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In which of the following activities does the teacher mainly play the role of a Controller?

Organizing the students to do activities by giving instruction.


Changing the pace of the class by various means.


Correcting mistakes and organizing feedback.


Introducing a new grammar point.


更多 “单选题In which of the following activities does the teacher mainly play the role of a Controller?A Organizing the students to do activities by giving instruction.B Changing the pace of the class by various means.C Correcting mistakes and organizing feedback.D Introducing a new grammar point.” 相关考题
考题 Among the following post-listening activities, which one helps the teacher determine whether or not students have got the gist of what they have listened to?() A.summaryB.discussionC.role playD.simulation

考题 Which of the following can NOT be regarded as a feature of successful English teacher? A.Thinking of learners' needs. B.Having a good command of English. C.Facilitating communicative activities. D.Following the course book only.

考题 In which of the following situations does the teacher play the role of organizer?A.Organizing students to do activities by giving instructions. B.Walking around to offer help to those who need it both in ideas and language. C.Giving feedback and dealing with errors. D.The teacher joins in students’ activity.

考题 Which of the following does not belong to the post-listening activities? A.Multiple-choice questions. B.Answering questions. C.Dietogloss. D.Listen and tick.

考题 Which of the following nominating patterns can a teacher adopt to ensure that all students are actively?involved in classroom activities?A.Nominating those who are good at English. B.Asking questions in a predicable sequence. C.Nominating students after the question is given. D.Nominating students before giving the question.

考题 In a complex integration task, a teacher is expected to devise a series of activities which are __________ linked. A.thematically B.syntactically C.semantically D.linguistically

考题 There are some speaking activities. Which of the following mainly focuses on the form and accuracy? A.Controlled activities. B.Semi-controlled activities. C.Communicative activities. D.Problem-solving activities.

考题 There are some speaking activities. Which of the following mainly focuses on the form and accuracy?A. Controlled activities. B. Semi-controlled activities. C. Communicative activities. D. Problem-solving activities.

考题 Which of the following does a teacher want his/her students to develop if he/she asks them to collect relevant information about ancient Rome.A.Culture awareness B.Language awareness C.Learning strategies D.Language knowledge

考题 Which of the following activities actually does not involve writing?A.Completion according to outlines. B.Completion with multiple choices. C.Completion according to topic sentences. D.Completion according to the brainstorming.

考题 Which of the following activities does not belong to pre-reading activities?A.scanning B.setting the scene C.skimming D.paraphrasing

考题 Which of the following activities are not communicative activities in teaching speaking A.Information gap activities. B.Accuracy-focused games. C.Debates D.Problem-solving activities.

考题 Which of the following teacher’s instructions could seI've the purpose of eliciting ideas? A.Shall we move on? B.Read after me, everyone. C.What can you see in this picture? D.What does the world "quickly" mean?

考题 Which role does the teacher play in the following activities? When the students are doing a group work task, the teacher joins one or two groups for a short period of time.A.source of help B.controller C.participant D.assessor

考题 Which of the following teacher's instructions could serve purpose of eliciting ideas?__________ A.Shall we move on? B.Read after me everyone. C.What can you see in this picture? D.What does the word "quickly" mean?

考题 Which()teacher()lessons to you every day?A、/;givesB、does;giveC、do;give

考题 单选题Which of the following activities actually does not involve writing?A Completion according to outlines.B Completion with multiple choices.C Completion according to topic sentences.D Completion according to the brainstorming.

考题 单选题Which of the following activities actually does not involve writing? _____.A Completion according to outlinesB Completion with multiple choicesC Completion according to topic sentencesD Completion with detailed examples related to the topic

考题 单选题Which of the following activities does not belong to pre-reading activities? _____A scanningB setting the sceneC skimmingD paraphrasing

考题 单选题There are some speaking activities. Which of the following mainly focus on the form and accuracy?A Controlled activities.B Semi-controlled activities.C Communicative activities.D Problem-solving activities.

考题 单选题Which of the following does not make a good English teacher?A Following strictly the lesson plan.B Considering students ' needs and levels.C Using very simple and clear instructions.D Keeping on teaching reflection.

考题 单选题Which of the following teacher's instructions could serve purpose of eliciting ideas?A Shall we move on?B Read after me everyone.C What can you see in this picture?D What does the word quickly mean?

考题 单选题Which role does the teacher play in the following activities? When the students are doing a group-work task, the teacher joins one or two groups for a short period of time.A organizerB controllerC participantD assessor

考题 单选题In which of the following activities does the teacher mainly play the role of a Controller?A Organizing the students to do activities by giving instruction.B Changing the pace of the class by various means.C Correcting mistakes and organizing feedback.D Introducing a new grammar point.

考题 单选题There are some speaking activities. Which of the following mainly focuses on the form and accuracy? _____A controlled activitiesB semi-controlled activitiesC communicative activitiesD problem-solving activities

考题 单选题What does the passage mainly discuss?A Government’s support for arts.B Art centers in the USA.C The declining of cultural activities in the USA.D Cultural activities in the USA.

考题 单选题There are some speaking activities. Which of the following mainly focus on the form and accuracy?A Controlled activities.B Semi-controlled activitiesC Communicative activities.D Problem-solving activities.

考题 问答题Directions: some people prefer work or activities that mainly involve working with people. Others choose work or activities that mainly involve working with objects or machines. Compare these types of activities. Which of them do you prefer? Give reasons to support your answer. Your composition should be no less than about 160 words.