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She became the first woman to enter the school but withdrew after a few days _____ stress.

because of


in spite of


instead of


in honor of


更多 “单选题She became the first woman to enter the school but withdrew after a few days _____ stress.A because ofB in spite ofC instead ofD in honor of” 相关考题
考题 What do we know about the girl? ( )A.She is new to the school.B.She writes for the school newspaper.C.She seldom asks questions in class.

考题 Why was the woman at the airport? ( )A.She was traveling on business.B.She was seeing the man off.C.She was leaving for Greece.

考题 She is always the first ______to school.A. comingB. to comeC. to have comeD. having come

考题 What do we know about the girl?A.She is new to she school.B.She wriers for the school newspaper.C.She seldom asks questions in class.

考题 Why was the woman at the airport?A She was traveling on business.B She was seeing the man off .C She was leaving for Greece.

考题 —_____? —She's our history teacher.A.Where is she fromB.Where does the woman workC.Who is sheD.How is the woman

考题 As a woman volunteer, she is keen on uniforms.()

考题 In fact, she was the first woman _______ to such a post. A: to electB: to be electingC: to have electedD: to have been elected

考题 AHer name is Mary. She comes from America. She is in China with her father and mother. She can speak a little Chinese. She studies in No. 80 Middle School in Tianjin.She is in the same school as her parents(father and mother). She is a good student. She goes to school six days a week. She likes getting up early. She doesn’t like to be late.She often goes to school very early. But today she gets up late. So she gets to the classroom at 7:30. But there aren’t any students in it. She is not late. She is still early. It’s Sunday today. The students are all at home.( )21.Mary is from _______.A. AmericaB. ChinaC. No. 80 Middle SchoolD. Tianjin

考题 共用题干 Female BullfightingIt was a unique,eye-catching sight:an attractive woman in a shiny bullfighter's suit, sword in hand,facing the sharp horns of a black,500-kilogram beast.Most people thought the days of female bullfighting were over in Spain._____(1)The first woman fighter,Cristina Sanchez,quit in 1999 because of male discrimination (歧视).But Vega is determined to break into what could be Spain's most resistant male field._____(2)Spanish women have conquered almost all male professions.______(3) "The bull does not ask for your identity card,"she said in an interview a few years ago.She insisted that she be judged for her skills rather than her femaleness.Vega became a matador(斗牛士)in 1 997 in the southwestern city of Caceres. _____(4)She entered a bullfighting school in Malaga at age nine and performed her first major bullfight at age 14 .She has faced as much opposition as Sanchez did.And the "difficulties have made her grow into a very strong bullfighter,"her brother Jorge says.The 1 .68-metre tall and somewhat shy Vega says her love of bullfighting does not make her any less of a woman._____(5)__________(4)A:.She intends to become even better than Sanchez was.B:.Her father was an aspiring(有雄心壮志的)bullfighter.C:.But many bullfighting professionals continue to insist that women do not have what it takes to perform the country's"national show".D:."I'm a woman from head to toe and proud of it,"she once said.E:.She looks like a male bullfighter.F:But recently,29-year-old Mani Paz Vega became the second woman in Spanish history to fight against those heavy animals.

考题 共用题干 第三篇Karen Rusa was a 30-year-old woman and the mother of four children. For the past several months Karen had been experiencing repetitive thoughts that centered around her children's safety. She frequently found herself imagining that a serious accident had occurred;she was unable to put these thoughts out of her mind.On one such occasion she imagined that her son,Alan,had broken his leg playing football at school. There was no reason to believe that an accident had occurred,but she kept thinking about the possibility until she finally called the school to see if Alan was all right. Even after receiving their assurance that he had not been hurt,she described herself as being somewhat surprised when he later arrived home unharmed.Karen also noted that her daily routine was seriously hampered by an extensive series of counting work that she performed throughout each day.Specific numbers come to have a special meaning to her;she found that her preoccupation with these numbers was interfering with her ability to perform everyday activities.One example was grocery shopping. Karen believed that if she selected the first item,some dreadful thing would happen to her first child, if she selected the second item,some unknown disaster wonld fall on her second child, and so on for the four children.Karen's preoccupation with numbers extended to other activities, most notable the pattern in which she smoked cigarettes and drank coffee.If she had one cigarette, she believed that she had to smoke at least four in a row or one of her children would be harmed in some way. If she drank one cup of coffee,she felt compelled to drink four. Karen acknowledged the unreasonableness of these rules,but,nevertheless,maintained that she felt more comfortable,when she observed them earnestly.When she was occasionally in too great a hurry to observe these rules, she experienced considerable anxiety in the form of a subjective feeling of dread and fear. She described herself as tense,uneasy and unable to relax during these periods.The main idea of the passage is to______.A:describe a woman who suffered from a psychological diseaseB:warn the readers against any imaginationC:explain the reason why Karen had such fanciful thoughtsD:present a case for the readers to study

考题 Ann Curry is a famous news presenter of the NBC News"Today"show.When she was 15 she?happened to walk into a bookstore in her hometown and began looking at the books on the shelves.The man behind the counter,Mac McCarley,asked if she′d like a job.She needed to start saving?for college,so she said yes. Ann worked after school and during summer vacations,and the job helped pay for her first year?of college.During college she would do many other jobs:she served coffee in the students′union,was a hotel maid and even made maps for the US Forest Service.But selling books was one of the?most satisfying jobs. One day a woman came into the bookstore and asked Ann for books on cancer(癌症).The?woman seemed anxious.Ann showed her practically everything they had and found other books they?could order.The woman left the store less worried,and Ann has always remembered the pride she?felt in having helped her customer. Years later,as a television reporter in Los Angeles,Ann heard about a child who was born with?problems with his fingers and his hand.His family could not afford a surgical(外科的)operation,and the boy lived in shame,hiding his hand in his pocket all the time. Ann persuaded her boss to let her do the story.After the story was broadcast,a doctor and a?nurse called,offering to perform the surgical operation for free. Ann visited the boy in the recovery room after the operation.The first thing he did was to hold?up his repaired hand and say,"Thank you."What a sweet sense of satisfaction Ann Curry felt!At McCarley′s bookstore,Ann always sensed she was working for the customers,not the store.Today it′s the same.NBC News pays her,but she feels as if she works for the people who watch the?programmes,helping them make sense of the world. Ann Curry got her first job__________.A.from her friend in a bookstore B.a couple of years before college C.at the NBC News"Today"show D.when she was studying at university

考题 Ann Curry is a famous news presenter of the NBC News"Today"show.When she was 15 she?happened to walk into a bookstore in her hometown and began looking at the books on the shelves.The man behind the counter,Mac McCarley,asked if she′d like a job.She needed to start saving?for college,so she said yes. Ann worked after school and during summer vacations,and the job helped pay for her first year?of college.During college she would do many other jobs:she served coffee in the students′union,was a hotel maid and even made maps for the US Forest Service.But selling books was one of the?most satisfying jobs. One day a woman came into the bookstore and asked Ann for books on cancer(癌症).The?woman seemed anxious.Ann showed her practically everything they had and found other books they?could order.The woman left the store less worried,and Ann has always remembered the pride she?felt in having helped her customer. Years later,as a television reporter in Los Angeles,Ann heard about a child who was born with?problems with his fingers and his hand.His family could not afford a surgical(外科的)operation,and the boy lived in shame,hiding his hand in his pocket all the time. Ann persuaded her boss to let her do the story.After the story was broadcast,a doctor and a?nurse called,offering to perform the surgical operation for free. Ann visited the boy in the recovery room after the operation.The first thing he did was to hold?up his repaired hand and say,"Thank you."What a sweet sense of satisfaction Ann Curry felt!At McCarley′s bookstore,Ann always sensed she was working for the customers,not the store.Today it′s the same.NBC News pays her,but she feels as if she works for the people who watch the?programmes,helping them make sense of the world. At which part-time job did Ann Curry feel the happiest?A.The hotel. B.The bookstore. C.The students'union. D.The US Forest Service.

考题 资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling. In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon (外科医生) , but a serious eye problem forced he r to give up the idea. Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children Besides being the first woman physician and founding her won hospital, she also set up the first medical school for women. Why couldn’t Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon?A.She decided to further her education in Paris B.serious eye problem shopped her C.She couldn’t get admitted to medical school D.It was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States

考题 资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling. In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon (外科医生) , but a serious eye problem forced he r to give up the idea. Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children Besides being the first woman physician and founding her won hospital, she also set up the first medical school for women. Elizabeth Blackwell spent most of her lift in ________ . A.Paris B.the United States C.English D.New York City

考题 资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling. In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon (外科医生) , but a serious eye problem forced he r to give up the idea. Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children Besides being the first woman physician and founding her won hospital, she also set up the first medical school for women. How many years passed between her graduation from medical school and the opening of her hospital?A.Ten years B.Nineteen years C.Eight years D.Thirty-six years

考题 资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling. In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon (外科医生) , but a serious eye problem forced he r to give up the idea. Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children Besides being the first woman physician and founding her won hospital, she also set up the first medical school for women. According to the passage, all of the following are “firsts” in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell, except that she ________ . A.was the first woman doctor B.and several other women founded the first hospital for women children C.became the first woman physician D.set up the first medical school for women

考题 资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling. In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon (外科医生) , but a serious eye problem forced he r to give up the idea. Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children Besides being the first woman physician and founding her won hospital, she also set up the first medical school for women. What main obstacle (障碍) almost destroyed Elizabeth’s chances for becoming for a doctor?A.She wrote too many letters. B.She couldn’t graduate from medical school. C.She was a woman. D.She couldn’t set up her hospital.

考题 共用题干 Estee Lauder Died1 The child of Central European immigrants who created an international cosmetics(化妆品)empire and became one of the most influential women in US,has died on Saturday.Estee Lauder died at her home in Manhattan,New York City,a company spokeswoman said.She was 97.2 Born in Queens,New York in 1908,Lauder was the daughter of a Hungarian mother and a Czech father.3 Lauder began her business career by selling skincare products developed by her uncle John Schotz, a chemist, to beauty salons(美容院)and hotels.In 1930, she married Joseph Lauder who became her partner.The company,which became known as Estee Lauder,took oft after World War Ⅱ.4 In 1953,the company introduced its first perfume(香水),Youth Dew, the first of a range of fragrances that has now grown to more than 70.They include:Aramis,a line of products for men, launched in 1964; and Clinique, a range of odourless(无臭的) cosmetics,which followed in 1968.5 By the time she retired in 1995,Lauder was presiding over a multibillion-dollarenterprise,which now ranks number 349 in the Fortune 500 list of largest US companies.In 1998,she was the only woman to feature in Time magazine's selection of the 20 most important business geniuses of the last century.There were two secrets to her success: her gift for selling things and her tireless energy and determination never to accept second best.6 Even after her retirement at the age of 89,Lauder remained closely involved.Beauty, Lauder believed,was the most important thing in life.7 She wrote in her 1985 autobiography,"Estee,a Success Story":"In a perfect world, we'd all be judged on the sweetness of our souls.But in our less than perfect world,the woman who looks pretty has a distinct advantage and,usually,the last word."Paragraph 5__________A:Early careerB:ChildoodC:ProductsD:RetirementE:Cosmetics empressF:Birth

考题 There are ten () in our school.A、woman teachersB、women teacherC、woman teacherD、women teachers

考题 单选题After she became a lawyer, she decided to ()criminal law.A workB practiceC devoteD deal

考题 单选题When Sally _____ the criminal _____ her house, she screamed at the top of her voice because she didn’t want _____.A saw; enter; killedB saw; enter; to be killedC sees; entering; be killedD sees; enter; killing

考题 单选题So nervous ______ that she didn’t know how to start her speech.A since she became B would she becomeC that she became D did she become

考题 单选题By no means _____ to her parents.A this is the first time has she liedB this is the first time does she tell a lieC is this the first time she has liedD is this the first time she was lying

考题 单选题Which of the following is the best version of sentence 1 (reproduced below)?Mike Reynolds who is the author of the book, The New Girl came to our school to speak about his book, which tells about him portraying a woman for six weeks.A (As it is now)B Mike Reynolds, the author of The New Girl, spoke at our school about his book, in which he describes how he portrayed a woman for six weeks.C Mike Reynolds, the author of The New Girl, came to our school and told us about his book, where he portrayed a woman for six weeks.D The author of The New Girl, Mike Reynolds came to our school to speak, in it he portrayed a woman for six weeks,E The author of The New Girl, Mike Reynolds, spoke at our school about his book, that portrays a woman for six weeks.

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the woman?A She is married to a school teacher.B Her eyes move around a lot at times.C She is ten years older than Jerome.D She has found what she is looking for.

考题 单选题What does the woman mean when she first refers to a balanced diet?A Eating less than necessary.B Trying to lose weight quickly.C Getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals.