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enum Color:byte{






string[] ss=Enum.GetNames(typeof(Color));

byte[] bb=Enum.GetValues(typeof(Color));



更多 “ 对于这样的一个枚举类型:enum Color:byte{Red,Green,Blue,Orange}string[] ss=Enum.GetNames(typeof(Color));byte[] bb=Enum.GetValues(typeof(Color));试写一段程序显示出枚举类型中定义的所有符号名称以及它们对应的数值。 ” 相关考题
考题 ● 以下CSS 选择符定义中, (61) 属于类选择符。A. P {color:red; font-size:12pt } B. p.blue{color:blue}C. #Red{color:red;} D. P EM { background: yellow }

考题 设有说明var color:(red,green,yellow,blue);a:boolean;下面语句正确的是( )。 Aolor:=‘green‘;Bwriteln(green);Cwriteln(color);Da:=color=red;

考题 ● 以下CSS 选择符定义中, (61) 属于类选择符。(61)A. P {color:red; font-size:12pt }B. p.blue{color:blue}C. #Red{color:red;}D. P EM { background: yellow }

考题 ( 18 )下列枚举类型的定义中,包含枚举值 3 的是A ) enum test {RED, YELLOW, BLUE, BLACK};B ) enum test {RED, YELLOW=4, BLUE, BLACK};C ) enum test {RED=-1, YELLOW,BLUE, BLACK};D ) enum test {RED, YELLOW=6, BLUE, BLACK};

考题 以下关于样式表项的定义中,错误的是:()。 A.H1, H2 {color:red}B.H1 B{color:red}C.H1#color_red{color:red}DA:Active {color:red}

考题 以下选项中不能正确把c1定义成结构体变量的是A.typedef struct {int red: int green: int blue; } COLOR; COLOR c1;B.struct color c1 {int red int green: int blue; };C.struct color {int red , int green : int blue : )cl;D.struct {int red; int green; int blue } c1 ;

考题 publicclassBall{publicenumColor{RED,GREEN,BLUE};publicvoidfoo(){//insertcodehere{System.out.println(c);}}}Whichcodeinsertedatline14causesthefoomethodtoprintRED,GREEN,andBLUE?() A.for(Colorc:Color.values())B.for(Colorc=RED;c=BLUE;c++)C.for(Colorc;c.hasNext();c.next())D.for(Colorc=Color[0];c=Color[2];c++)E.for(Colorc=Color.RED;c=Color.BLUE;c++)

考题 packagesun.scjp;publicenumColor{RED,GREEN,BLUE}packagesun.beta;//insertcodeherepublicclassBeta{Colorg=GREEN;publicstaticvoidmain(String[]argv){System.out.println(GREEN);}}TheclassBetaandtheenumColorareindifferentpackages.Whichtwocodefragments,insertedindividuallyatline2oftheBetadeclaration,willallowthiscodetocompile?()A.importsun.scjp.Color.*;B.importstaticsun.scjp.Color.*;C.importsun.scjp.Color;importstaticsun.scjp.Color.*;D.importsun.scjp.*;importstaticsun.scjp.Color.*;E.importsun.scjp.Color;importstaticsun.scjp.Color.GREEN;

考题 下列枚举类型的定义中,包含枚举值3的是( )。A.enumtest{RED,YELLOW,BLUE,BLACK};B.enumtest{RED,YELLOW=4,BLUE,BLACK);C.enumtest{RED=-1,YELLOW,BLUE,BLACK};D.enumtest{RED,YELLOW=6,BLUE,BLACK);

考题 以下选项中不能正确把cl定义成结构体变量的是A.typedef struct { int red; int green; int blue; } COLOR; COLOR cl;B.struct color cl { int red; int green; int blue; }C.struct color { int red; int green; int blue; } cl;D.struct { int red; int green; int blue; } cl;

考题 下列枚举类型的定义中,包含枚举值3的是A.enum test{RED,YELLOW,BLUE,BLACK};B.enum test{RED,YELLOW=4,BLUE,BLACK};C.enum test{RED=-1,YELLOW,BLUE,BLACK};D.erium test{RED,YELLOW=6,BLUE,BLACK};

考题 以下选项中不能正确把c1定义成结构体变量的是A.typedef struct { int red; int green;; int blue; }COLOR; COLOR cl;B.struct color cl { int red; int green; int blue; };C.struet color { int red; int green; int blue; }c1;D.struct { int red; int green; int blue; }cl;

考题 已知枚举类型声明语句为: enum COLOR{WHITE,YELLOW,GREEN=5,RED,BLACK=10}; 则下列说法中错误的是A.枚举常量YELLOW的值为1B.枚举常量RED的值为6C.枚举常量BLACK的值为10D.枚举常量WHITE的值为1

考题 下列选项中不能正确定义结构体的是_______。A.typedef structB.struct color cl {int red; {int red; int green; int green; int blue; int blue; }COLOR; }; COLOR cl;C.struct colorD.struct {int red; {int red; int green; int green; int blue; int blue; }cl; }cl;

考题 以下选项中能正确把c1定义成结构体变量的是( )。A.typedef struct { int red; int red; int green; int blue; }COLOR; COLOR c1;B.struct color c1 { int red int red; int green int blue; };C.stmctcolor { int red, int green; int blue; }c1;D.struct { int red; int green; int blue; }c1;

考题 对于这样的一个枚举类型:enum Color:byte{Red,Green,Blue,Orange}

考题 在下列枚举类型的定义中,包含枚举值3的是A.entire test(RED,YELLOW,BLUE,BLACK);B.entire test(RED,YELLOW,BLUE,BLACK);C.enum test(RED=-1,YELLOW,BLUE,BLACK);D.enum test(RED,YELLOW=6,BLUE,BLACK);

考题 阅读以下说明和 Java 代码,填补代码中的空缺,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。 【说明】 设计 RGB 方式表示颜色的调色板,进行绘图。其类图如图 6-1 所示。该程序的 Java代码附后。图6-1 类图【Java 代码】 //颜色类 class MyColor { private int red ,green, blue; public MyColor( ) { red = o; green = 0; blue = 0; } public MyColor(int red ,int green ,int blue) { this.red = red; this.green = green; this.blue = blue; } //其他方法略 public String toString( ) { return Red: + red + \tGreen: + green + \tBlue + blue; } } //调色板类 class Palette { public int number; / /颜色数 private (1)palette; //颜色表 public Palette( ) { number = 256; palette = new MyColor[number); } public Palette(MyColor[] palette ,int number) { (2)= number; (3)= palette; } //其他方法略 public String toString( ) { String str = ; for (int i = 0; i number; i++) { str +=i+ : + palette[i] + \n; } return str; } //绘图类 class Drawing { public (4) int COLORNUMBER = 16; public static void main(String[] args) { Palette palette; int red ,green ,blue; MyColor[] color = new MyColor[COLORNUMBER]; for (int i = 0; i COLORNUMBER; i++) { red = (int) (Math.random( ) * 256); green = (int) (Math.random( ) * 256); blue = (int) (Math.random( ) * 256); color [i] = (5) (red ,green ,blue); } palette = new Palette(color ,COLORNUMBER); System.out.println(palette); } }

考题 在下列程序段中,枚举变量 c1的值是()。enum color { red,yellow,blue=4,green,white}c1; c1=yellow; c1=white;A 1B 3C 5D 6

考题 以下CSS选择符定义中,______属于类选择符。 A.P{color:red; font-size:12pt} B.p.blue{color:blue} C.#Red{color:red;) D.PEM {background: yellow}

考题 The traffic lights were red when the driver reached them.To the surprise of his passenger,the ear did not slow down.Unexpectedly the passenger was thrown forward in the vehicle as the driver put on his brakes at the last moment.The car stopped just in time. "Sorry,I didn't notice the light.I thought it was green until I saw that it was the top light which was shining." This strange story is quite true.About ten men in every hundred are color blind in some way;women are luckier--only about one in two hundred suffers from color blindness. In some cases,a man may not be able to see deep red.He may think that red,orange and yellow are all the same as green. People often like one color more than others.Blue is the color of the sky and sea.Green makes us think of fields and trees.Red is the color of blood and makes some people think of danger.Black is the color of night.In the dark we cannot see what is around us so we are sometimes afraid of the unknown and do not like black as a color. One is considered as a color blind man if__.A.he can see the difference between red and deep red B.he can see the difference between blue and green C.he can't tell the difference between orange and green D.he thinks green is the same as blue

考题 The traffic lights were red when the driver reached them.To the surprise of his passenger,the ear did not slow down.Unexpectedly the passenger was thrown forward in the vehicle as the driver put on his brakes at the last moment.The car stopped just in time. "Sorry,I didn't notice the light.I thought it was green until I saw that it was the top light which was shining." This strange story is quite true.About ten men in every hundred are color blind in some way;women are luckier--only about one in two hundred suffers from color blindness. In some cases,a man may not be able to see deep red.He may think that red,orange and yellow are all the same as green. People often like one color more than others.Blue is the color of the sky and sea.Green makes us think of fields and trees.Red is the color of blood and makes some people think of danger.Black is the color of night.In the dark we cannot see what is around us so we are sometimes afraid of the unknown and do not like black as a color. Among the traffic lights,red light is placed__.A.at the bottom B.in the middle C.at the top D.below the green light

考题 以下程序的输出结果是()。enumColor{Red,Green=2,Blue}staticvoidMain(string[]args){Colorc=0;Colorc1=(Color)2;Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}",c,c1);Console.Read();}A、Green,RedB、Red,GreenC、Red,BlueD、Green,Blue

考题 public class Ball {  public enum Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE };  public void foo() {  // insert code here  { System.out.println(c); }  }  }  Which code inserted at line 14 causes the foo method to print RED, GREEN, and BLUE?() A、 for( Color c : Color.values())B、 for( Color c = RED; c = BLUE; c++)C、 for( Color c; c.hasNext() ; c.next())D、 for( Color c = Color[0]; c = Color[2]; c++)E、 for( Color c = Color.RED; c = Color.BLUE; c++)

考题 package sun.scjp;  public enum Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE }  package sun.beta;  // insert code here  public class Beta {  Color g = GREEN;  public static void main( String[] argv)  { System.out.println( GREEN); }  }  The class Beta and the enum Color are in different packages.  Which two code fragments, inserted individually at line 2 of the Beta declaration, will allow this code to compile?()A、 import sun.scjp.Color.*;B、 import static sun.scjp.Color.*;C、 import sun.scjp.Color; import static sun.scjp.Color.*;D、 import sun.scjp.*; import static sun.scjp.Color.*;E、 import sun.scjp.Color; import static sun.scjp.Color.GREEN;

考题 enum color{red,green,yellow=5,white,black};定义了一枚举类型。编译程序为值表中各标识符分配的枚举值依次为()。A、1、2、3、4、5B、0、1、5、2、3C、0、1、5、6、7D、3、4、5、6、7

考题 单选题enum color{red,green,yellow=5,white,black};定义了一枚举类型。编译程序为值表中各标识符分配的枚举值依次为()。A 1、2、3、4、5B 0、1、5、2、3C 0、1、5、6、7D 3、4、5、6、7