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更多 “填空题____” 相关考题
考题 单选题I prefer tea()coffee.A toB fromC byD with

考题 单选题()all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy.A SpendingB To spendC SpendD Spended

考题 单选题On the table there are()A five ten-dollar billsB five ten-dollars billC five ten dollars bills

考题 单选题When she was depressed by her boss’s criticism, her colleague _____ her by expressing a different opinion.A forcedB persuadedC convincedD comforted

考题 单选题Judgment was suspended till the following Monday because of the lack of evidence.A changedB discussedC postponedD informed

考题 单选题I'd like to know what you()the plants I gave you.A made forB dealt withC live onD did with

考题 问答题她喜欢看书时听音乐。

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?A In India, the infection rate almost reaches 12 percent of its population.B In China, about 50,000 people are infected with HIV.C AIDS epidemic had caused 15,000,000 deaths in the whole world by January 2,000.D In the United States, HIV infection will go on to attack about 5% of the whole population.

考题 单选题I wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as he's promised. ()A The party won‘t start until 8:00.B Thank you for having the party for me.C Don‘t worry. He always keeps his word.D The party must cost a lot.

考题 单选题What does Peter do?()A He's good at fixing things.B He can speak good German.C He does the washingup after supperD He's a language teacher.

考题 单选题Siegel and Cummings hoped to choose an animal to _____.A call on people to take actions against global warmingB make people aware of the danger of environmental damageC introduce to people a new concept of environmental protectionD remind people of the importance of protecting endangered species

考题 单选题Hello, is Tom in? -()A Who's speaking, please?B How's everything going?C Who's this?D Hold on, please. Wrong number!

考题 单选题Could you pleas pay me()advance?A –(不填)B onC inD for

考题 单选题When MiShel gave birth to her first girl, the new sperm-separation technique _____.A had already been well-developedB had not been declared successfulC was available to those who wanted itD had been widely accepted in the medical world

考题 单选题There are many cities()very fast.A expandB which expandC which expandingD to expand

考题 单选题What's the()difference between the two parties?A essentialB necessaryC dominantD great

考题 问答题一位外国游客David在中国旅游期间不小心丢失了一件贵重行李,你多方联系后助其找回。该游客为了表达他的谢意给你写了一封感谢信,并邮寄来一件该国传统手工提包作为礼物。  请用所报考语种给这位游客回—封信,并涵盖以下内容:  (1)告知信件和礼物已经收到;  (2)对其好意表示感谢,并展现你作为导游的责任和热情;  (3)祝愿其一切顺利;  (4)希望其有机会再来中国旅游。  回信要求语言规范,行文流畅,格式正确,字数150~200字。

考题 问答题北京烤鸭

考题 问答题Practice 9Directions: You are asked to write a composition in about 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:  1. 你认为大学里课余辅导班是否应该收费?  2. 你为什么这样认为?  3. 如何解决困难生学费的问题?

考题 问答题宫保鸡丁

考题 单选题Someone over 18 years old is()under British law.A adultB grow-upC an adultD grown-ups

考题 单选题____A lain inB part ofC within that ofD staying in

考题 单选题I have()her, but I have never met her.A heardB heard ofC heard fromD heard a lot

考题 单选题This is the sort of case in which judges must exercise the arbitrary power described a moment ago.A availB useC haveD display

考题 单选题The reason why man differs from the animals is that _____.A man has education but animal notB man is higher animal than any othersC man is more susceptible to the environment than animalsD after education, man will change permanently in the habits of behavior, thought and attitude

考题 问答题Practice 2  Good manners represent our values concerning social style. Manners signal our respect for other people and are essential in gaining the acceptance of others. Two-year-old children playing on a slide will stand in line, respecting each other’s turn. If an aggressive child crowds in, the “line” will decide as a group whether to allow it or to shove him out. By the age of 2, a child is already expected by his game-mates to respect the rules of the game. And rules, like manners, define the behavior that others expect from us. A child who is either too aggressive or too retiring to follow the rules is labeled an undesirable by the other children.

考题 问答题国内某旅游团在英国旅游期间并未体验到原定的免费搬运行李和配备随行导游的服务。该旅游团在回国后,由旅游团领队向英国旅行社写了一封投诉信,讲述了事情的经过并表示了自己的不满。  请以英国旅行社工作人员的身份,用所报考的语种给该中国旅行团的领队写一封回信。回信要求语言规范,行文流畅,格式正确,字数为150~200字,内容需要覆盖以下四部分:  (1)感谢对方反映相关问题;  (2)告知已收到投诉信;  (3)表明自己已经展开调查并将调查结果反馈给对方;  (4)再次向对方道歉并欢迎对方能再次来英国旅行;