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64  A  strengthen          B  conclude          C  indicate           D  express









更多 “单选题64 A strengthen B conclude C indicate D expressA AB BC CD D” 相关考题
考题 A present B offer C manifest D indicate

考题 【C8】A.presentB.offerC.manifestD.indicate

考题 [A] conclude [B] to conclude [C] concluding [D] concluded

考题 From the text we can conclude that the author ________.[A] is supportive of both sides[B] favors the townsfolk’s view[C] takes a detached attitude[D] is sympathetic

考题 You can conclude from this passage that Jones was ______.A. thoughtfulB. fearfulC. kindD. courageous

考题 We shall appreciate it very much if you will give us indication()you think you could conclude business. A、to whichB、at whichC、in thatD、on that

考题 ()we would like to conclude this deal with you, we find your bid unacceptable. A、AsB、SinceC、Much asD、As much as

考题 In order to strengthen his muscles, Mike goes to the gym ( ) to do exercises.A.increasinglyB.oftenC.regularlyD.lively

考题 A)presentB) offerC) manifestD) indicate

考题 下面的例子采用的是______。 The following fli 下面的例子采用的是______。 <? xml version="1.0"?> <FlightInfo <Intro> The following flights have available seats: <SelectStmt>SELECT Airline,FltNumber,Depart,Arrive FROM Flights</SelectStmt> <Conclude>We hope one of these meets your needs</Conclude> </FlightInfo>A.模型驱动B.表格驱动C.模板驱动D.对象驱动

考题 Referring to the exhibit, which statement is correct?() A. The packets have exceeded the time-to-live value.B. There is a loop.C. The asterisks indicate a response time out.D. The asterisks indicate that the traceroute is completed.

考题 Whatdoestheinterfacesubcommandswitchportvoicevlan222indicate?() A.Theportisconfiguredforbothdataandvoicetraffic.B.Theportisfullydedicatedtoforwardingvoicetraffic.C.TheportwilloperateasanFXStelephonyport.D.VoicetrafficwillberedirectedtoVLAN222.

考题 They have given up the hope to save their friend from drowning.A:.endedB:abandonedC:builtD:strengthen

考题 From the article we can conclude that deadly night-shade is probably a kind of plant that is_______.A.colorful B.poisonous C.ugly D.Both A and B

考题 The company adopted new policies to( )its market competitiveness. A.aggravate B.strengthen C.intensify D.lift

考题 Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning the po column of the vmstat command?()A、 The sys is high when po is high.B、 The po represents the number of page steals.C、 The low values usually indicate insufficient paging space.D、 The low values usually indicate sufficient memory for the load.

考题 When issuing the duplicate database command, you use the parameter DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT. For what purpose do you use this parameter?()  A、 To indicate the location of the auxiliary-instance online redo logs.B、 To indicate the location of the target database datafiles.C、 To indicate the location of the auxiliary-instance control file and online redo logs.D、 To indicate the location of the auxiliary-instance database datafiles.E、 This is not a valid parameter when duplicating a database.

考题 单选题We can conclude that the main character “She” is a _____.A modelB teacherC singerD banker

考题 单选题When issuing the duplicate database command, you use the parameter DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT. For what purpose do you use this parameter?()A  To indicate the location of the auxiliary-instance online redo logs.B  To indicate the location of the target database datafiles.C  To indicate the location of the auxiliary-instance control file and online redo logs.D  To indicate the location of the auxiliary-instance database datafiles.E  This is not a valid parameter when duplicating a database.

考题 问答题What does the word “sprawl” in the first paragraph indicate?

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning the po column of the vmstat command?()A  The sys is high when po is high.B  The po represents the number of page steals.C  The low values usually indicate insufficient paging space.D  The low values usually indicate sufficient memory for the load.

考题 单选题The main touch of the shell is _____.A to strengthen the pilings of the houseB to give the house a better appearanceC to protect the wooden frame of the houseD to slow down the speed of the swelling water

考题 单选题Referring to the exhibit, which statement is correct?()A The packets have exceeded the time-to-live valueB There is a loopC The asterisks indicate a response time outD The asterisks indicate that the traceroute is completed.

考题 单选题Refering to the exhibit, which statement is correct?()A The packets have exceeded the time-to-live valueB There is a loopC The asterisks indicate a response time outD The asterisk indicate that the traceroute is completed

考题 单选题It is not uncommon for members of the clergy to conclude a public speaking engagement with ______.A a tantrumB an imprecationC a benedictionD a precautionE a fable

考题 单选题The passage implies that the new constitution ______.A was passed last AugustB will strengthen the central powerC will give Congress the power to appoint judgesD will weaken the Catholicism

考题 单选题A sight glass is installed in the liquid line to indicate the condition of the refrigerant charge and may also indicate the ().A condition of the expansion valveB moisture in the systemC condition of the compressor suction valvesD condenser temperature