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According to the passage,_____is the biggest threat to coral reefs.





industrial activity


climate change


更多 “单选题According to the passage,_____is the biggest threat to coral reefs.A pollutionB overfishingC industrial activityD climate change” 相关考题
考题 They also warn that these countries are among the most _________ to climate change.AlaxBvulnerableCaddictiveDnasty

考题 According to the passage, one important change in United States education by the 1920's was that ______.A) most places required children to attendB) the amount of time spent on formal education was limitedC) new regulations were imposed on nontraditional educationD) adults and children studied in the same classes

考题 Questions 184-188 refer to the following article. President Barack Obama has issued his call to put global warming at the top of the international agenda, pledging to push for coordinated action by the world's biggest countries to tackle problem of climate change. In the speech, the US president on Tuesday laid out a three-pan plan to deal with climate change using the power of his office. He outlined a strategy to cut the US's carbon pollution by reducing emissions from coal-fired power plants; to prepare the US for the impact of climate change, such as the super storm that ravaged the New Jersey coastline last year, and to lead the world by example in combating changing climate. "While no single step can reverse the effects of climate change, the president believes we have a moral obligation to our kids to leave them a planet that's not polluted and White House official said. The coal industry said the proposals could prove devastating-----shares in US coal mining companies have been falling sharply-but Mr. Obama ' s speech was being watched closely around the world. In Europe, where the Eurozone crisis has pushed the climate change agenda firmly into the political background, environmental campaigners said they hoped Mr.Obama's speech would puncture arguments tackling global warming as bad for the economy.”If you have got the US and China moving, then the argument that the EU is going it alone clearly doesn't stand up to scrutiny anymore," said Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation. The president said he would seek to expand new and existing international initiatives,including bilateral initiatives with China, India and other big emissions countries. According to the passage, what was the possible solution for the problem? A. Seeking international coordination of big emission countries B. Making EU 's action ahead of environment campaigners C. Enhanced awareness of environmental campaigners D. Expanding the influence of some Asian countries

考题 Questions 184-188 refer to the following article. President Barack Obama has issued his call to put global warming at the top of the international agenda, pledging to push for coordinated action by the world's biggest countries to tackle problem of climate change. In the speech, the US president on Tuesday laid out a three-pan plan to deal with climate change using the power of his office. He outlined a strategy to cut the US's carbon pollution by reducing emissions from coal-fired power plants; to prepare the US for the impact of climate change, such as the super storm that ravaged the New Jersey coastline last year, and to lead the world by example in combating changing climate. "While no single step can reverse the effects of climate change, the president believes we have a moral obligation to our kids to leave them a planet that's not polluted and White House official said. The coal industry said the proposals could prove devastating-----shares in US coal mining companies have been falling sharply-but Mr. Obama ' s speech was being watched closely around the world. In Europe, where the Eurozone crisis has pushed the climate change agenda firmly into the political background, environmental campaigners said they hoped Mr.Obama's speech would puncture arguments tackling global warming as bad for the economy.”If you have got the US and China moving, then the argument that the EU is going it alone clearly doesn't stand up to scrutiny anymore," said Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation. The president said he would seek to expand new and existing international initiatives,including bilateral initiatives with China, India and other big emissions countries. The Eurozone crisis has caused that_______ A. People believed that dealing with environmental problems is bad for the economy B. There has been more environmental campaigners discussing about the issue C. The climate change agenda was influenced by politics D. The EU was going along with US and China

考题 Questions 184-188 refer to the following article. President Barack Obama has issued his call to put global warming at the top of the international agenda, pledging to push for coordinated action by the world's biggest countries to tackle problem of climate change. In the speech, the US president on Tuesday laid out a three-pan plan to deal with climate change using the power of his office. He outlined a strategy to cut the US's carbon pollution by reducing emissions from coal-fired power plants; to prepare the US for the impact of climate change, such as the super storm that ravaged the New Jersey coastline last year, and to lead the world by example in combating changing climate. "While no single step can reverse the effects of climate change, the president believes we have a moral obligation to our kids to leave them a planet that's not polluted and White House official said. The coal industry said the proposals could prove devastating-----shares in US coal mining companies have been falling sharply-but Mr. Obama ' s speech was being watched closely around the world. In Europe, where the Eurozone crisis has pushed the climate change agenda firmly into the political background, environmental campaigners said they hoped Mr.Obama's speech would puncture arguments tackling global warming as bad for the economy.”If you have got the US and China moving, then the argument that the EU is going it alone clearly doesn't stand up to scrutiny anymore," said Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation. The president said he would seek to expand new and existing international initiatives,including bilateral initiatives with China, India and other big emissions countries. According to the passage, it can be implied that the coal industry______ A. was indifferent about the proposal B. agreed with the proposal C. would express opinions after close watching D. disagreed with the proposal

考题 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?__________ 查A.Social change tends to meet with more difficulty in basic and emotional aspects of society B.Disagreement with and argument about conditions tend to slow down social change C.Social change is more likely to occur in the material aspect of society D.Social change is less likely to occur in what people learned when they were young

考题 资料:Earlier this month, presidents Barack Obama of the US and Xi Jinping of China made an important symbolic gesture when they committed their countries, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters, to the Paris climate agreement. It was the clearest signal yet to investors worldwide that they need to think about the implications of global warming for their portfolios. On Friday afternoon there was an example of what that might mean Mr Obama’s administration issued an order temporarily blocking construction on a section of the Dakota Access oil pipeline. The move was a response to local concerns raised by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe about potential damage to historic sites and the threats of oil spills. But it is the global issue of climate change that had raised the profile of Dakota Access, making it into a cause celebre for US environmental campaigners. Bill McKibben of 350.org, which played a key role in the successful effort to stop the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, has suggested that Mr Obama could block Dakota Access permanently, on the grounds that it would exacerbate the threat of climate change. Last month, the White House’s Council on Environmental Quality issued new guidance for federal agencies, making clear that their decisions should take into account “the potential effects of a proposed action on climate change”, and quantify their consequences for greenhouse gas emissions. Dakota Access is intended to carry crude oil 1,172 miles from North Dakota, a centre of the US shale revolution, to Illinois, en route to refineries around America. The case that it would add to global greenhouse gas emission will be harder to make than for Keystone XL, which would have brought crude from the high-emitting oil sands of western Canada, but the campaigners are certain to try. If Dakota Access is stopped, it will have a significant impact not just on energy Transfer Partners, the company leading the project, but on all North Dakota oil producers and their customers, who will be forced to use more expensive rail transport. Climate change is now an unavoidable business issue. In an excellent paper last week, BlackRock, the world’s largest fund manager, set out some of the ways that investors can reduce their exposure to the risks and benefit from the opportunities that it creates. The paper is a landmark in the rising awareness of the issue among mainstream investors. It is one thing when a philanthropic fund with assets of a few hundred million takes a stand on climate issues, quite another when the warnings come from a company with about $4.9tn under management. As BlackRock points out, investors’ personal views on climate science are irrelevant. Enough governments and businesses are convinced by the scientific consensus that the threat is real, and are driving regulatory and technological changes that interested in you. 六If the world is to reduce the risk of catastrophic global warming to acceptable levels, there will have to be a huge reallocation of capital away from fossil fuels and toward low-emission energy sources. That shift has begun, but it needs to go much further. The transition is not straightforward: for as long as oil is the lifeblood of the world’s transport, pipelines will be needed. But when investors and boards make decisions about projects like Dakota Access, they will have to consider their impact on greenhouse gas emissions. The financial consequences of climate change can no longer be ignored. According to the article, which one of the following statements is false? ( )A.To reduce the risk of global warming, more should be invested on low-emissions energy sources. B.Climate change is not only a climate issue, but also a business issue. C.It’s more difficult to quantify the greenhouse gas emissions on the Dakota Access than Keystone XL. D.US and China will work together to cope with climate change.

考题 资料:Earlier this month, presidents Barack Obama of the US and Xi Jinping of China made an important symbolic gesture when they committed their countries, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters, to the Paris climate agreement. It was the clearest signal yet to investors worldwide that they need to think about the implications of global warming for their portfolios. On Friday afternoon there was an example of what that might mean Mr Obama’s administration issued an order temporarily blocking construction on a section of the Dakota Access oil pipeline. The move was a response to local concerns raised by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe about potential damage to historic sites and the threats of oil spills. But it is the global issue of climate change that had raised the profile of Dakota Access, making it into a cause celebre for US environmental campaigners. Bill McKibben of 350.org, which played a key role in the successful effort to stop the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, has suggested that Mr Obama could block Dakota Access permanently, on the grounds that it would exacerbate the threat of climate change. Last month, the White House’s Council on Environmental Quality issued new guidance for federal agencies, making clear that their decisions should take into account “the potential effects of a proposed action on climate change”, and quantify their consequences for greenhouse gas emissions. Dakota Access is intended to carry crude oil 1,172 miles from North Dakota, a centre of the US shale revolution, to Illinois, en route to refineries around America. The case that it would add to global greenhouse gas emission will be harder to make than for Keystone XL, which would have brought crude from the high-emitting oil sands of western Canada, but the campaigners are certain to try. If Dakota Access is stopped, it will have a significant impact not just on energy Transfer Partners, the company leading the project, but on all North Dakota oil producers and their customers, who will be forced to use more expensive rail transport. Climate change is now an unavoidable business issue. In an excellent paper last week, BlackRock, the world’s largest fund manager, set out some of the ways that investors can reduce their exposure to the risks and benefit from the opportunities that it creates. The paper is a landmark in the rising awareness of the issue among mainstream investors. It is one thing when a philanthropic fund with assets of a few hundred million takes a stand on climate issues, quite another when the warnings come from a company with about $4.9tn under management. As BlackRock points out, investors’ personal views on climate science are irrelevant. Enough governments and businesses are convinced by the scientific consensus that the threat is real, and are driving regulatory and technological changes that interested in you. 六If the world is to reduce the risk of catastrophic global warming to acceptable levels, there will have to be a huge reallocation of capital away from fossil fuels and toward low-emission energy sources. That shift has begun, but it needs to go much further. The transition is not straightforward: for as long as oil is the lifeblood of the world’s transport, pipelines will be needed. But when investors and boards make decisions about projects like Dakota Access, they will have to consider their impact on greenhouse gas emissions. The financial consequences of climate change can no longer be ignored. What can we learn from Paragragh 5? ( )A.BlackRock is philanthropic fund that cares about climate change. B.Investors can take the opportunities brought by climate change. C.The threat brought by climate change still needs scientific evidence. D.What investors think of the climate change is very important.

考题 The best title for this passage is_______.A.Part-time jobs B.American college C.Popular activity D.A new system

考题 According to the passage,the combined efforts by govermments,layout unions and big corporations to guarantee economic comfort have led to a significant change in( ) A.people’s outlook on life B.people’s life styles C.people’s living standard D.people s social values

考题 单选题What is the best title for this passage? ______.A The Theory of Division of Labour and Its SignificanceB The Industrial Revolution and Its SignificanceC The Causes of Industrial RevolutionD Adam Smith, the Economist and Philosopher

考题 单选题According to the passage, the Earth’s magnetic field has _____.A begun to change in the opposite directionB been weakening in strength for a long timeC caused the changes on the polaritiesD misguided many a man and animal

考题 单选题What can music do to an instrumentalist according to the passage?A Music can lead to the enlargement of all the layers of gray.B Music can cause the brain to emit magnetic field.C Music can stimulate to some degree the change of brain structure.D Music can trigger physical change when he / she is playing the instrument.

考题 单选题According to the passage, Keasey’s findings support which of the following conclusions about six-year-old children?A They have the ability to make autonomous moral judgments.B They regard moral absolutism as a threat to their moral autonomy.C They do not understand the concept of public duty.D They accept moral judgments made by their peers more easily than do older children.

考题 单选题According to the passage, the combined efforts by governments, layout unions and big corporations to guarantee economic comfort have led to a significant change in _____.A people’s outlook on lifeB people’s life stylesC people’s living standardD people’s social values

考题 单选题What is the main topic of the passage?A Opportunities for All AmericansB Challenges of the Information AgeC Engineering and Industrial RevolutionD Progress and Prosperity

考题 单选题According to the passage, “They don’t talk the same language” (Paragraph 1), can refer to problems in ______.A understanding metaphor.B learning foreign languages.C understanding dialect or style.D dealing with technological change.

考题 单选题According to the passage, the Industrial Revolution is responsible for the following results except ______.A prosperityB crimeC unemploymentD overcrowdedness

考题 单选题According the passage, it can be concluded that ______.A the UK government does not want to change the not-so-good concept of home birthB the UK medical bodies are not ready for more home birthsC the UK medical bodies are ready to meet the demand for home birthsD there will soon be a quick increase of home birth

考题 单选题According to the passage, _____.A we should not worry about the transition of the Earth’s magnetic fieldB the Earth’s magnetic field will not change for at least 2000 yearsC the Earth’s magnetic field has decreased its strength rapidlyD the transition of the Earth’s magnetic field can be controlled by modern science

考题 填空题The world’s most extensive research effort on climate change is now regulated by the U.S. Global Change Research Program.____

考题 单选题According to the passage, to decide the exact amount of tax to be paid is _____.A simpleB easyC difficultD interesting

考题 单选题According to the passage, what kind of tomatoes will induce the biggest offense?A Red and soft.B Yellow and soft.C Green and hard.D Not mentioned.

考题 单选题Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A Rising Global TemperaturesB Rainforests Are in DangerC Coral Reefs Face ExtinctionD Global Climate Change

考题 单选题Climate change will greatly _____ wheat and rice production if nations don't take steps now.A fallB leakC lackD reduce

考题 单选题According to the passage, Howard Hughes was not_____.A good-lookingB wealthyC friendlyD powerful

考题 单选题According to the passage, _____ may NOT be the character of the author’s father.A demandingB practicalC stubbornD liberal