ourselves. It is not a voice we recognize at once,   4._______whereas our own handwriting is something which we almost always know. We      5._______begin the ‘natural’ learning of pronunciation long before we start learning toread or write, and in our early years we went on unconsciously imitating and    6._______practicing the pronunciation of those around us for many more hours per every    7._______day than we ever have to spend learning even our difficult English spelling.This is ‘natural’, therefore, that our speech-sounds should be those of our im  8._______mediate circle; after all, as we have seen, speech operates as a means of holding acommunity and to give a sense of ‘belonging’. We learn quite early to recognize a 9._______‘stranger’, someone who speaks with an accent of a different community — perhapsonly a few miles far.                               10._______

考题 单选题More and more Chinese are learning foreign languages, ______English.A previouslyB predominantlyC practicallyD permanently

考题 单选题The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are _____.A different from learning other skillsB the same as learning other skillsC not really important skillsD more important than other skills

考题 填空题()is the study of second and foreign language teaching and learning.

考题 单选题Which type of approach can best describe the following learning pattern?Students search for materials in self-assess center.A Autonomous learning.B Interactive learning.C Contextualized learning.D Task-based learning.

考题 单选题查找中国教育网上关于“e-learning”的word文档,应在搜索引擎中输入:()A e-learning filetype:wordsite:edu.cnB e-learning filetype:docsite:edu.cnC e-learning filetype:docsite:eduD e-learning中国教育网word

考题 单选题Learn from Mistakes You can only learn from a mistake after you (1) you’ve made it. As soon as you start blaming other people (or the universe itself) you distance yourself (2)any possible lesson. But if you courageously stand up and honestly say “This is my mistake and I am responsible” the possibilities for learning will move towards you. Admission of a mistake, even if only privately to yourself, makes learning (3)by moving the focus away from blame assignment and towards understanding. This advice (4)counter to the cultural assumptions we have about mistakes and failure, namely that they are (5) things. We’re taught in school, in our families, or at work to feel guilty about failure and to do whatever we can to (6)mistakes. This sense of shame explains why many people give up on their goals: they’re not (7) for the mistakes and failures What’s missing in many people’s beliefs about success is the fact that the more (8)the goal, the more frequent and difficult setbacks will be. The larger your ambitions, the more dependent you will be on your ability to overcome and learn from your mistakes. But for many reasons admitting mistakes is difficult. An implied value in many cultures is that our work represents us: if you fail a test, then you are a (9). If you make a mistake then you are a mistake. Learning from mistakes requires three things: putting yourself in situations where you can make interesting mistakes; having the self-confidence to admit to them; being (10)about making changes. (8)内应选()A runsB accessC challengingD shamefulE courageousF possibleG admitH failureI avoidJ preparedK activitiesL from