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下行的社会比较(downward social comparison)


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更多 “名词解释题下行的社会比较(downward social comparison)” 相关考题
考题 Social insurance 社会保险

考题 社会保障(Social Security)一词,最早出自美国1883年的《社会保障法》。判断对错

考题 These attempts are usually resisted by powerful people who( )from the status quo(社会现状),and it is often difficult for social movement participants to use the accepted and legal means of producing social change(such as the courts and political institutions).A.acquire B.profit C.prohibit D.succeed

考题 社会比较理论(social comparison theory)

考题 社会懈怠 (social loafing)

考题 给钱让人们玩智力游戏,他们以后继续玩游戏的行为就会少于那些没有报酬玩游戏的人;答应给孩子报酬来让他们做自己心里喜欢的事情,孩子们就会将这种游戏变成工作,这一现象称为()A、理由不足效应(insufficient justification effect)B、过度辩护效应(overjustification effect)C、社会比较效应(social comparison effect)D、自我肯定效应(self-affirmation effect)

考题 下行的社会比较(downward social comparison)

考题 SNS(Social Network Software,社会网络)

考题 “社会保障”一次的英文“Social Security”,意为社会安全。

考题 上行的社会比较(upward social comparison)

考题 下行性(血源性)感染的肾盂肾炎(downward infectious pyelonephritis)

考题 生物心理社会医学模式(bio-psycho-social model)

考题 multiple comparison

考题 因素比较法(Factor Comparison)

考题 单选题In some diesel engine designs,()the injection of cylinder oil is timed to impinge when the piston and only impinge on()A is coming upward;cylinder ring beltB is going downward;piston ring beltC is coming upward;piston ring beltD is going downward;cylinder ring belt

考题 判断题“社会保障”一次的英文“Social Security”,意为社会安全。A 对B 错

考题 名词解释题下行性(血源性)感染的肾盂肾炎(downward infectious pyelonephritis)

考题 名词解释题下行的社会比较(downward social comparison)

考题 名词解释题上行的社会比较(upward social comparison)

考题 名词解释题SNS(Social Network Software,社会网络)

考题 名词解释题社会比较理论(social comparison theory)

考题 单选题(), so they are widely used on board ship nowadays.A Diesel engines have more advantages in comparison with gasoline enginesB Diesel engines have more advantages in comparison to gasoline enginesC Gasoline engines have more advantages in comparison with diesel enginesD Gasoline engines have more advantages in comparison to diesel engines

考题 名词解释题生物心理社会医学模式(bio-psycho-social model)

考题 单选题给钱让人们玩智力游戏,他们以后继续玩游戏的行为就会少于那些没有报酬玩游戏的人;答应给孩子报酬来让他们做自己心里喜欢的事情,孩子们就会将这种游戏变成工作,这一现象称为()A 理由不足效应(insufficient justification effect)B 过度辩护效应(overjustification effect)C 社会比较效应(social comparison effect)D 自我肯定效应(self-affirmation effect)

考题 名词解释题信息性社会影响(informational social influence)

考题 名词解释题社会方言(social dialect)

考题 名词解释题因素比较法(Factor Comparison)

考题 名词解释题Social insurance 社会保险