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We can make the new research an()priority.









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更多 “单选题We can make the new research an()priority.A entireB obviousC expensiveD absolute” 相关考题
考题 You can make a lot of new friends if you () this club. A、joinB、take park inC、enterD、come in

考题 If we all work together, I believe we can ____________ our goal. (A) apply(B) seek(C) make(D) accomplish

考题 We can make the new research an priority. A.entireB.obviousC.expensiveD.absolute

考题 We can depend on Bob to make a () choice A. soundB. sensitiveC. noisyD. considered

考题 We all hope he can be _____ to this new job.A. enoughB. adequateC. ampleD. sufficient

考题 But we hope you can make a direct shipment.()

考题 翻译句子We can make music ourselves if we play an instrument or sing.

考题 27.If we travel by car ,we_________.A. can't travel fifty or one hundred miles a dayB. can-t stop at a hotel to spend the nightC. can make our own timetable 'D. can travel to a very far place in several minutes

考题 What kind of sounds can we make when the vocal cords are vibrating?A.Voiceless B.VoiceD.C.Glottal stop D.Consonant

考题 Many experts believe that in the new world of artificial intelligence(AI)human beings will still be needed to do the jobs that require higher-order critical,creative,and innovative thinking and the jobs that require high emotional engagement to meet the needs of other human beings.The 1 for many of us is that we do not excel at those skills because of our natural cognitive and emotional tendencies:We are confirmation-seeking thinkers and ego-affirmation-seeking defensive reasoners.We will need to overcome those tendencies 2 take our thinking,listening,relating,and collaborating skills to a much higher level.This process of 3 begins with changing our definition of what it means to"be smart."4,many of us have achieved success 5 being"smarter"than other people as 6 by grades and test scores,beginning in our early days in school.AI will change that because there is no 7 any human being can outsmart,8,IBM's Watson,at least without augmentation,Smart machines can process,9,and recall information faster and better than we humans.10.AI can pattern-match faster and produce a wider array of alternatives than we can.AI can even learn faster.In an age of smart machines,our old definition of what makes a person smart doesn't 11.What is needed is a new definition of being smart,one that 12 higher levels of human thinking and emotional engagement.The new smart will be determined not by what or how you know 13 by the quality of your thinking,listening,relating,collaborating,and learning.Quantity is 14 by quality.We will spend more time training to be open-minded and learning to update our beliefs in 15 to new data.We will practice 16 after our mistakes,and we will invest more in the skills traditionally 17 with emotional intelligence.The new smart will be about trying to overcome the two big 18 0f critical thinking and team collaboration:our ego and our fears.Doing so will make it easier to perceive reality as it is,rather than as we 19 it to be.In short,we will embrace humility.That is 20 we humans will add value in a world of smart technology. 11选?A.follow suit B.fall apart C.stand out D.make sense

考题 We explicitly make allowance for the fact that production .______when the artist dies, implying that the collectors can be sure that in the future no new similar pieces of art will put pressure on the prices in this specific market segment.A.confines B.conforms C.ceases D.continues

考题 How are we to develop new technology if we can’t study current technology to figure out how to______it? A.improve B.rest C.cause D.conceal

考题 共用题干 Verity Allen's New Show on Colors1 Different colors can affect us in many different ways;that's according to Verity Allen.In her new se- ries'Color me Healthy',Verity looks at the ways that colors can influence how hard we work and thechoices we make.They can even change our emotions and even influence how healthy we arc.2 "Have you ever noticed how people always use the same colors for the same things?" says Verity."Ourtoothpaste is always white or blue or maybe red.It'g never green.Why not?For some reason we think that blue and white is clean,while we think of green products as being a bit disgusting. It's the same for businesses.We respect a company which writes its name in blue or black,but we don't respect one that uses pink or orange.People who design new products can use these ideas to influence what we buy."3 During this four-pait series,Verity studies eight different colors,two colors in each program.Shemeets people who work in all teipects of the color industry,from people who design food packets to people who name the colors of lipsticks.4 Some of the people she meets clearly have very little scientific knowledge to support their ideas,such as the American"Color Doctor"who believes that serious diseases can be cured by,he use of colored lights. However,she also interviews real scientists who are studying the effects of green and red lights on mice,withsome surprising results.5 Overall,it's an interesting show,and anyone who watches it will probably find out something new.But because Verity goes out of her way to be polite to everyone she meets on the series,it's up to the viewers to make their own decisions about how much they should believe.The American"Color Doctor" clearly has very_____________to support their ideas.A:little scientific knowledge B:make their own decisionsC:design new productsD:change our emotionsE:name the coioro of lipotick5F:all aspects of the color industry

考题 共用题干 Verity Allen's New Show on Colors1 Different colors can affect us in many different ways;that's according to Verity Allen.In her new se- ries'Color me Healthy',Verity looks at the ways that colors can influence how hard we work and thechoices we make.They can even change our emotions and even influence how healthy we arc.2 "Have you ever noticed how people always use the same colors for the same things?" says Verity."Ourtoothpaste is always white or blue or maybe red.It'g never green.Why not?For some reason we think that blue and white is clean,while we think of green products as being a bit disgusting. It's the same for businesses.We respect a company which writes its name in blue or black,but we don't respect one that uses pink or orange.People who design new products can use these ideas to influence what we buy."3 During this four-pait series,Verity studies eight different colors,two colors in each program.Shemeets people who work in all teipects of the color industry,from people who design food packets to people who name the colors of lipsticks.4 Some of the people she meets clearly have very little scientific knowledge to support their ideas,such as the American"Color Doctor"who believes that serious diseases can be cured by,he use of colored lights. However,she also interviews real scientists who are studying the effects of green and red lights on mice,withsome surprising results.5 Overall,it's an interesting show,and anyone who watches it will probably find out something new.But because Verity goes out of her way to be polite to everyone she meets on the series,it's up to the viewers to make their own decisions about how much they should believe.C olors can even_____________and even influence how healthy we are.A:little scientific knowledge B:make their own decisionsC:design new productsD:change our emotionsE:name the coioro of lipotick5F:all aspects of the color industry

考题 look and read The four seasons In spring it is warm We can plant trees we can have picnics in the park n summer , it is hot We can go to the beath We can swim and make sandcastles there (3) We can fly kites and ride bicycles in the park In winter . it is cold we have hats . gloves and scarves we can ice - skate . it is fun (1)、简述口译训陈的方法; (2)、如指导小学生练习,试拟定教学目标; (3)、根据拟定的教学目标,设计导入和新授环节的教学活动并说明理由。

考题 We can make the new research an()priority.AentireBobviousCexpensiveDabsolute

考题 Research Is a State of Mind For many years there has been much misunderstanding as to just what research is. The popular conception seems to be that there is something mysterious about it, and before any research can be done it is necessary to have expensive scientific apparatus and large, elaborately equipped laboratories. Actually, this is not so. (6) It is a simple, organized way of trying to accomplish something you wish to do—so simple that anyone can do research anywhere at any time. First, you select the problem you would like to solve, then you list at least ten reasons why it has not been solved. (7) It takes just as much effort to solve a useless problem as a useful one. (8) After carefully—and I want to emphasize that word “carefully”—selecting the problem and the ten things between you and the solution, you then use the same procedure as in solving a crossword puzzle.(9)In the solution of the remaining obstacles you may need some simple apparatus, but the things you will probably need most are infinite patience and persistence. Few people realize the difficulties of doing any new thing. Maybe one of the reasons people are so easily discouraged is because of their education. During all our years at school we were examined two or three times a year. If we failed once, we were out. (10)If we are going to make progress, we must learn to fail intelligently so that we won't become discouraged at the 99.9 per cent failure. 9.()A、Make sure the game is worth the candle.B、That is a step in the right direction, but I don't believe it is enough.C、You take the easy obstacles first and by a process of elimination you eventually arrive at the one or two major ones.D、But in selecting the problem, you need to be sure to analyze it carefully to see that it is worth the effort.E、Research isn't a physical thing at all; it's a state of mind.F、By contrast, all research work is 99. 9 per cent failure and, if we succeed once, we are in.

考题 Not until this morning()your L/C. We can()make shipment as stipulated in the contract.A、we receive,notB、we have received,neverC、did we receive,hardlyD、had we received,certainly

考题 单选题—Can we please get a new air conditioner for our bedroom?  — ______  —Can’t you see that it’s not working right?A Do you have to repair it?B It is not very hot in this season.C I also think we should buy a new one.D What’s wrong with the one we have now?

考题 单选题From the first paragraph we can infer that in the US schools ______.A students enjoy shootingB students are eager to be soldiersC safety is a problemD students can make guns

考题 单选题Not until this morning()your L/C. We can()make shipment as stipulated in the contract.A we receive,notB we have received,neverC did we receive,hardlyD had we received,certainly

考题 单选题According to the passage, we know ______.A graffiti can make the buildings look coolB the person who collects rubbish cart get a giftC we can plant trees to improve the environment

考题 填空题When we combine fake it still you make it and visualization, it can help us succeed quickly.____

考题 单选题______ we have the official list of participants,we can make the final arrangements accordingly.A Until B Even though C Now thatD Unless

考题 单选题Please join us. We can easily make ______ for one more at this table.A seatB placeC roomD space

考题 单选题Research Is a State of Mind For many years there has been much misunderstanding as to just what research is. The popular conception seems to be that there is something mysterious about it, and before any research can be done it is necessary to have expensive scientific apparatus and large, elaborately equipped laboratories. Actually, this is not so. (6) It is a simple, organized way of trying to accomplish something you wish to do—so simple that anyone can do research anywhere at any time. First, you select the problem you would like to solve, then you list at least ten reasons why it has not been solved. (7) It takes just as much effort to solve a useless problem as a useful one. (8) After carefully—and I want to emphasize that word “carefully”—selecting the problem and the ten things between you and the solution, you then use the same procedure as in solving a crossword puzzle.(9)In the solution of the remaining obstacles you may need some simple apparatus, but the things you will probably need most are infinite patience and persistence. Few people realize the difficulties of doing any new thing. Maybe one of the reasons people are so easily discouraged is because of their education. During all our years at school we were examined two or three times a year. If we failed once, we were out. (10)If we are going to make progress, we must learn to fail intelligently so that we won't become discouraged at the 99.9 per cent failure. 8.()A Makesurethegameisworththecandle.B Thatisastepintherightdirection,butIdon'tbelieveitisenough.C Youtaketheeasyobstaclesfirstandbyaprocessofeliminationyoueventuallyarriveattheoneortwomajorones.D Butinselectingtheproblem,youneedtobesuretoanalyzeitcarefullytoseethatitisworththeeffort.E Researchisn'taphysicalthingatall;it'sastateofmind.F Bycontrast,allresearchworkis99.9percentfailureand,ifwesucceedonce,wearein.

考题 单选题What can we learn from the second paragraph?A CatwalkGenius.com financed Franny Armstrong to make her new movie.B Franny Armstrong hopes to attend the Sundance Film Festival.C People who gave 20 quids ($35) can get a ticket to watch the film.D All those who financed the film will get a percentage of the profits.