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Traffic reaches its rush hour between 8:00 and 9:00 in the morning.

A: border
B: goal
C: peak
D: level


解析:题干意为“早八点至九点是上下班交通高峰期。” 句中划线词组为名词词组,意为“上下班高峰”,C项peak意为“高峰”,例句:In order to get out of the peak-hour traffic, we must start early.我们得早点儿动身来避开交通高峰期。 A项意为“边界”,B项意为“目标”,D项意为“水平,级别”,故选C。
更多 “Traffic reaches its rush hour between 8:00 and 9:00 in the morning.A: borderB: goalC: peakD: level” 相关考题
考题 27. When did Jim find a coin in his garden?A. At 8:00.B. Between 8:30 and 9:00.C. At 9:30.D. At about 10:00.

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考题 Traffic reaches its rush hour between 8:00 and 9:00 in the morning.A: borderB: goalC: peakD: level

考题 Traffic reaches its rush hour between 8:00 and 9:00 in the morning.A:borderB: goal C: peak D: level

考题 盗窃犯罪作案时间上午通常在()。A、6:00-8:00B、8:00-9:00C、9:00-11:00D、11:00-12:00

考题 10086积分商城兑换对外开放时间()A、8:00—21:00B、8:00—22:00C、9:00—22:00D、9:00--21:00

考题 设有高峰梯的小区,在高峰期()与主梯同时运行。A、5:00-7:00、16:00-19:800B、6:00-8:00、17:00-19:00C、7:00-9:00、18:00-20:00D、8:00-9:00、19:00-21:00

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考题 全系统客户服务中心营业时间原则上定为()A、9:00至17:00B、9:00至16:00C、9:00至18:00D、8:00至16:00

考题 正门站岗时间段?()A、7:00~9:3017:00~19:30B、7:00~8:3017:00~18:00C、7:00~9:0017:00~19:00

考题 黄金积存在网上银行办理时间是().A、8:00---17:00B、9:00---22:30C、9:00---17:00D、9:00---23:00

考题 Based on the configuration shown in the exhibit, what will happen to the traffic matching thesecurity policy?() [edit schedulers] user@host# showscheduler now { monday all-day; tuesday exclude; wednesday { start-time 07:00:00 stop-time 18:00:00; } thursday { start-time 07:00:00 stop-time 18:00:00; } } [edit security policies from-zone Private to-zone External] user@host# showpolicy allowTransit { match { source-address PrivateHosts; destination-address ExtServers; application ExtApps; } then { permit { tunnel { ipsec-vpn myTunnel; } } } scheduler-name now; }A、The traffic is permitted through the myTunnel IPsec tunnel only on Tuesdays.B、The traffic is permitted through the myTunnel IPsec tunnel daily, with the exception of Mondays.C、The traffic is permitted through the myTunnel IPsec tunnel all day on Mondays and Wednesdays between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm, and Thursdays between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm.D、The traffic is permitted through the myTunnel IPsec tunnel all day on Mondays and Wednesdays between 6:01 pm and 6:59 am, and Thursdays between 6:01 pm and 6:59 am

考题 业户迎宾时间是()。A、住宅8:30-9:00。写字楼8:00-8:30B、住宅8:00-8:30。写字楼8:30-9:00C、住宅8:30-9:00。写字楼9:00-9:30D、住宅8:00-8:30。写字楼8:00-8:30

考题 空中摄影的摄影时间一般在()A、8:00-14:00B、8:00-16:00C、9:00-14:00D、9:00-16:00

考题 太阳同步轨道卫星最佳入射角的时段在()A、8:00-9:00B、8:00-9:30C、9:00-10:00D、9:00-10:30

考题 适宜举办酒会的早上时间是()。A、7:00-9:00B、9:00-11:00C、8:00-10:00D、10:00-12:00

考题 原则上,如客户无特殊需求,上门服务时间为()A、8:00-18:00B、9:00-20:00C、≤9:00-18:00D、≤8:00-20:00

考题 拖干净小区台阶污渍属于外围岗保洁的以下哪个时间段()。A、7:15—8:00B、8:00—8:30C、8:30—9:00D、9:00—9:30

考题 关于收费亭内电视机使用规定,电视机使用时间为零点班:0:00-7:00,早班(),晚班:18:00-23:00A、8:00-9:00;12:00-14:00B、8:00-10:00;12:00-15:00C、8:00-9:00;12:00-15:00D、8:00-10:00;11:00-14:00

考题 中银“日积月累”理财计划,每个交易日受理时间为()A、9:00-12:00B、9:00-14:00C、9:00-16:00D、8:30-16;00

考题 单选题Based on the configuration shown in the exhibit, what will happen to the traffic matching the security policy?()A The traffic is permitted through the myTunnel IPSec tunnel only on Tuesdays.B The traffic is permitted through the myTunnel IPSec tunnel daily, with the exception of Mondays.C The traffic is permitted through the myTunnel IPSec tunnel all day on Mondays, Wednesdays between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm, and Thursdays between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm.D The traffic is permitted through the myTunnel IPSec tunnel all day on Mondays, Wednesdays between 6:01 pm and 6:59 am, and Thursdays between 6:01 pm and 6:59 am.

考题 单选题At which of the following times will the bus leave the main hall?A 8:00; 9:00; 10:00; 11:00.B 8:30; 9:30; 10:30; 11:30.C 8:30; 9:00; 9:30; 10:00.D 8:00; 9:30; 11:00; 12:30.

考题 单选题空中摄影的摄影时间一般在()A 8:00-14:00B 8:00-16:00C 9:00-14:00D 9:00-16:00

考题 单选题太阳同步轨道卫星最佳入射角的时段在()A 8:00-9:00B 8:00-9:30C 9:00-10:00D 9:00-10:30

考题 单选题业户迎宾时间是()。A 住宅8:30-9:00。写字楼8:00-8:30B 住宅8:00-8:30。写字楼8:30-9:00C 住宅8:30-9:00。写字楼9:00-9:30D 住宅8:00-8:30。写字楼8:00-8:30

考题 单选题原则上,如客户无特殊需求,上门服务时间为()A 8:00-18:00B 9:00-20:00C ≤9:00-18:00D ≤8:00-20:00

考题 单选题Когда в России начинается рабочий день?A 8. 00-8. 30.B 8. 30-9. 00.C 9. 00-9. 30.D 8. 30-9. 30.