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I was always taught that it was ___ to interrupt.






更多 “ I was always taught that it was ___ to interrupt. A.rudeB.roughC.crudeD.coarse ” 相关考题
考题 23. When I got there, he _____ them to dance.A. is teaching B. teachesC. was teaching D. taught

考题 I can be a teacher. I’m not a very patient person.A. seldom B. ever C. never D. always

考题 I()looked for the meaning of words in the context. A、continuouslyB、always

考题 I ________ always ________ that mistakes. A. am, makingB. /, makeC. will, makeD. /, to make

考题 John's father ______ mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from Harvard University. A、teachesB、has taughtC、is teachingD、taught

考题 I can ( ) be a teacher. I’m not a very patient person.A. seldom B. ever C. never D. always

考题 2、选出正确的触发器描述A.module D_FF (input D,Clock, output reg Q); always@(Clock,D) Q <= D; endmoduleB.module D_FF (input D,Clock, output reg Q); always@(posedge Clock) Q <= D; endmoduleC.module D_FF (input D,Clock, output reg Q); always@(negedge Clock) Q <= D; endmoduleD.module D_FF (input D,Clock, output reg Q); always_ff@(posedge Clock) Q <= D; endmoduleE.module D_FF (input D,Clock, output reg Q); always_ff Q

考题 3、下列哪一个表述是正确:A.always@(posedge CLK or RST)B.always@(posedge CLK or negedge RST or A)C.always@(posedge CLK or D or Q)D.always@(posedge CLK or negedge RST)

考题 下列描述中采用时钟clk正边沿触发且rst异步低电平复位的代码描述是A.always @ (posedge clk, negedge rst) if (rst)B.always @ (posedge clk, rst) if (!rst)C.always @ (posedge clk, negedge rst) if (!rst)D.always @ (negedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst)

考题 判断下列程序是否有错误,如有,请修改: integer i; always @ (inp or cnt) begin result[7:4]=0; result[3:0]=inp; if(cnt==1) begin for(i=4;i<=7;i++) begin result [i] = result [i-4]; end result[3:0]=0; end end