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The vessel on opposite course will()on your port side.





catch up


run down


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更多 “单选题The vessel on opposite course will()on your port side.A passB overtakeC catch upD run down” 相关考题
考题 --- Are you on your course? ---Reply: _________!A.No, 2 degrees port off courseB.Course 020 degreesC.SteadyD.OK

考题 Your vessel is crossing a narrow channel.A vessel to port is within the channel and crossing your course.She is showing a black cylinder.What is your responsibility ________.A.Hold your course and speedB.Sound the danger signalC.Begin an exchange of passing signalsD.Do not cross the channel if you might impede the other vessel

考题 Every vessel that is to keep out of the way of another vessel must take positive early action to comply with this obligation and must ______.A.avoid crossing ahead of the other vesselB.avoid passing astern of the other vesselC.sound one prolonged blast to indicate complianceD.alter course to port for a vessel on her port side

考题 If a sailing vessel with the wind on the port side sees a sailing vessel to windward and cannot tell weather the other vessel has the wind on the port or starboard side, she shall ______.A.hold course and speedB.sound the danger signalC.keep out of the way of the other vesselD.turn to port and come into the wind

考题 If the circumstance of the case admits, don’t alter course to port for a vessel on you own___.A.starboard sideB.port sideC.sternD.Head

考题 If your vessel is the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation ______.A.you must keep your course and speedB.you may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clearC.the other vessel must keep her course and speedD.both vessels must keep their course and speed

考题 In fog you observe your radar and determine that risk of collision exists with a vessel which is 2 miles off your port bow. You should ______.A.stop your enginesB.sound the danger signal at two-minute intervalsC.hold course and speed until the other vessel is sightedD.take avoiding action as soon as possible

考题 --- Are you on your course? ---Reply: ()!A、No, 2 degrees port off courseB、Course 020 degreesC、SteadyD、OK

考题 单选题On open waters,a vessel fishing is in a crossing situation with a vessel sailing located on the fishing vessel’s starboard side. Which vessel is the stand-on vessel?().A The fishing vessel because it is to port of the sailing vesselB The fishing vessel because it is fishingC The sailing vessel because it is to starboard of the fishing vesselD The sailing vessel because it is sailing

考题 单选题If your vessel is the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation().A You must keep your course and speedB You may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clearC The other vessel must keep her course and speedD Both vessels must keep their course and speed

考题 单选题If the circunstance of the case admits,don’t alter course to port for a vessel on you().A starboard sideB port sideC sternD head

考题 单选题Your 15-meter tug is underway and crossing a deep and narrow channel. A large container vessel is off your port bow on a steady bearing. Which statement is TRUE concerning this situation? ().A You should maintain course and speedB The container vessel is the stand-on as it is the larger vesselC You are not to impede the safe passage of the container vessel in the channelD None of the above

考题 单选题On a single-screw vessel,when coming port side to a pier and being set off the pier,you should().A swing wide and approach the pier so as to land starboard side toB approach the pier on a parallel course at reduced speedC make your approach at a greater angle than in calm weatherD point the vessel's head well up into the slip and decrease your speed

考题 单选题The vessel on opposite course will()on your port side.A passB overtakeC catch upD run down

考题 单选题You are docking a vessel.Wind and current are most favorable when they are().A crossing your course in the same directionB crossing your course in opposite directionsC parallel to the pier from aheadD setting you on the pier

考题 单选题You are in charge of a power-driven vessel navigating at night.You sight the red sidelight of another vessel on your port bow.The other vessel’s aft masthead light is to the right of her forward masthead light. You should().A stop enginesB hold course and speedC alter course to portD sound the danger signal

考题 单选题A sailing vessel is overtaking a steam vessel in a fairway on International waters,so as to pass on the steam vessel’s port side. The sailing vessel is the().A privileged vessel and would sound two short blastsB burdened vessel and would sound two prolonged blasts followed by two short blastsC burdened vessel and would sound no whistle signalD privileged vessel and would sound no whistle signal

考题 单选题A look-out at the bow sights an object on your port side. How many bell strokes should he sound? ()A OneB TwoC ThreeD Four

考题 单选题In fog you observe your radar and determine that risk of collision exists with a vessel which is 2 miles off your port bow. You should().A stop your enginesB sound the danger signal at two-minute intervalsC hold course and speed until the other vessel is sightedD take avoiding action as soon as possible

考题 单选题You are underway in reduced visibility.You hear the fog signal of another vessel about 20° on your starboard bow.Risk of collision may exist.You should().A alter course to starboard to pass around the other vesselB reduce your speed to bare steeragewayC slow your engines and let the other vessel pass ahead of youD alter course to port to pass the other vessel on its portside

考题 单选题One of your crew members falls overboard from the starboard side. You should IMMEDIATELY().A apply left rudderB throw the crew member a life preserverC begin backing your enginesD position your vessel to windward and begin recovery

考题 单选题During counterflooding to correct a severe list aggravated by an off-center load,your vessel suddenly takes a list or trim to the opposite side. You should().A continue counterflooding in the same directionB continue counterflooding,but in the opposite directionC immediately stop counterfloodingD deballast from the low side

考题 单选题0ne of your crew members falls overboard from the starboard side. You should immediateiy().A apply left rudderB throw the crew a life preserverC begin backing your enginesD position your vessel to windward and begin recovery

考题 单选题Your vessel is crossing a narrow channel.A vessel to port is within the channel and crossing your course.She is showing a black cylinder.What is your responsibility?()A hold your course and speedB sound the danger signalC begin an exchange of passing signalsD do not cross the channel if you might impede the other vessel

考题 单选题A vessel sounds one short blast. This signal indicates the vessel().A intends to alter course to starboardB intends to pass starboard to starboardC is altering course to starboardD intends to pass port to port

考题 单选题The type of current which will have the greatest effect on the course made good for your vessel is().A one flowing in the same direction as your course steeredB one flowing in the opposite direction as your course steeredC one that flows at nearly right angles to your course steeredD a rotary current in which the direction of current flow constantly changes

考题 单选题A radar contact will remain stationary on a relative motion radar display only when it is().A on the same course as your vesselB at the same speed as your vesselC on the same course and speed as your vesselD on a reciprocal course at the same speed as your vessel

考题 单选题In a crossing situation on international waters, a short blast by the give-way vessel indicates that the vessel().A is holding course and speedB is turning to starboardC intends to pass port to portD will keep out of the way of the stand-on vessel