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The plunger may be rotated in the barrel by a rack and () on a sleeve which is keyed to the plunger.

pinion arrangement


push rod


handle bar


cam device


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题The plunger may be rotated in the barrel by a rack and () on a sleeve which is keyed to the plunger.A pinion arrangementB push rodC handle barD cam device” 相关考题
考题 以下各项命令中能够复制出对象副本的命令有() A、MoveB、CopyC、RotateD、Offset Page

考题 The plunger in a jerk pump is rotated until the release port is uncovered If the port remains uncovered all of the time, which of the listed operations will occur?A.No fuel will be deliveredB.The maximum effective stroke will be attainedC.The fuel delivered to the cylinder will be excessiveD.The injection nozzle will overheat and carbonize

考题 As the plunger moves upwards in the barrel, injection will commence once the plunger bas_______the spill ports and the pressure builds up.A.opened upB.closed offC.lined upD.taken off

考题 The amount of fuel delivered by a helical plunger fuel injection pump is controlled by ______.A.varying the pump discharge pressureB.varying the pump return pressureC.rotation of the pump plungerD.rotation of the pump barrel

考题 Some villagers were going to celebrate an important wine festival(酒宴)in a few days′time,so?they borrowed a huge barrel from the nearest town,put it in the village square,and decided that each?of them should empty a bottle of the best wine he had into it,so that there should be plenty at the?feast(宴会). One of the villagers thought he would be very clever."If I pour a bottle of water in,instead of?wine,no one will notice it,"he said to himself,"because there will be so much excellent wine in the?barrel that?the water will be lost in it." The night of the feast arrived.Everybody gathered in the village square with their bowls and?their glasses for the wine.The tap(塞子)on the barrel was opened,but what came out was pure?water.Everyone in the village had had the same idea. One of the villagers poured a bottle of water into the barrel because__________.A.the wine in the barrel was too thick B.the others put water into it too C.he was cleverer than the others D.he tried to cheat the others

考题 1Barrel=()m3。

考题 桶状胸(barrel chest)

考题 When installing a server in a rack, which of the following locations describes where in the rack a server should be installed?()A、On the very bottom U of the rack, with the UPS above the serverB、In the middle of the rack to help balance the rackC、Closest to the bottom of the rack, above heavier equipmentD、On the very top U of the rack, with the UPS directly below it

考题 Which of the following server chassis types allows for the HIGHEST server density in a rack?()A、Blade serverB、Tower converted to rack serverC、Tower serverD、Rack server

考题 Which is the packaging strategy of iDataPlex of the following?()A、Fourteen servers per rack likeBladeCenterB、Two servers per rack for optimal cooling costC、One server per rack for optimal cooling and energy efficiencyD、Four servers per rack (twoexach half high) for optimal cooling

考题 在AutoCAD系统中,不出现“基点”提示的命令有()。A、MOVEB、COPYC、ROTATED、MIRROR

考题 单选题In a jerk pump, the amount of fuel that will be forced through the spray nozzle on each upward stroke of the plunger depends on ()A the pump supply pressureB the slope of the fuel camC how the plunger is rotatedD the number of sleeve segments engaged with the rack

考题 单选题Movement of the pump control rack in a fuel injection system using individual plunger-type pumps ()A changes the position of the fuel inlet portsB changes the length of the pump strokeC varies the quantity of fuel deliveredD varies the compression of the delivery valve spring

考题 单选题The plunger is machined to very fine tolerances, as is the matched()in which it reciprocates.A barrelB ramC pistonD rod

考题 单选题When installing a server in a rack, which of the following locations describes where in the rack a server should be installed?()A On the very bottom U of the rack, with the UPS above the serverB In the middle of the rack to help balance the rackC Closest to the bottom of the rack, above heavier equipmentD On the very top U of the rack, with the UPS directly below it

考题 单选题A customer has a p650 on order and plans to put it in a current OEM rack.  They are concerned that the p650 power supply may demand more current than the OEM PDU can provide.  Which planning guide specification would provide the necessary requirements?()A VoltageB FrequencyC Power Source Loading (max)D Power Source Loading (typical)

考题 单选题Diesel engine injection lag is caused by()A compressibility of the fuelB high fuel oil supply flowC scored plunger and barrel packingD excessive air turbulence

考题 单选题In a unit injector the amount of fuel that will be forced through the spray nozzle on each stroke of the plunger depends on ()A the pump supply pressureB the slope of the fuel camC how the plunger is rotatedD the number of sleeve segments engaged with the rack

考题 单选题In automatic () the winch may be overhauled and wire is paid off the barrel at a pre-determined maximum tension.A cranesB windlassC capstansD mooring winches

考题 单选题A virtual rise in the center of gravity of a ship may be caused by().A filling a partially filled tankB using fuel from a pressed fuel tankC emptying a partially filled tankD transferring pipe from the setback area to the pipe rack

考题 单选题The effective pump stroke of an individual port-and-helix fuel injection pump is determined by the ()A fuel delivery pressureB pump plunger diameterC plunger control rack positionD total pump stroke

考题 单选题With reference to an axial piston pump, which one of the following statements is true?()A The cylindrical barrel is coupled to the motorB The cylindrical barrel has an odd number of boresC The bores end in socketsD The sockets fit in the swash plate

考题 单选题When disassembling or assembling an injection pump plunger and barrel you should ()A keep the parts immersed in diesel fuelB always keep the plunger and barrel togetherC work over a linoleum-type surfaceD all of the above

考题 单选题Because of the close tolerances used in diesel engine fuel oil pumps, a worn plunger requires()A grinding the spare plunger to the barrelB replacing the plunger and the barrelC highly polishing both the plunger and barrelD replacing plunger only

考题 单选题As the plunger moves upwards in the barrel, injection will commence once the plunger has () the spill ports and the pressure builds up.A opened upB closed offC lined upD taken off

考题 单选题If the plunger or barrel of a fuel injection jerk pump becomes damaged,()A only the replacement of the entire pump would be acceptableB the injection pump and injection nozzle must be replacedC either the barrel or plunger must be replacedD the barrel and plunger must be replaced as a unit

考题 单选题The amount of fuel delivered by a helical plunger fuel injection pump is controlled by ()A varying the pump discharge pressureB varying the pump return pressureC rotation of the pump plungerD rotation of the pump barrel