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The dispersion of a non-zero dispersion shifted fiber is 6 ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and 10 ps/nm*km at 1610 nm. What is the minimum dispersion compensation required if an L-Band DWDM signal travels through 200 km of fiber and has a dispersion tolerance of 1800 ps/nm?()



-600 ps/nm


-200 ps/nm


+200 ps/nm


+600 ps/nm


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题The dispersion of a non-zero dispersion shifted fiber is 6 ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and 10 ps/nm*km at 1610 nm. What is the minimum dispersion compensation required if an L-Band DWDM signal travels through 200 km of fiber and has a dispersion tolerance of 1800 ps/nm?()A noneB -600 ps/nmC -200 ps/nmD +200 ps/nmE +600 ps/nm” 相关考题
考题 Using fiber optic cable, optical communications have enabled telecommunication (93) to be made over much greater distances and (94)much lower levels of(95)in the transmission medium and possibly most important of all, optical fiber communications have enabled much higher data rates to be accommodatedA. links B. lines C. circuits D. devices A. through B. from C. at D. with A. dispersion B. loss C. noise D. data rate

考题 aqueous dispersion coating

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考题 If the dispersion of a given fiber is 17ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and zero at 1310 nm, then what is the accumulated dispersion of an ITU wavelength after it travels 200 km?() A.0 ps/nmB.340 ps/nmC.200 ps/nmD.3400 ps/nmE.More information is needed.

考题 What are three factors that limit the maximum distance of an amplified optical signal without regeneration? ()(Choose three.) A. fiber dispersionB. signal attenuationC. transmitter powerD. amplifier bandwidthE. receiver dispersion tolerance

考题 Why are the 1300 nm and 1550 nm regions of the fiber spectrum primarily used for optical communications?() A. They are both regions of lowest loss.B. They are both regions of low reflections.C. They are both regions of low index of refraction.D. They are both regions of low chromatic dispersion.E. They are both regions of low Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD).

考题 What is an advantage of an externally modulated laser over a directly modulated laser?() A. lower costB. higher chirpC. easier to manufactureD. higher dispersion toleranceE. higher optical signal-to-noise ratio

考题 Which three technologies are used to reduce chromatic dispersion accumulation in fiber-optic transmission systems? ()(Choose three.) A. PIN photodiodesB. zero-chirped lasersC. Erbium-doped fiber amplifiersD. dispersion compensating fiberE. dispersion compensating Bragg grating

考题 What are three factors that limit the maximum distance of an amplified optical signal without regeneration? ()(Choose three.)A、fiber dispersionB、signal attenuationC、transmitter powerD、amplifier bandwidthE、receiver dispersion tolerance

考题 Which three technologies are used to reduce chromatic dispersion accumulation in fiber-optic transmission systems?()A、 PIN photodiodesB、 zero-chirped lasersC、 Erbium-doped fiber amplifiersD、 dispersion compensating fiberE、 dispersion compensating Bragg grating

考题 What are three factors that limit the maximum distance of an amplified optical signal without regeneration? ()A、 fiber dispersionB、 signal attenuationC、 transmitter powerD、 amplifier bandwidthE、 receiver dispersion tolerance

考题 If the dispersion of a given fiber is 17ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and zero at 1310 nm, then what is the accumulated dispersion of an ITU wavelength after it travels 200 km? ()A、 0 ps/nmB、 340 ps/nmC、 200 ps/nmD、 3400 ps/nmE、 More information is needed.

考题 Which three technologies are used to reduce chromatic dispersion accumulation in fiber-optic transmission systems? ()(Choose three.)A、PIN photodiodesB、zero-chirped lasersC、Erbium-doped fiber amplifiersD、dispersion compensating fiberE、dispersion compensating Bragg grating

考题 DCM表示是什么器件?()A、色散位移光纤。(Dispersion-shifted fiber)B、非色散位移光纤。(Non-dispersion-shifted fiber)C、色散补偿模块。(Dispersion compensation module)D、偏振模色散。(Polarization mode dispersion)

考题 The dispersion of a non-zero dispersion shifted fiber is 6 ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and 10 ps/nm*km at 1610 nm. What is the minimum dispersion compensation required if an L-Band DWDM signal travels through 200 km of fiber and has a dispersion tolerance of 1800 ps/nm?()A、noneB、-600 ps/nmC、-200 ps/nmD、+200 ps/nmE、+600 ps/nm

考题 A 2.5 Gb/s (OC-48 or STM-16) optical signal with a dispersion tolerance of 1200 ps/nm goes through fiber with 18ps/nm*km of dispersion. How many 15216-DCU-350 equivalents are needed for enough compensation after traveling 100 km?()A、noneB、oneC、twoD、threeE、four

考题 单选题The dispersion of a non-zero dispersion shifted fiber is 6 ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and 10 ps/nm*km at 1610 nm.  What is the minimum dispersion compensation required if an L-Band DWDM signal travels through 200 km of fiber and has a dispersion tolerance of 1800 ps/nm?()A  noneB  -600 ps/nmC  -200 ps/nmD  +200 ps/nmE  +600 ps/nm

考题 单选题What is an advantage of an externally modulated laser over a directly modulated laser?()A lower costB higher chirpC easier to manufactureD higher dispersion toleranceE higher optical signal-to-noise ratio

考题 多选题What are three factors that limit the maximum distance of an amplified optical signal without regeneration? ()Afiber dispersionBsignal attenuationCtransmitter powerDamplifier bandwidthEreceiver dispersion tolerance

考题 单选题If the dispersion of a given fiber is 17ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and zero at 1310 nm, then what is the accumulated dispersion of an ITU wavelength after it travels 200 km? ()A  0 ps/nmB  340 ps/nmC  200 ps/nmD  3400 ps/nmE  More information is needed.

考题 多选题Which three technologies are used to reduce chromatic dispersion accumulation in fiber-optic transmission systems? ()(Choose three.)APIN photodiodesBzero-chirped lasersCErbium-doped fiber amplifiersDdispersion compensating fiberEdispersion compensating Bragg grating

考题 多选题What are three factors that limit the maximum distance of an amplified optical signal without regeneration? ()(Choose three.)Afiber dispersionBsignal attenuationCtransmitter powerDamplifier bandwidthEreceiver dispersion tolerance

考题 单选题A 2.5 Gb/s (OC-48 or STM-16) optical signal with a dispersion tolerance of 1200 ps/nm goes through fiber with 18ps/nm*km of dispersion.  How many 15216-DCU-350 equivalents are needed for enough compensation after traveling 100 km?()A  noneB  oneC  twoD  threeE  four

考题 单选题Which of the following components is part of the ink dispersion system?()A Print HeadsB Cleaning headsC Pickup RollerD Charge Assembly

考题 单选题After an occurrence of oil pollution,what shall be done first by a vessel in Chinese port? ().A use oil dispersion agent and wait for investigationB try to collect the oil on deck or in waterC report to Harbor MasterD B and C

考题 单选题The dispersion of a non-zero dispersion shifted fiber is 6 ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and 10 ps/nm*km at 1610 nm. What is the minimum dispersion compensation required if an L-Band DWDM signal travels through 200 km of fiber and has a dispersion tolerance of 1800 ps/nm?()A noneB -600 ps/nmC -200 ps/nmD +200 ps/nmE +600 ps/nm

考题 多选题Which three technologies are used to reduce chromatic dispersion accumulation in fiber-optic transmission systems?()APIN photodiodesBzero-chirped lasersCErbium-doped fiber amplifiersDdispersion compensating fiberEdispersion compensating Bragg grating

考题 单选题Proper dispersion of fuel in a diesel engine cylinder is dependent upon the ()A injection pressureB shape of combustion spaceC turbulence in combustion spaceD all of the above