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When accepting engine room spares, you should()

send a requisition list to the supplier


check that whether the items ordered have been already delivered


make the chief engineer on sport


follow a preset procedure


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更多 “单选题When accepting engine room spares, you should()A send a requisition list to the supplierB check that whether the items ordered have been already deliveredC make the chief engineer on sportD follow a preset procedure” 相关考题
考题 When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the0 A.engine room logbookB.vovage logbookc engine room logbook or voyage loglookD.engine room logbook and voyage logbook

考题 Have you ever served the auxiliary engine to combustion heavy oil? What should be borne in mind when transferring oil; from heavy oil to light oil?

考题 What must be paid attention when watchkeeping in the engine room?

考题 when you do the watch keeping in the engine room ,what should you be careful about ?

考题 when do you have call the chief engineer to the engine room ?

考题 When you find you make a mistake in the chat room, what should you do?_____________________________________________________________________________

考题 Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must ______.A.secure the engine room ventilationB.secure the machinery in the engine roomC.evacuate all engine room personnelD.All of the above

考题 ()(国旗) should be put on the stern of the ship.A、BridgeB、EnsignC、designD、Engine room

考题 机舱人员应启动机舱里的消防泵。()A、Engine room persons should stop their pumps in machinery space.B、Engine room persons should start their pumps in machinery space.C、Engine room persons should start their pumps in officer’s cabin.D、Engine room persons should start their pumps on boat deck.

考题 单选题When reentering an engine room that has been flooded with CO2, the investigating team should initially().A leave the access door partially openB enter from the lowest levelC enter from the highest levelD attempt to operate machinery

考题 单选题Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire,you must().A secure the engine room ventilationB secure the machinery in the engine roomC evacuate all engine room personnelD All of the above

考题 单选题With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched () will control the main engine.A the bridge officer on watchB the chief engineerC the duty engineerD the duty motorman

考题 单选题If a fire ignites in the engine room as a result of a high pressure fuel oil leak, you should FIRST ().A secure the ventilationB find a soda acid extinguisherC shut off the fuel oil supplyD secure the generator

考题 单选题In a diesel engine, when refitting piston rings you should () Ⅰ.check the ring gap at the smallest diameter of the cylinder Ⅱ. Remove carbon from the ring grooveA Ⅰ onlyB Ⅱ onlyC both Ⅰ and ⅡD neither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ

考题 单选题You are operating a lift boat.When beginning to jack down you should().A Jack down one leg at a timeB Jack up first,then downC Undog doors to the engine roomD Assemble all personnel on the main deck

考题 单选题When the general alarm is sounded continuously, the engine room personnel should ().A proceed to their man overboard stationsB start the fire pumpC put on lifejackets and go to their abandon ship stationsD secure the propulsion diesel engines and evacuate the engine room

考题 单选题Which of the following actions should be taken by the engine room watch when the general alarm is sounded continuously?()A The fire pump should be startedB The boiler rims should be securedC The fixed CO2 system should be initiated into actionD The engine room ventilation should be secured

考题 单选题Your ship is steaming at night with the gyropilot engaged. You notice that the vessel’s course is slowly changing to the right. Which action should you take FIRST?().A Notify the engine room of the steering malfunctionB Change to hand steeringC Call the MasterD Send the Quartermaster to the emergency steering station

考题 单选题While on watch in the engine room, you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarmWhich of the following actions should you take?()A Make an entry in the official logbookB Open the master control valves on the fixed CO2 systemC Start the fire pump and check discharge pressureD Secure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge

考题 单选题When turning the engine with turning gear, you should keep the indicator cocks ().A attached to the indicatorsB openedC closedD broken

考题 单选题In order to release CO2 to the machinery spaces from a fixed fire extinguishing system, you must().A actuate an alarm and open the engine room control valveB actuate an alarm and open the engine room CO2 releasing valveC open the engine room control valve and shut off engine room ventilation fansD open the engine room control valve and then the CO2 releasing valve

考题 单选题You are backing on twin engines with rudders amidships,when your port engine stalls.To continue backing on course,you should().A Apply left rudderB Apply right rudderC Increase engine speedD Keep your rudder amidships

考题 单选题When you are asked to assist in accepting delivery of goods, you should()A make clear of your authorityB make friends with ships crewC call the first engineer if there is a problemD call the master if there is a problem

考题 单选题According to the ship emergency plan, when average accident happened and the captain made the decision to withdraw from the engine room before leaving the engine room, the wrong operation is that ()A the chief engineer leaves the engineer room with the engine room log book at firstB releasing compressed air in the air receiver and closing the watertight doorC stopping all the running machineries and electric devicesD closing the quick-closing valves of all the oil tanks, stopping the boiler and releasing gas

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true concerning carbon dioxide when used as a fire extinguishing agent?()A Carbon dioxide is corrosive when exposed to fireB Carbon dioxide should be applied slowly to a large engine room fireC Its total cooling effect is far greater than waterD Its smothering effect is excellent for class B fires

考题 单选题When installing rings on a diesel engine piston, you should check the ring()A diametrical tensionB gap clearanceC radial thicknessD face thickness

考题 单选题When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the ()A engine room logbookB voyage logbookC engine room logbook or voyage logbookD engine room logbook and voyage logbook

考题 单选题When accepting engine room spares, you should()A send a requisition list to the supplierB check that whether the items ordered have been already deliveredC make the chief engineer on sportD follow a preset procedure