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更多 “裂缝(crack;fissure)” 相关考题
考题 The drivers were killed in a head-on ( ) involving a number of cars on the main road into town. A. crashB. collisionC. clashD. crack

考题 裂缝主要分为()裂缝? A、交叉裂缝B、正裂缝C、斜裂缝D、水平裂缝

考题 按裂缝的部位划分,裂缝可分为()。A.贯穿裂缝、深层裂缝和表面裂缝B.微观裂缝和宏观裂缝C.粘着裂缝、水泥面裂缝和骨料裂缝D.以上都不是

考题 裂隙(fissure)

考题 A crack in a cylinder liner can be caused byA.worn piston ringsB.installation of undersized sealing ringsC.operating the engine at low loadsD.restricted cooling water passages

考题 A crack in the deck plating of a vessel may be temporarily prevented from increasing in length by___________.A.cutting a square notch at each end of the crackB.drilling a hole at each end of the crackC.slot-welding the crackD.welding a doubler over the crack

考题 (2017年真题)裂缝对混凝土结构的危害性由大到小的排列顺序是( )A.贯穿裂缝、深层裂缝、表面裂缝 B.深层裂缝、表面裂缝、贯穿裂缝 C.贯穿裂缝、表面裂缝、深层裂缝 D.深层裂缝、贯穿裂缝、表面裂缝

考题 裂缝对混凝土结构的危害性由大到小的排列顺序是( )A.贯穿裂缝、深层裂缝、表面裂缝 B.深层裂缝、表面裂缝、贯穿裂缝 C.贯穿裂缝、表面裂缝、深层裂缝 D.深层裂缝、贯穿裂缝、表面裂缝

考题 裂缝对混凝土结构的危害性由大到小的排列顺序是( )A、贯穿裂缝、深层裂缝、表面裂缝 B、深层裂缝、表面裂缝、贯穿裂缝 C、贯穿裂缝、表面裂缝、深层裂缝 D、深层裂缝、贯穿裂缝、表面裂缝

考题 My watch fell down on the ground and there was a hairline crack in the( )of dial plate. A.frontier B.boundary C.limit D.rim

考题 水力裂缝形态有()。A、水平裂缝B、垂直裂缝C、水平裂缝和垂直裂缝D、微裂缝

考题 裂缝按其走向可分为横向裂缝、纵向裂缝、()。A、南北裂缝B、东西裂缝C、龟纹裂缝D、斜方向裂缝

考题 裂缝抢险中裂缝的分类为()A、龟状裂缝B、横向裂缝C、纵向裂缝D、内部裂缝

考题 crack表示中文()。A、粗糙B、裂纹C、缺陷

考题 按裂缝的走向分类有()三种。A、沉陷裂缝、干缩裂缝、滑坡裂缝B、表面裂缝、内部裂缝、冻胀裂缝C、横向裂缝、纵向裂缝、龟纹裂缝D、水平裂缝、垂直裂缝、交叉裂缝

考题 浆砌石建筑物裂缝按产生裂缝的原因,可分为()。A、沉陷性裂缝、应力性裂缝B、冲刷性裂缝、应力性裂缝C、沉陷性裂缝、冲刷性裂缝D、气蚀性裂缝、应力性裂缝

考题 按裂缝的深度划分,裂缝可分为()。A、贯穿裂缝、深层裂缝和表面裂缝B、微观裂缝和宏观裂缝C、粘着裂缝、水泥面裂缝和骨料裂缝D、以上都不是

考题 单选题If fuel tank levels are found to have increased after a grounding, you should suspect ().A a damaged pneumercator lineB a puncture, crack, or hole in the skin of the vesselC improper record keeping of fuel transfer activitiesD contamination of the contaminated steam supply system

考题 单选题按裂缝的深度划分,裂缝可分为()。A 贯穿裂缝、深层裂缝和表面裂缝B 微观裂缝和宏观裂缝C 粘着裂缝、水泥面裂缝和骨料裂缝D 以上都不是

考题 单选题A diesel engine cylinder head can crack as a result of ()A a leaking seal ringB heat transfer from exhaust valvesC restricted cooling passagesD overheated intake valves

考题 名词解释题Santorini fissure

考题 单选题A diesel engine piston crown can crack from ()A excessive piston to liner clearanceB excessive dirt beneath the piston crown that reduces heat transferC faulty nozzle sprayD all of the above

考题 单选题A crack in the deck plating of a vessel may be temporarily prevented from increasing in length by().A cutting a square notch at each end of the crackB drilling a hole at each end of the crackC slot-welding the crackD welding a doubler over the crack

考题 单选题Small crack in the crankshaft bearing surface of a diesel engine are an indication of()A corrosion frettingB insufficient lubricationC abnormal wearD fatigue failure

考题 单选题The garboard strake is the().A raised flange at the main deck edgeB riveted crack arrester strap on all-welded shipsC riveting pattern most commonly used in ship constructionD row of plating nearest the keel

考题 单选题The lengthening of a crack formed in the shell plating of a ship may be prevented by ().A welding brackets across both ends of the crackB chipping out and slot welding the entire crackC drilling a hole at each end of the crackD cutting a square notch at each end of the crack

考题 单选题按裂缝的走向分类有()三种。A 沉陷裂缝、干缩裂缝、滑坡裂缝B 表面裂缝、内部裂缝、冻胀裂缝C 横向裂缝、纵向裂缝、龟纹裂缝D 水平裂缝、垂直裂缝、交叉裂缝