(b) (i) Discusses the principles involved in accounting for claims made under the above warranty provision.(6 marks)(ii) Shows the accounting treatment for the above warranty provision under IAS37 ‘Provisions, ContingentLiabilities and Contingent Assets’ for the year ended 31 October 2007. (3 marks)Appropriateness of the format and presentation of the report and communication of advice. (2 marks)
(d) Sirus raised a loan with a bank of $2 million on 1 May 2007. The market interest rate of 8% per annum is tobe paid annually in arrears and the principal is to be repaid in 10 years time. The terms of the loan allow Sirusto redeem the loan after seven years by paying the full amount of the interest to be charged over the ten yearperiod, plus a penalty of $200,000 and the principal of $2 million. The effective interest rate of the repaymentoption is 9·1%. The directors of Sirus are currently restructuring the funding of the company and are in initialdiscussions with the bank about the possibility of repaying the loan within the next financial year. Sirus isuncertain about the accounting treatment for the current loan agreement and whether the loan can be shown asa current liability because of the discussions with the bank. (6 marks)Appropriateness of the format and presentation of the report and quality of discussion (2 marks)Required:Draft a report to the directors of Sirus which discusses the principles and nature of the accounting treatment ofthe above elements under International Financial Reporting Standards in the financial statements for the yearended 30 April 2008.
(iii) Whether or not you agree with the statement of the marketing director in note (9) above. (5 marks)Professional marks for appropriateness of format, style. and structure of the report. (4 marks)
Assume that the corporation tax rates for the financial year 2004 apply throughout.(b) Explain the corporation tax (CT) and value added tax (VAT) issues that Irroy should be aware of, if sheproceeds with her proposal for the Irish subsidiary, Green Limited. Your answer should clearly identify thosefactors which will determine whether or not Green Limited is considered UK resident or Irish resident andthe tax implications of each alternative situation.You need not repeat points that are common to each situation. (16 marks)
4 Assume today’s date is 5 February 2006.Joanne is 37, she was born and until 2005 had lived all her life in Germany. She recently married Fraser, aged 38,who is a UK resident, but who worked briefly in Germany. They have no children.The couple moved to the UK to live permanently on 9 October 2005. Joanne was employed by an American companyin Germany, and she continued to work for them in the UK until the end of November 2005. Her earnings from theAmerican company were £5,000 per month. Joanne has not remitted any of the income she earned in Germany priorto her arrival in the UK.Joanne resigned from her job at the end of November 2005. The company did not hold her to the three months noticestipulated in her contract, but still paid her for that period. In total, Joanne paid £4,200 in UK income tax under PAYEfor the tax tear 2005/06.Joanne also wishes to sell the shares she holds in a German listed company. The shareholding cost the equivalent of£3,500 in September 1986, and its current value is £21,500. She intends to sell the shares in March 2006 and toinvest the proceeds from the sale in the UK. Joanne has made no other capital disposals in the year.Prior to her leaving employment, Joanne investigated the possibility of starting her own business providing a Germantranslation service for UK companies, and took some advice on the matter. She paid consultancy fees of £5,000(excluding value added tax (VAT)) and bought a computer for £2,000 (excluding VAT), both on 23 October 2005.Joanne started trading on 1 December 2005. She made sales of £2,000 in December, and estimates that her saleswill rise by £1,000 every month to a maximum of £7,000 per month. Joanne believes that her monthly expenses of£400 (excluding VAT) will remain constant. Her year end will be 31 March, and the first accounts will be drawn upto 31 March 2006.Although Joanne has registered her business for tax purposes with the Revenue, she has not registered for VAT andis unsure what is required of her in this respect.Required:(a) State, giving reasons, whether Joanne will be treated as resident or non-resident in the UK for the year ofassessment 2005/06, together with the basis on which her income and gains of that year will be subject toUK taxation. (3 marks)
(c) Assuming that Joanne registers for value added tax (VAT) with effect from 1 April 2006:(i) Calculate her income tax (IT) and capital gains tax (CGT) payable for the year of assessment 2005/06.You are not required to calculate any national insurance liabilities in this sub-part. (6 marks)
(ii) Calculate her income tax (IT) and national insurance (NIC) payable for the year of assessment 2006/07.(4 marks)
(c) Outline the ways in which Arthur and Cindy can reduce their income tax liability by investing in unquotedshares and recommend, with reasons, which form. of investment best suits their circumstances. You are notrequired to discuss the qualifying conditions applicable to the investment vehicle recommended. (5 marks)You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout thisquestion
(d) Explain how Gloria would be taxed in the UK on the dividends paid by Bubble Inc and the capital gains taxand inheritance tax implications of a future disposal of the shares. Clearly state, giving reasons, whether ornot the payment made to Eric is allowable for capital gains tax purposes. (9 marks)You should assume that the rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.
(b) Peter, one of Linden Limited’s non-executive directors, having lived and worked in the UK for most of his adultlife, sold his home near London on 22 March 2006 and, together with his wife (a French citizen), moved to livein a villa which she owns in the south of France. Peter is now demanding that the tax deducted from his director’sfees, for the board meetings held on 18 April and 16 May 2006, be refunded, on the grounds that, as he is nolonger resident in the UK, he is no longer liable to UK income tax. All of the company’s board meetings are heldat its offices in Cambridge.Despite Peter’s assurance that none of the other companies of which he is a director has disputed his change oftax status, Damian is uncertain whether he should make the refunds requested. However, as Peter is a friend ofthe company’s founder, Linden Limited’s managing director is urging him to do so, stating that if the tax doeshave to be paid, then Linden Limited could always bear the cost.Required:Advise Damian whether Peter is correct in his assertion regarding his tax position and in the case that thereis a UK tax liability the implications of the managing director’s suggestion. You are not required to considernational insurance (NIC) issues. (4 marks)
(ii) Advise Andrew of the tax implications arising from the disposal of the 7% Government Stock, clearlyidentifying the tax year in which any liability will arise and how it will be paid. (3 marks)
(b) (i) Calculate Amanda’s income tax payable for the tax year 2006/07; (11 marks)
(b) Draft a report as at today’s date advising Cutlass Inc on its proposed activities. The report should cover thefollowing issues:(i) The rate at which the profits of Cutlass Inc will be taxed. This section of the report should explain:– the company’s residency position and what Ben and Amy would have to do in order for the companyto be regarded as resident in the UK under the double tax treaty;– the meaning of the term ‘permanent establishment’ and the implications of Cutlass Inc having apermanent establishment in Sharpenia;– the rate at which the profits of Cutlass Inc will be taxed on the assumption that it is resident in theUK under the double tax treaty and either does or does not have a permanent establishment inSharpenia. (9 marks)
(ii) The UK value added tax (VAT) implications for Razor Ltd of selling tools to and purchasing tools fromCutlass Inc; (2 marks)
(c) The inheritance tax payable by Adam in respect of the gift from his aunt. (4 marks)Additional marks will be awarded for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the memorandum andthe effectiveness with which the information is communicated. (2 marks)Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 will continue to apply for theforeseeable future.
(c) Explanatory notes, together with relevant supporting calculations, in connection with the loan. (8 marks)Additional marks will be awarded for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the schedules, theeffectiveness with which the information is communicated and the extent to which the schedules are structured ina logical manner. (3 marks)Notes: – you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and for the financial yearto 31 March 2007 apply throughout the question.– you should ignore value added tax (VAT).
(ii) The shares held in Date Inc and the dividend income received from that company. (7 marks)
4 Coral is the owner and managing director of Reef Ltd. She is considering the manner in which she will make her firstpension contributions. In November 2007 she inherited her mother’s house in the country of Kalania.The following information has been extracted from client files and from telephone conversations with Coral.Coral:– 1972 – Born in the country of Kalania. Her father, who died in 2002, was domiciled in Kalania.– 1999 – Moved to the UK and has lived and worked here since then.– 2001 – Subscribed for 100% of the ordinary share capital of Reef Ltd.– Intends to sell Reef Ltd and return to live in the country of Kalania in 2012.– No income apart from that received from Reef Ltd.Reef Ltd:– A UK resident company with annual profits chargeable to corporation tax of approximately £70,000.– Four employees including Coral.– Provides scuba diving lessons to members of the public.Payments from Reef Ltd to Coral in 2007/08:– Director’s fees of £460 per month.– Dividends paid of £14,250 in June 2007 and £14,250 in September 2007.Pension contributions:– Coral has not so far made any pension contributions in the tax year 2007/08 but wishes to make gross pensioncontributions of £9,000.– The contributions are to be made by Reef Ltd or Coral or a combination of the two in such a way as to minimisethe total after tax cost.– Any contributions made by Coral will be funded by an additional dividend from Reef Ltd.House in the country of Kalania:– Beachfront property with potential rental income of £550 per month after deduction of allowable expenditure.– Coral will use it for holidays for two months each year.The tax system in the country of Kalania:– No capital gains tax or inheritance tax.– Income tax at 8% on income arising in the country of Kalania.– No double tax treaty with the UK.Required:(a) With the objective of minimising the total after tax cost, advise Coral as to whether the gross pensioncontributions of £9,000 should be made:– wholly by Reef Ltd; or– by Coral to the extent that they are tax allowable with the balance made by Reef Ltd.Your answer should include supporting calculations where necessary. (9 marks)
(b) (i) Explain, by reference to Coral’s residence, ordinary residence and domicile position, how the rentalincome arising in respect of the property in the country of Kalania will be taxed in the UK in the tax year2007/08. State the strategy that Coral should adopt in order to minimise the total income tax sufferedon the rental income. (7 marks)
(ii) Explain how the inclusion of rental income in Coral’s UK income tax computation could affect theincome tax due on her dividend income. (2 marks)You are not required to prepare calculations for part (b) of this question.Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and for the financial year to31 March 2007 will continue to apply for the foreseeable future.
(iv) The stamp duty and/or stamp duty land tax payable by the Saturn Ltd group; (2 marks)Additional marks will be awarded for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the memorandumand the effectiveness with which the information is communicated. (2 marks)
3 Spica, one of the director shareholders of Acrux Ltd, has been in dispute with the other shareholders over plans toexpand the company’s activities overseas. In order to resolve the position it has been agreed that Spica will sell hershares back to the company. Once the purchase of her shares has taken place, the company intends to establish anumber of branches overseas and acquire a shareholding in a number of companies that are resident and trade inoverseas countries.The following information has been obtained from client files and meetings with the parties involved.Acrux Ltd:– An unquoted UK resident company.– Share capital consists of 50,000 ordinary shares issued at £1·90 per share in July 2000.– None of the other shareholders has any connection with Spica.The purchase of own shares:– The company will purchase all of Spica’s shares for £8 per share.– The transaction will take place by the end of 2008.Spica:– Purchased 8,000 shares in Acrux Ltd for £2 per share on 30 September 2003.– Has no income in the tax year 2008/09.– Has chargeable capital gains in the tax year 2008/09 of £3,800.– Has houses in the UK and the country of Solaris and divides her time between them.Investment in non-UK resident companies:– Acrux Ltd will acquire between 15% and 20% of each of the non-UK resident companies.– The companies will not be controlled foreign companies as the rates of tax in the overseas countries will bebetween 23% and 42%.– There may or may not be a double tax treaty between the UK and the overseas countries in which the companiesare resident. Where there is a treaty, it will be based on the OECD model treaty.– None of the countries concerned levy withholding tax on dividends paid to UK companies.– The directors of Acrux Ltd are concerned that the rate of tax suffered on the profits of the overseas companieswill be very high as they will be taxed in both the overseas country and in the UK.Required:(a) (i) Prepare detailed calculations to determine the most beneficial tax treatment of the payment Spica willreceive for her shares; (7 marks)
(c) (i) Explain how Messier Ltd can assist Galileo with the cost of relocating to the UK and/or provide him withinterest-free loan finance for this purpose without increasing his UK income tax liability; (3 marks)
(ii) State, with reasons, whether Messier Ltd can provide Galileo with accommodation in the UK withoutgiving rise to a UK income tax liability. (2 marks)
3 The Stiletto Partnership consisted of three partners, Clint, Ben and Amy, who shared the profits of the businessequally. On 28 February 2007 the partners sold the business to Razor Ltd, in exchange for shares in Razor Ltd, witheach former partner owning one third of the new company.The recent, tax adjusted, trading profits of the Stiletto Partnership have been as follows:£Year ended 30 June 2006 92,1241 July 2006 to 28 February 2007 81,795Clint, who was 65 on 5 October 2006, retired when the business was sold to Razor Ltd. He is now suggesting thatif the sale of the partnership, and his retirement, had been delayed until 30 April 2007, his total tax liability wouldhave been reduced. Clint’s only other income is gross pension income of £6,100 per year, which he began receivingin the tax year 2005/06. Clint did not receive any salary or dividends from Razor Ltd. It is estimated that thepartnership’s tax adjusted trading profits for the period from 1 March 2007 to 30 April 2007 would have been£20,760. Clint has overlap profits of £14,250 brought forward from when the partnership began trading.Razor Ltd manufactures industrial cutting tools. On 1 July 2007, Razor Ltd will subscribe for the whole of the ordinaryshare capital of Cutlass Inc, a company newly incorporated in the country of Sharpenia. It is intended that CutlassInc will purchase partly finished tools from Razor Ltd and customise them in Sharpenia. It is anticipated that CutlassInc’s annual profits chargeable to corporation tax will be approximately £120,000.Ben and Amy will be the directors of Cutlass Inc, although Ben will not be involved in the company’s business on aday-to-day basis. Amy intends to spend one or two weeks each month in the country of Sharpenia looking after thecompany’s affairs. The remainder of her time will be spent in the UK. Amy has employment contracts with both RazorLtd and Cutlass Inc and her duties for Cutlass Inc will be carried out wholly in Sharpenia. Cutlass Inc will pay forAmy’s flights to and from Sharpenia and for her husband and baby to visit her there twice a year. Amy is currentlyUK resident and ordinarily resident.The system of income tax and corporation tax in the country of Sharpenia is broadly similar to that in the UK althoughthe rate of corporation tax is 38% regardless of the level of profits. There is a double tax treaty between the UK andSharpenia based on the OECD model treaty. The clause in the treaty dealing with company residency states that acompany resident in both countries under domestic law will be regarded under the treaty as being resident only in thecountry where it is effectively managed and controlled. Sharpenia is not a member of the European Union.Required:(a) (i) Calculate Clint’s taxable trading profits for the tax years 2006/07 and 2007/08 for both of thealternative retirement dates (28 February 2007 and 30 April 2007). (3 marks)
It's pretty easy for a beginner to report his or her income tax.A.Right
C.Not mentioned
If one has failed to report his or her income tax for quite a few years, he or she may be put in prison.A.Right
C.Not mentioned