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句意:或许你在身处的环境中接收到过多的消极信息,很多都是不应得的。后面修饰“delightful messages”肯定是“很少的”,故选minimum。
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考题 填空题____

考题 填空题____

考题 填空题Maintaining an energetic presence is very difficult to do unless you’re involved with something you enjoy.____

考题 单选题A Automobile safety.B Increasing fuel efficiency.C Electricity-powered cars.D The improvement of car batteries.

考题 填空题According to Prof. Schkade, when one has the sense of accomplishment in work, he will find work’s real pleasure.____

考题 问答题Practice 6  金融体制改革是我们经济体制改革的重头戏。中国金融体系存在许多问题,最主要的就是银行不良贷款比例较高,存在着很大的金融隐患。主要原因在于体制,必须加快对银行体制的改革。我们的目标是建立现代银行制度,使银行能够成为自主经营、自负盈亏、真正的商业银行。我们要创造条件实行银行公司治理结构的改造,实行股份制(share-holding system),具备条件的,允许上市。

考题 问答题Practice 2  最近在高校毕业生择业问题上出现一种倾向,这就是毕业生越来越青睐大公司。很少人愿意到研究单位。在崇尚物质的(materialistic)社会里,这是一个不可避免的问题。学生还没有走出校门,大公司便在竞相聘用他们,向他们提供具有诱惑力的薪水和福利待遇。这些情况不仅严重影响青年人的择业观,而且还影响了教育。许多教师哀叹,现在单纯为了学知识而学习的人越来越少了。

考题 填空题____

考题 问答题Practice 1  文明是什么意思?它意指一个建立在平民百姓舆论基础上的社会。它意味着暴力、武士和暴君的(despotic)统治、战争冲突、暴动暴政(tyranny)为立法议会所取代,被法律得以长期维护的独立法庭所代替。这就是文明,在文明的土壤里,自由、舒适和文化不断发展壮大。如果文明在任何一个国家里占了支配地位(reign),那么便可给人民群众提供一种更加宽松的较为平静的生活,过去的传统则受人珍重,英明伟人或勇士们留给(bequeath)我们的遗产则成为咱们大家共同享用的丰富的财产。

考题 填空题The political and economic unrest in the Middle East is principally attributed to oil.____

考题 填空题The author suggests that you should bring with you a change of clothing in your shoulder bag.____

考题 填空题The etiquette of pub-arguments reflects principles of equality, interaction, the pursuit of intimacy and a non-aggression agreement.____

考题 单选题It is the author’s view that _____.A self-promotion does not necessarily mean flatteryB work hard contributes very little to one’s promotionC many employees fail to recognize the need of flatteryD speaking up for oneself is part of human nature

考题 单选题According to the author, the United States claims to be a nation _____.A composed of people having different valuesB encouraging individual pursuitsC sharing common interestsD founded on shared ideals

考题 填空题Julia Goforth believes that learning never ends, so she is going to learn to belly dance and play the violin this year.____

考题 单选题A To protect environment.B To cool buildings.C To change the climates.D To provide drinking water.

考题 单选题According to the passage, opponents’ of the private ownership H-bombs are very much worried that _____.A the cost of the weapon will put citizens on an unequal basisB the wide use of the weapon will push up living expenses tremendouslyC poorly-educated Americans will find it difficult to make use of the weaponD the influence of the association is too powerful for the less privileged to overcome.

考题 填空题Children who learn best from hands-on participation can be classified as kinesthetic learners.____

考题 单选题A They have the same pay.B They involve working outdoors.C They are part of college courses.D They’re part-time.

考题 单选题What is special about fox hunting in Britain?A It involves the use of a deadly poison.B It is a costly event which rarely occurs.C The hunters have set rules to follow.D The hunters have to go through strict training.

考题 单选题A Rob a jewelry store.B Stole expensive jewelries.C Broke into a school.D Kill a school janitor.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题It can be inferred from the passage that _____.A killing foxes with poison is illegalB limiting the fox population is unnecessaryC hunting foxes with dogs is considered cruel and violentD fox-hunting often leads to confrontation between the poor and the rich

考题 单选题By saying that the bomb also has a deterrent effect the spokesman means that it _____.A can kill those entering others’ houses by forceB will threaten the safety of the owners as wellC will frighten away any possible intrudersD can show the special status of its owners

考题 单选题Who can make big money in the new century according to the passage?A Retirees who are business-minded.B The volunteer workers in retirement homes.C College graduates with an MBA or law degree.D Professionals with a good knowledge of gerontology.

考题 填空题Winter Solstice means spring is coming when it comes around Dec. 21st.____

考题 填空题____

考题 填空题Publishing horoscope columns in newspapers helped to make astrology spread across the world widely.____