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The author believes that in a nation where free enterprise (白由企业制) exists,manufacturers will produce______.

as much as they like.


better quality merchandise (商品)


more than they are able to sell


both A and B


更多 “单选题The author believes that in a nation where free enterprise (白由企业制) exists,manufacturers will produce______.A as much as they like.B better quality merchandise (商品)C more than they are able to sellD both A and B” 相关考题
考题 The American belief in "free enterprise" has precluded a major role for government.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 From the passage, we can inter thatA. the author has a high opinion of the foundationB. the author is surely a close friend of the GatesC. the author believes Bill Gates is really a kind personD. the author admires the medical knowledge of Bill Gates

考题 The author believes that using public monies to fund charter schools is ______.A.a cure-all solutionB.hard to implementC.a good ideaD.against the law

考题 The author of the text seems to oppose the idea of______.[A] free market[B] military control[C] strict regulations[D] unrestrained labors

考题 The author believes that, in face of the challenge from animal rights advocates, scientists shouldA. communicate more with the public.B. employ hi-tech means in research.C. feel no shame for their cause.D. strive to develop new cures.

考题 We can learn from the last paragraph that the author believes ________.[A] happiness more often than not ends in sadness[B] the anti-happy art is distasteful but refreshing[C] misery should be enjoyed rather than denied[D] the anti-happy art flourishes when economy booms

考题 By means of “free verse,” _______ believes that he has turned the poem into an open field, an area of vital possibility where the reader can allow his own imagination to play.A、Emily DickinsonB、Walt WhitmanC、Robert FrostD、Ezra Pound

考题 The author believes the real cause for the increase of divorces today is that______.A)people have too many sources of entertainmentB) people have less internal restraintsC) people no longer enjoy family life as they did beforeD)people do not want to be confined by marital ties

考题 要查询book表中所有书名以“电子商务”开头的书籍作者,可用(61)语句。A.SELECT author FROM booK WHERE book _name=‘电子商务*’B.SELECT author FROM booK WHERE book _name LIKE‘电子商务*’C.SELECT author FROM booK WHERE book_ name=‘电子商务%’D.SELECT author FROM booK WHERE book_name LIKE‘电子商务%’

考题 Which of the following statements is true?__________A.The author believes that a born naturalist can not be a scientist B.The author read a lot of books about the natural world and oil industry C.The author's brothers and sisters were good at music and languages D.The author spend a lot of time working on riddles

考题 The author believes that__________.A.her future will be free from troubles B.it is difficult to become patient C.there are more good things than bad things D.good things will happen if one keeps trying

考题 Which of the following best states the author’s attitude toward the information that scholars have gathered about Proust’s writing in 1909?( ) A.The author is disappointed that no new documents have come to light since Fallois’speculations. B.The author is dissatisfied because there are too many gaps and inconsistencies in the drafts. C.The author is confident that Fallois’s 1954 guess has been proved largely correct,but regrets that still more detailed documentation concerning Proust’s transition from the essay to the novel has not emerged. D.The author is satisfied that the facts of Proust’s life in 1909 have been thoroughly established,but believes such documents as drafts and correspondence are only of limited value in a critical assessment of Proust’s writing.

考题 单选题Select one answer choice.  The author’s attitude toward the nation of the Philippines might be described as ______.A enragedB sanguineC casualD sympatheticE enthusiastic

考题 单选题The author believes that the solution of family problems _____.A is best felt in the hands of social workers and specialists on the familyB is similar in all familiesC needs to be reached by-ways unique to each familyD is not necessary in household where sharing is done

考题 单选题The attitude of the two authors toward the fate of chimps in the wild can be described as ______.A opposed; the second author is more idealistic than the firstB similar; both authors argue that chimpanzees flourish in the wildC identical; both authors argue that chimpanzees require the refuge of artificial environmentsD diametrically opposed; the first author believes that every animal belongs in the wild, while the second sees an advantage to zoos and sanctuariesE varying; the first author works to save wild habitats, while the second author is uninterested in such pursuits

考题 单选题The author believes that the enjoyment of literature comes from ______.A shockB an anticipation of phraseC the originality of the thoughtD ingeniousness

考题 单选题The author believes that the future of nanotechnology will be ______.A conspicuousB distinctiveC foreseeableD promising

考题 单选题According to the author, the United States claims to be a nation _____.A composed of people having different valuesB encouraging individual pursuitsC sharing common interestsD founded on shared ideals

考题 单选题The author of the book believes that .A drinking coffee was unpatrioticB 2000 insurance companies were set up hundreds of years agoC Europeans were responsible for the existence of slaveryD coffee actually influenced the rise of business

考题 单选题The author believes that _____.A art is useful only when it is made into a money earnerB the promotion of economic growth is the only goal of today’s societyC universities should not provide literature or art coursesD the society needs both technical skills and arts

考题 单选题The author of the book believes that ______.A drinking coffee was unpatrioticB 2,000 insurance companies were set up hundreds of years agoC Europeans were responsible for the existence of slaveryD coffee actually influenced the rise of business

考题 单选题The author believes before long, machines will __________.A actually replace unskilled workersB have learned to think for usC be shaped like robotsD no longer be needed

考题 单选题The author suggests that we should ______.A stop ourselves from telling liesB know clearly what is on our mindsC heal all the wounds to free ourselvesD say with caution what we really think

考题 单选题As for epitaphs, which of the following is NOT true?A It may honor both the living and the dead.B The author was unhappy with modern epitaphs.C There are inscriptions on the monuments.D People tend to get some ideas of a nation from its epitaphs.

考题 单选题Concerning programs for children, it may be inferred that the author believes that such programs should _____.A include no cartoons at allB include ones which provide cultureC be presented only in the morningD be presented without commercials

考题 单选题Which of the following statement is true?A The author believes that a born naturalist cannot be a scientist.B The author's brothers and sisters were good at music and languages.C The author read a lot of books about the natural world and the oil industry.D The author spent a lot of time working on riddles.

考题 单选题As to the views mentioned in the two girls’ book, the author believes that _____.A they provide some approaches to her child-rearingB they revealed thinking patterns of teenagers and parentsC they have obtained unanimous support from the publicD they have overestimated the rights of teenagers