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Having a race in the snow.


Traveling in the Northeast.


Visiting a friend in the Northeast.


Booking tickets for the winter holiday.


W: Winter is the best time to visit the Northeast. Because the snow there is so beautiful.
M: You’re right. This is why we’re planning to go there next week.
Q: What are they talking about?
更多 “单选题_____A Having a race in the snow.B Traveling in the Northeast.C Visiting a friend in the Northeast.D Booking tickets for the winter holiday.” 相关考题
考题 While _______ for the bus, the old man met his old friend. A.being waitedB.having waitedC.waitedD.waiting

考题 We suggest ________ a trip during the summer holiday. (A) to have(B) having(C) have(D) not have

考题 The author's friend solved her problem by______.A. telling her admirer directlyB. keeping on dating with her admirerC. avoiding meeting her admirer any moreD. bringing her admirer together with another girl and still having him as a friend

考题 The ad is mainly intended to .A. encourage the British to travel in ChinaB. attract the British to traditional Chinese foodC. offer service of booking air tickets to touristsD. provide the British with a better understanding of China.

考题 What are you going to do in the 2022 Winter Olympics?().A. Yes, I have been there.B. I'm going to be a volunteer.C. I am traveling abroad.

考题 There are three main school holidays in the UK. They are the_____________holiday, the _____________ holiday and the _____________ holiday. A.Halloween; summer;, Christmas B.Thanksgiving Day; Easter; summer C.summer; winter; Christmas D.Easter; Christmas; summer

考题 Examine the following command:   SQL ALTER TABLE booking SHRINK SPACE COMPACT;   Which activity is performed when the preceding command is executed?()A、 The shrink operation touches every block in the BOOKING tableB、 The high-water mark (HWM) for the BOOKING table is shifted from its original positionC、 The progress of the shrink operation is saved in the bitmap blocks of the BOOKING tableD、 The data manipulation language (DML) triggers on the BOOKING table are executed because the shrink operation is internally handled by the INSERT/DELETE operation

考题 You work as a network Exchange administrator at Company.com.The Company.com network currently consists of a single Active Directory forest containing a single domain named Company.com.The Company.com organization makes use of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 as their messaging solution.During the course of the business week you receive instruction from Company.com to ensure that a newly created room mailbox automatically accepts meeting requests.What should you do?()A、You should consider having a managed folder mailbox policy assigned.B、You should consider having the resource booking attendant enabled.C、You should consider having the mailbox permissions modified.D、You should consider having the moderation for the mailbox enabled.

考题 “请把车票拿出来。”翻译为:()A、Take your tickets out.B、Show me your tickets,please.C、Let me see your tickets.D、Bring in your tickets,please.

考题 单选题What can we learn about the Greyhound tickets?A They are not available for traveling outside the U.S.B Travelers should buy their tickets in person.C Babies Call not travel free with their parents.D They have the exact travel date on them.

考题 单选题You work as a network Exchange administrator at Company.com.The Company.com network currently consists of a single Active Directory forest containing a single domain named Company.com.The Company.com organization makes use of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 as their messaging solution.During the course of the business week you receive instruction from Company.com to ensure that a newly created room mailbox automatically accepts meeting requests.What should you do?()A You should consider having a managed folder mailbox policy assigned.B You should consider having the resource booking attendant enabled.C You should consider having the mailbox permissions modified.D You should consider having the moderation for the mailbox enabled.

考题 单选题_____A Front seat tickets.B Back seat tickets.C Box tickets.D Standing tickets.

考题 单选题“请把车票准备好。”翻译为:()A Please get your tickets ready for checking.B Please show me your tickets.C Please let me see your tickets.D Please get your tickets ready for showing.

考题 单选题Jason: Can I have two tickets for the concert tonight?  Booking Clerk: Yes, sir.______  Jason: Oh, not too far back.  Booking Clerk: How about in row D?  Jason: That’ll be fine.A Here are your tickets. B Where would you like to sit?C Please sit at the back. D 12 dollars altogether.

考题 单选题Why should people call Greyhound for tickets in advance?A To avoid waiting in lines at the booking office.B To hand in necessary traveling documents.C To get tickets from the nearest terminal.D To fix the traveling destination in lime.

考题 填空题Traveling alone has a benefit that you can enjoy visiting museums, although it may be time-consuming.____

考题 单选题Passengers can begin to earn Miles _____.A if they reserve tickets at a hotelB if they buy tickets at the airportC before receiving the Permanent CardD after receiving the Permanent Card

考题 单选题Examine the following command:   SQL ALTER TABLE booking SHRINK SPACE COMPACT;   Which activity is performed when the preceding command is executed?()A  The shrink operation touches every block in the BOOKING tableB  The high-water mark (HWM) for the BOOKING table is shifted from its original positionC  The progress of the shrink operation is saved in the bitmap blocks of the BOOKING tableD  The data manipulation language (DML) triggers on the BOOKING table are executed because the shrink operation is internally handled by the INSERT/DELETE operation

考题 单选题How much will the man pay for two general tickets and two student tickets?A 10.B 20.C 30.

考题 单选题Examine the following command: SQL ALTER TABLE booking SHRINK SPACE COMPACT; Which activity is performed when the preceding command is executed?()A The shrink operation touches every block in the BOOKING tableB The high-water mark (HWM) for the BOOKING table is shifted from its original positionC The progress of the shrink operation is saved in the bitmap blocks of the BOOKING tableD The data manipulation language (DML) triggers on the BOOKING table are executed because the shrink operation is internally handled by the INSERT/DELETE operation

考题 单选题Which choice is wrong?()A He hasn’t any tickets for the football match.B He hasn’t got any tickets for the football match.C He doesn’t has any tickets for the football match.

考题 单选题“请把车票拿出来。”翻译为:()A Take your tickets out.B Show me your tickets,please.C Let me see your tickets.D Bring in your tickets,please.

考题 单选题The phraseeven in winter(Lines 8~9)most nearly means _____.A if the winter is especially warmB during all of the year except the winterC in winter as well as in other seasonsD during the evenings in winter

考题 单选题What can we learn about the Greyhound tickets?A They are not available for traveling outside the U. S.B Travelers should buy their tickets in person.C Babies Call not travel free with their parents.D They have the exact travel date on them.

考题 单选题_____ the wrong number, she couldn’t get in touch with her friend Lisa.A Being receivedB Having been givenC While receivingD When having given

考题 单选题Generally speaking,a ship steaming across the North Pacific from Japan to Seattle is likely to experience().A adverse currents for practically the entire crossingB favorable currents for practically the entire crossingC favorable currents in the summer months and adverse currents in the winter monthsD variable currents having no significant effect on the total steaming time

考题 单选题_____A Movie tickets.B Concert tickets.C Museum tickets.D Opera tickets.