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In teaching pronunciation, the teacher should tell the students that ___ can beused to convey more importantmessages.









更多 “单选题In teaching pronunciation, the teacher should tell the students that ___ can beused to convey more importantmessages.A thymeB stressC devicingD Rhythm” 相关考题
考题 The realistic goals of teaching pronunciation should be _______. A.consistencyB.intelligibility and communicative efficiencyC.consistency and intelligibilityD.intelligibility and communicative efficiency

考题 A ___________ item is a teaching or learning point concerned with the pronunciation of the language. A.phonologicalB.lexicalC.structuralD.grammatical

考题 Teacher John wrote “well-will; big-beg; ship-sheep” on the blackboard. What is he teaching in this class?A.Vocabulary. B.Grammar. C.Discourse. D.Pronunciation.

考题 What should the teacher try to avoid when selecting listening materials?A.The text scripted and recorded in the studio. B.The text with implicated concepts beyond the comprehension of students. C.The text with local accents in pronunciation. D.The text with some difficult words for students.

考题 In an English class,the teacher,firstly,plays the radio and asks students to listen to the tape and understand the dialogue.Then,the teacher asks students to read after the tape to imitate the pronunciation.Next,the teacher asks students to repeat the dialogue in pairs...What teaching method does the teacher use in this class?A.Communicative Approach. B.Task-Based Teaching Approach. C.The Audio-Lingual Approach. D.The Audio-Visual Approach.

考题 In teaching pronunciation, the teacher should tell the students that __________can be used to convey more important messages. A.rhyme B.stress C.devoicing D.rhythm

考题 A teacher asked the students to repeat a word many times to memorize the pronunciation,meanings and usages.Which conclusion is NOT correct?A.The teacher is teaching pronunciation. B.The teacher focuses on accuracy. C.The teacher is using mechanical practice. D.The teacher is teaching vocabulary.

考题 When a teacher teaches young learners English pronunciation, he should__________.A.listen as much as possible B.input regardless of students'ability C.tolerate small errors in continuous speech D.read more English materials

考题 When teaching the words“so that;therefore”,what content should the teacher focus on?A.Denotative meaning. B.Usage. C.Connotative meanings. D.Learning strategies.

考题 English teacher Alice stopped Tom's reading and asked him to follow her and repeat the word “eat” again and again. What can we conclude from the description above?A.The teacher concerns the principle of accuracy. B.The teacher should stop student's reading to correct their pronunciations. C.Tom's pronunciation is poor. D.Every pronunciation is important in English.

考题 During class, the teacher leads students to memorize the important points of the teaching content. On one hand, the teacher helps students to grasp the key points. On the other hand, what learning strategy is the teacher teaching?A.Cognitive strategy B.Self-management strategy C.Communication strategy D.Resource strategy

考题 When teaching the words “so that; therefore”, what content should the teacher focus on?A.Denotative meaning. B.Usage. C.Connotative meanings. D.Learning strategies.

考题 A teacher is teaching students to read a sentence,and using her arm to show which part should be read strongly and when should stop.What is the teacher teaching in this activity?A.Stress of words B.Pronunciations of syllabications C.Intonations and rhythms D.Pronunciations of each letter

考题 Which of the following should a teacher avoid when his/her focus is on developing students' ability to use words appropriately?A.Teaching both the spoken and written form. B.Teaching words in context and giving examples. C.Presenting the form, meaning, and use of a word. D.Asking students to memorize bilingual word lists.

考题 Which of the following statements about take-based language teaching is NOT true? A.Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom. B.Student are task-driven. C.Task-based language teaching is student-centered. D.Task-based language teaching is teacher-centered.

考题 二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students can understand the pronunciation of “ear”, and get some simple spelling rules. Ability aim: Students can read the words with the pronunciation of “ear” correctly by listening and speaking. Ability of listening and speaking will be improved. Emotional aim: Students can increase their interests in learning English. Key and difficult point: Key points: Students can understand the pronunciation of “ear”, and how how to read the words contain “ear”, such as hear, near and etc. Difficult points: Students can master the pronunciation of “ear” and read the related words correctly. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warming-up Greeting the students. Sing a song: Head shoulder keens and toes. Step 2: Presentation 1. Show the chant and ask the students the question: Can you find the same letter combination in these words? 2. Listen to the tape and let students pay attention to the pronunciation of “ear”, and then ask the students question: what does “ear” sounds like in these words? 3. Teacher the pronunciation of “ear” ,and let students pay attention to the teacher’s mouth. 4. Game: Play the finger show to practice the new words. Step 3: Practice Find more words with “ear” such as tear, dear, clear... and ask students to try to read by themselves and then invite some of them to share with the class. The teacher should act the role of monitor. Step4: Production 1. Ask students to make up their own sentences by using the words learned today, such as “He hears the bad news,and then his tears falls down. ”. 2. Reading competition: let students to read the chant as quickly as possible, and then let students choose the best one. Step5: Summary and homework 1. Summary: ask students summary what have learned in the class. 2. Homework: (1) read these word after class. (2) Find more words with “ear” and make another chant.

考题 初中英语 语音 一、考题回顾 题目来源:5月19日 上午 上海市 面试考题 试讲题目 1.题目: 2.内容: p, t的发音,浊辅音:sp, st. teacher, place, speaking, star. 3.基本要求: (1)讲授p, t的发音 (2)全英10分钟试讲 (3)适当板书 答辩题目 1. Do you know some subjects of teaching pronunciation? 2. What’s the principles of teaching pronunciation?

考题 How can we describe the main proficiency goal of the teaching and learning of pronunciation?

考题 Professor White contributed a lot to our community,()A、teaching, writing, and lecturingB、teaching, writing, and a lecturerC、a teacher, a writer, and lecturingD、teaching, lecturing, and a writer

考题 单选题What should the teacher try to avoid when selecting listening materials?A The text scripted and recorded in the studio.B The text with implicated concepts beyond the comprehension of students.C The text with local accents in pronunciation.D The text with some difficult words for students.

考题 单选题During class, the teacher leads students to memorize the important points of the teaching content. On one hand, the teacher helps students to grasp the key points. On the other hand, what learning strategy is the teacher teaching?A Cognitive strategy.B Self-management strategy.C Communication strategy.D Resource strategy.

考题 单选题The teacher should focus students' attention on ____, not only the use oflanguage form in teaching speaking.A language meaningB accentC origin of languageD interlocutor

考题 单选题About principles of teaching reading, which description is wrong?A The selected texts and attached tasks should be accessible to the students.B Tasks should be given after reading.C Tasks should help develop students' reading skills rather than test their reading compre-hension.D The teacher should provide enough guidance and assistance at the beginning.

考题 单选题About principles of teaching reading, which description is wrong?A The selected texts and attached tasks should be accessible to the students.B Tasks should be given after reading.C Tasks should help develop students' reading skills rather than test their reading comprehension.D The teacher should provide enough guidance and assistance at the beginning.

考题 单选题When a teacher teaches young learners English pronunciation, he should _____.A listen as much as possibleB input regardless of students’ abilityC tolerate small errors in continuous speechD read more English materials

考题 单选题What should the teacher try to avoid when selecting listening materials?A The text scripted and recorded in the studio,B The text with implicated concepts beyond the comprehension of students.C The text with local accents in pronunciation.D The text with some difficult words for students.

考题 单选题When designing activities in writing class, the teacher should take the following aspects into consideration EXCEPT ____.A students' language competenceB writing strategiesC students' pronunciation of the topicD writing purpose