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AC and DC generators are similar in that they ()

both generate alternating voltages


both rectify the voltage before delivery


are constructed at the same physical size for the same kilowatt rating


both supply three-phase power


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题AC and DC generators are similar in that they ()A both generate alternating voltagesB both rectify the voltage before deliveryC are constructed at the same physical size for the same kilowatt ratingD both supply three-phase power” 相关考题
考题 下列哪些变换电路技术属于变流技术?( ) A、AC/AC变换B、AC/DC变换C、DC/DC变换D、DC/AC变换

考题 ( ) can provide an asynchronous link between two ac electric power system with different nominal frequencies. A.The HVDC (high voltage DC) transmissionB.The EHV (extra-high voltage) AC transmissionC.The AC distributionD.Generators

考题 While paralleling two AC generators using synchronizing lamps only, both lamps will go dark when the generators are______.A.running at the same speedB.groundedC.of the same polarityD.in phase

考题 蓄电池充电器内()提供蓄电池充电和DC电源。A、AC/AC变换器B、AC/DC变换器C、DC/DC变换器D、DC/AC变换器

考题 在线式UPS一般为双变换结构,所谓双变换是指UPS正常工作时,电能经过了()两次变换后再供给负载。A、DC/AC和DC/ACB、AC/DC和AC/DCC、DC/AC和AC/DCD、AC/DC和DC/AC

考题 在线式UPS所谓双变换是指UPS正常工作时,电能经过了“()”两次变换后再供给负载。A、AC/DC;AC/DCB、AC/AC;DC/ACC、AC/DC;DC/ACD、AC/DC;DC/DC

考题 整流电路是()变换器,AC交流。A、AC/DCB、DC/ACC、AC/ACD、DC/DC

考题 双变换UPS在正常工作方式时,电能经过了()两次变换后再供给负载。A、AC/DC和DC/ACB、AC/DC和AC/DCC、DC/AC和AC/DCD、DC/AC和DC/AC

考题 斩波器也可称为()变换。A、AC/DCB、AC/ACC、DC/DCD、DC/AC

考题 目前逆变式弧焊电源常有的逆变制式为()。A、DC→AC →DCB、AC →DCC、AC →DC→AC →DCD、AC →DC→AC

考题 整流作用就是( )。A、DC---ACB、AC---DCC、DC---DCD、AC---AC

考题 在线式双变换UPS是指不间断电源正常工作时,将电能经过()两次变换供给负载。A、AC/DC、DC/ACB、DC/AC、AC/DCC、AC/DC、AC/ACD、D、DC/DDC/AC

考题 逆变电路是()A、AC/DC变换器B、DC/AC变换器C、AC/AC变换器D、DC/DC变换器

考题 整流就是:()。A、DC---ACB、AC---DCC、DC---DCD、AC---AC

考题 下列选项中,属于逆变器的是()A、DC/DCB、DC/ACC、AC/ACD、AC/DC

考题 力电子变换器常见有4种基本模式:直-交(DC/AC)()模式、交-交(AC/AC)()模式、交-直(AC/DC)()模式和直-直(DC/DC)()模式。

考题 交流电力控制电路是()A、AC/DC变换器B、DC/AC变换器C、AC/AC变换器D、DC/DC变换器

考题 每个UPS逆变器模块是按照()变换器的方式进行工作的。A、DC—AC—DCB、AC—AC—DCC、DC—DC—ACD、AC—DC—AC

考题 单选题Which is a function of the voltage regulators used with AC generators?()A To cut out generators when they are no longer requiredB To cut in additional generators automatically as requiredC To divide the KW load equally between generators operating in parallelD To divide reactive current between generators operating in parallel

考题 单选题While paralleling two AC generators using synchronizing lamps only, both lamps will go dark when the generators are ().A running at the same speedB groundedC of the same polarityD in phase

考题 单选题When paralleled, AC generators must have the same ()A frequencyB number of phasesC phase rotationD All of the above

考题 单选题When two DC generators operate in parallel, they are protected against motorizing by()A blow out coilsB governor relayC under voltage tripsD reverse current trips

考题 单选题If two AC generators are to be operated in parallel, the load is distributed evenly by()A means of rheostat the governor settingsB a balance coil excitationC adjusting the governor settingsD changing excitation

考题 单选题If two AC generators are operated in parallel, the load is distributed evenly by()A a rheostatB a balancing coilC changing field excitationD adjusting the governor settings

考题 单选题动力电池通过()向辅助电池充电。A 逆变器(DC/AC)B 变频器(AC/AC)C 整流器(AC/DC)D 斩波器(DC/DC)

考题 单选题AC and DC generators are similar in that they ()A both generate alternating voltagesB both rectify the voltage before deliveryC are constructed at the same physical size for the same kilowatt ratingD both supply three-phase power

考题 单选题双变换UPS在正常工作方式时,电能经过了()两次变换后再供给负载。A AC/DC和DC/ACB AC/DC和AC/DCC DC/AC和AC/DCD DC/AC和DC/AC

考题 填空题力电子变换器常见有4种基本模式:直-交(DC/AC)()模式、交-交(AC/AC)()模式、交-直(AC/DC)()模式和直-直(DC/DC)()模式。