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In her husband’s eye, Victoria has all the following qualities EXCEPT______.









细节题。由文章首段尾句的beautiful和modest可排除B、C两项。第二段首句中的ascribe intellect to her表明D项也是她的一个品质,故排除。文章开头提到,经过三十年的幸福婚姻,Virginius还是提醒自己Victoria除了缺少一点点令人心动的脆弱外具备一切魅力。由此可见Victoria最缺乏的品质就是脆弱(delicacy),选项A与之相符。故答案为A项。
更多 “单选题In her husband’s eye, Victoria has all the following qualities EXCEPT______.A delicacy.B beauty.C humbleness.D intelligence.” 相关考题
考题 A man and his girlfriend were married. It was a large celebration.All of their friends and family came to see the lovely ceremony and to partake of the festivities and celebrations. All had a wonderful time.The bride was gorgeous in her white wedding gown and the groom was very dashing in his black tuxedo. Everyone could tell that the love they had for each other was true.A few months later, the wife came to the husband with a proposal,“I read in a magazine, a while ago, about how we can strengthen our marriage,” she offered.“Each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit annoying with the other person. Then, we can talk about how we can fix them together and make our lives happier together. ”Her husband agreed. So each of them went to a separate room in the house and thought of the things that annoyed them about the other. They thought about this question for the rest of the day and wrote down what they came up with.The next morning, at the breakfast table, they decided that they would go over their lists.“I'll start,” offered the wife. She took out her list. It had many items on it. Enough to fill 3 pages in fact. As she started, reading the list of the little annoyances, she noticed that tears were starting to appear in her husband's eyes.“What’s wrong?” she asked.“Nothing,” the husband replied, “keep reading your list.”The wife continued to read until she had read all three pages to her husband. She neatly placed her list on the table and folded her hands over the top of it.“Now,you read your list and then we'll talk about the things on both of our lists, ” she said happily.Quietly the husband stated, “I don't have anything on my list. I think that you are perfect the way that you are. I don't want you to change anything for me. You are lovely and wonderful and I wouldn't want to try and change anything about you. ”The wife, touched by his honesty, the depth of his love for her, and his acceptance of her, turned her head and wept.(1)Which is NOT true according to the passage?A、The man and his girlfriend had a great wedding.B、The woman wanted reasons for a divorce.C、The man respected his wife very much.D、The woman was moved by her husband's kindness.(2) The woman suggested writing down another's weak points, in order to ________.A、make her marriage betterB、show her annoyance with her husbandC、let other people knowD、help her husband think independently(3) What is the writer's attitude to the husband's behavior?A、PositiveB、Ironical(讽刺的)C、OppositeD、None of the above.(4) According to your understanding, why did tears appear in the husband's eyes?A、Because his wife was too perfect.B、Because he accepted her as a whole, but she didn't.C、Because he loved her more than she loved him.D、Because his wife was too rude (粗鲁的).(5) It can be inferred from the passage that the wifeA、would shorten her list.B、would not let other people know her husband's bad aspects.C、would learn to respect and accept her husband fully.D、would be confused.

考题 () a thorough investigation, no trace of her husband has been found. A、AlthoughB、ThoughC、DespiteD、Even

考题 By the time her husband comes back from abroad next year,she()here for three years. A、livesB、will liveC、will have livedD、has lived

考题 Mrs. Smith is afraid that she and her husband don’t see ________ on New Year Resolutions. A.eye to eyeB.heart to heartC.face to faceD.back to back

考题 Mrs. White's husband tried to ______.A.cheer her upB.stop her from going to the supermarketC.stop her from buying unnecessary thingsD.make her less happy

考题 Text 2The real heroine of the novel stands at one remove to the narrative. On the face of it, readers are more likely to empathize with, and be curious about, the mysterious and resourceful slave, Sarah, who forms one point of an emotional triangle. Sarah is the property of Manon, and came with her to a failing Louisiana sugar plantation on her marriage to the good-for-nothing, bullying owner. But Manon’s husband is soon struck by Sarah, and the proof lies in their idiot small son, Walter.However, the reader is forced to see things through Manon’s eyes, not Sarah’s, and her consciousness is not a comfortable place to be. Never a please or a thank you passes her lips when talking to slaves, though manners is the order of the day in white society. Manon is enormously attracted by inter-racial marriage (for the place and time—the early 19th century—such a concern would not be unusual, but in her case it seems pathological). Walter, with “his father’s curly red hair and green eyes, his mother’s golden skin, her full, pushing-forward lips”, is the object of her especial hatred, but she chatters on about all the “dreadful mixed-blooded”, the objectionable “yellow” people.Beyond Manon’s polarized vision, we glimpse “free negros” and the emerging black middle-class. To Manon’s disgust, such people actually have self-respect. In New Orleans buying shoes, Manon is taken aback by the shopkeeper’s lack of desired respect. Mixed race prostitutes acquired the affections of male planters by giving them something mysterious their wives cannot often What that might be, and why wives can’t offer it too, are questions Manon can’t even ask, let alone answer.The first third of the book explores the uneasy and unsustainable peace between Manon, Sarah and the man always called just “my husband” or “he”. Against the background of violent slave revolts and equally savage revenges, it’s clear the peace cannot last. It’s part of the subtlety of this book that as the story develops and the inevitable explosion occurs, our view of all the characters swiftly changes. Sarah turns out to deserve all the suspicion Manon directs at her; at the point of death Manon’s husband displays an admirable toughness and courage; and Manon herself wins the reader’s reluctant admiration for her bravery, her endurance, and her total lack of self-pity.Perhaps the cruelest aspect of this society is the way it breaks down and distorts family affections. A slave’s baby is usually sold soon after birth; Sarah’s would-be husband, if he wants her, must buy her; and Manon herself, after all, is only the property of her husband.第26题:Which of the following reflects Manon’s attitude towards colored people?[A] Sympathetic.[B] Suspicious.[C] Concerned.[D] Disgusted.

考题 We learn that as the story develops _____.[A] readers will think differently of all the characters[B] Manon’s husband will win back her admiration[C] the emotional crisis will be swiftly resolved[D] all the suspicion will be proved against Sarah

考题 Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Every businessman possesses these four skills.B. When a striver stops his devotion to work,he will feel quite at ease.C. These basic skills are not instinctual at all.D. Mother's education has undoubted effect on her child's success.

考题 The husband’s () on her made Helen finally decide to get a divorce.A、fightB、betrayalC、goD、waste

考题 The woman and her husband______ in the same office. A: worksB: workingC: workD: has worked

考题 Helen ___ her key in the office so she had to wait until her husband ___ home. A has left; comesB left; had comeC had left; cameD had left;would come

考题 She was criticizing her husband and her sons when she quoted William James’ comment that “Even a pig has a philosophy.” (Philosophers Among Carrots) () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 As her private secretary he has _______ to all her correspondence.A.accessB.approachC.adoptionD.adapt

考题 Linda_______her husband a wallet before her husband bought her a watch. A、has boughtB、boughtC、had bought

考题 40. The women and her husband _______in the same office.A. workB. worksC.is workingD. has worked

考题 Laura was married for 6 months.Her husband was using drugs.She didn't want her son or her unborn baby to live that way,but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave.She left him a note instead.After reading the note,Laura's husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son. Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job.She was ashamed to ask for help from the police,courts or women's shelters.Sometimes her husband was very nice to her.She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father.Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem. But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family.Finally,she told her husband she loved him,but they should live apart for a while.He beat her again.The priest came over to talk to her.He asked the husband to go out for a while.Laura packed up her things and left home with her son.The next day she lost the baby.Her husband went to jail. Laura got a lot of help from groups that help women who have been beaten.Now she is in college,has her own apartment and works on special projects at a women's shelter."We got out,and it changed life for me and my child.You can do it.You can break the cycle,"Laura said. Laura didn't go to the police or courts because__.A.she was afraid of being laughed at B.the priest asked her not to do so C.her husband was a nice guy D.she was not well-educated

考题 Laura was married for 6 months.Her husband was using drugs.She didn't want her son or her unborn baby to live that way,but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave.She left him a note instead.After reading the note,Laura's husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son. Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job.She was ashamed to ask for help from the police,courts or women's shelters.Sometimes her husband was very nice to her.She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father.Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem. But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family.Finally,she told her husband she loved him,but they should live apart for a while.He beat her again.The priest came over to talk to her.He asked the husband to go out for a while.Laura packed up her things and left home with her son.The next day she lost the baby.Her husband went to jail. Laura got a lot of help from groups that help women who have been beaten.Now she is in college,has her own apartment and works on special projects at a women's shelter."We got out,and it changed life for me and my child.You can do it.You can break the cycle,"Laura said. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A.Husband-Wife Relationship B.Women's Rights C.Laura's Marriage D.Family Violence

考题 Laura was married for 6 months.Her husband was using drugs.She didn't want her son or her unborn baby to live that way,but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave.She left him a note instead.After reading the note,Laura's husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son. Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job.She was ashamed to ask for help from the police,courts or women's shelters.Sometimes her husband was very nice to her.She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father.Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem. But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family.Finally,she told her husband she loved him,but they should live apart for a while.He beat her again.The priest came over to talk to her.He asked the husband to go out for a while.Laura packed up her things and left home with her son.The next day she lost the baby.Her husband went to jail. Laura got a lot of help from groups that help women who have been beaten.Now she is in college,has her own apartment and works on special projects at a women's shelter."We got out,and it changed life for me and my child.You can do it.You can break the cycle,"Laura said.The message Laura left her husband was most likely“__”.A.Do not beat the kid any more B.Learn to take care of the family C.Leave me and my children D.Be a good father

考题 Laura was married for 6 months.Her husband was using drugs.She didn't want her son or her unborn baby to live that way,but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave.She left him a note instead.After reading the note,Laura's husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son. Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job.She was ashamed to ask for help from the police,courts or women's shelters.Sometimes her husband was very nice to her.She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father.Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem. But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family.Finally,she told her husband she loved him,but they should live apart for a while.He beat her again.The priest came over to talk to her.He asked the husband to go out for a while.Laura packed up her things and left home with her son.The next day she lost the baby.Her husband went to jail. Laura got a lot of help from groups that help women who have been beaten.Now she is in college,has her own apartment and works on special projects at a women's shelter."We got out,and it changed life for me and my child.You can do it.You can break the cycle,"Laura said.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Laura has two childre B.Laura never got any jo C.Laura's husband got punishe D.Laura got little help from the societ

考题 Have you ever argued with your loved ones over simple misunderstandings(误解)?Little wonder. We often believe we′re more skillful in getting our point across than we actually are,according to Boza?Keysar,a professor at the University of Chicago.In his recent study,speakers tried to express their?meanings using unclear sentences.Speakers who thought listeners understood were wrong nearly half the?time.Here′s some good advice to reduce misunderstanding: (1)Don′t trust what you see from the listener.Listeners often nod,look at you or say"uhhuh"to?be polite or move the conversation along.But it′s easy to consider these as signs of understanding. (2)Train the editor(编辑)in your head.If you say,"Beth discusses her problems with her?husband,"it′s not clear whether she′s talking to her husband or about him.Try instead,"Beth?talks to her husband about her problems."or"Beth talks to others about the problems with her?husband." (3)Ask listeners to repeat your message.Introduce your request by saying"I?want to be sure I said?that right."Questions like"How does that sound?"or"Does that make sense?"may also work. (4)Listen well.When on the receiving end,ask questions to be sure you′re on the same?page.After all,it isn′t just the speaker′s job to make his speech understood. By Train the editor in your head,the speakers are advised__________A.to get themselves trained by a good editor B.to discuss problems with their husbands or wives C.to express themselves in long but simple sentences D.to make sure each sentence has only one meaning

考题 She gripped her husband's arm lest she fall down.A:let B:liable C:ensure D:in case

考题 Mrs.Edwards’s husband tried to________.A.make her unhappy B.cheer her up C.buy things with her D.stop her buying things

考题 单选题The author's description of Ginny suggests all of the following EXCEPT ______.A Aphra felt amicably toward GinnyB Nathaniel and Ginny appear of similar ageC Rachel's beauty is more appreciated than Ginny'sD Ginny's appearance is in harmony with her surroundingsE Ginny has impeccable taste in clothing

考题 单选题You are the network administrator for TestKing. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All network servers run Windows Server 2003. A member server named TestkingA has a locally attached tape device. TestkingA contains several folders and files that are encrypted by using Encrypting File System (EFS). You create a new user account for a new employee named Victoria. Victoria's user account is member of the Users group only. You need to ensure that Victoria can back up the encrypted folders and files on TestkingA. Victoria must be assigned the minimum administrative privileges needed to complete this task. What should you do?()A Add Victoria's domain user account to the Administrators group.B Add Victoria's user account to the Backup Operators group.C Assign the Allow - Full Control permission on the encrypted folders and files to Victoria.D Designate Victoria as a recovery agent for the encrypted files.

考题 单选题As to names her profession brought her, she felt all the following EXCEPT _____.A confinedB fed upC agitatedD stirred

考题 单选题In her husband’s eye, Victoria has all the following qualities EXCEPT______.A delicacy.B beauty.C humbleness.D intelligence.

考题 单选题The statement “A demanding mother turns away from her husband and gives all her affection to her sons” sums up the main story of D. H. Lawrence’s _____.A Sons and LoversB The RainbowC Women in LoveD Lady Chatterley’s Lover

考题 单选题In her husband’s eye, Victoria has all the following qualities EXCEPT _____.A delicacyB beautyC humblenessD intelligence