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孕妇29岁,孕10,孕37周,合并风湿性心脏病,今晨出现腰酸、腹痛,两小时后突然心悸气短,胸闷、呼吸困难。查体血压130/80mmHg,脉搏120次/分,呼吸30次/分,双肺湿啰音。 下列护理措施防止产后出血的项目是()。

  • A、静脉或肌内注射缩宫素
  • B、静脉或肌内注射麦角新碱
  • C、快速补液输血
  • D、第二产程时嘱产妇用力屏气
  • E、第二产程结束即用沙袋置于腹部


更多 “ 孕妇29岁,孕1产0,孕37周,合并风湿性心脏病,今晨出现腰酸、腹痛,两小时后突然心悸气短,胸闷、呼吸困难。查体血压130/80mmHg,脉搏120次/分,呼吸30次/分,双肺湿啰音。 下列护理措施防止产后出血的项目是()。A、静脉或肌内注射缩宫素B、静脉或肌内注射麦角新碱C、快速补液输血D、第二产程时嘱产妇用力屏气E、第二产程结束即用沙袋置于腹部” 相关考题
考题 下列过程说明合法的是( ) A、Sub S1(ByVal n!())B、Sub S1(n!) as IntegerC、 Function S1%(S1%)D、 Function S1(ByVal n!)

考题 阅读如下程序, a = 1: b = 2: plus S, a, b: Print S:不能使其输出结果为3的plus过程为( )。 A、Sub plus(sum, a , b ): sum = a + b: End SubB、Sub plus(ByVal sum , a , b ): sum = a + b: End SubC、Sub plus(sum , ByVal a, ByVal b ): sum = a + b: End SubD、Sub plus(sum , ByRef a , ByRef b ): sum = a + b: End Sub

考题 II型呼吸衰竭合并代谢性酸中毒()。 A、Pa0/sub2/supsubno60mHl.PaCO/sub2/supsubno50mmlgB、Pa0/sub2/supsubno60mHgPaCO/sub2/supsubno45mmgC、Pa0/sub2/supsubno60mmHgPaCO/sub2/supsubno50mmHD、Pa0/sub2/supsubno60mHg、PaCO/sub2/supsubno45mmHgE、Pa0/sub2/supsubno60mHg、PaC0/sub2supsubno45mmHg

考题 窗体Form1上有一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,以下对应窗体单击事件的事件过程是( )。A.Private Sub Form1 Click( )End Sub···B.Private Sub Form1. Click( )End Sub···C.Private Sub Command1 click( )End Sub···D.Private Sub Command Click( )End Sub···

考题 在窗体中添加一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序: Public x As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() x=10 Call s1 Call s2 MSgBox x End Sub Private Sub s1() x=x+20 End Sub Private Sub s2() Dim x As Integer x=X+20 End Sub 窗体打开运行后,单击命令按钮,则消息框的输出结果为______。A.10B.30C.40D.50

考题 有如下程序: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Single Dim b As Single a=5:b=4 Call Sub1(a,b) End Sub Sub Sub1(x As Single,y As Single) t=X X=t\Y Y=t Mod y End Sub 在调用运行上述程序后,a和b的值分别为A.0 0B. 1 1C.2 2D.1 2

考题 有如下程序 Private Sub Command1_Chck( ) s=0 DO s=(s+1) *(s+2) N=N+1 Loop Until s>=10 Prim N;s End Sub 运行后的输出结果是A.0 1B.30 30C.4 30D.2 12

考题 编写如下事件过程: Private sub sub1 (ByVal x1 As String, y1 As String) Dim xt As String Dim i As Integer i = Len(x1) Do While i>= 1 xt = xt + Mid(x1, i, 1) i=i-1 Loop y1 = xt End Sub Private Sub Form. Click() Dim s1 As String, s2 As String s1= "teacher" sub1 s1, s2 Print s2 End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,则窗体上显示的内容是A.rehcaetB.tahreeeC.themeeD.eerthea

考题 写出程序运行的结果Public class BasePublic virtual string Hello() {return “Base”;}Public class Sub:BasePublic override string Hello() {return “Sub”;}1. Base b = new Base(); b.Hello;2. Sub s = new Sub(); s.Hello;3. Base b = new Sub (); b.Hello;4. Sub s = new Base(); s.Hello;

考题 下面程序的输出结果是。 Private Sub Commandl_Click ch$=“ABCDEF” proc ch:Print ch End Sub Private Sub proc(ch As Stnng) s=“” For k=Len(ch) TO 1 Step -1 s=sMid(ch,k,1) Next k ch=s End Sub A.ABCDEF B.FEDCBA C.A D.F

考题 有如下程序。 Private Sub Commandl_Click() Dim a As Single Dim b As Single a=5:b=4 Call Sub1 ( a,B)End Sub Sub Subl(x As Single, y As Single) t=x x=t\y y = t Mod y End Sub 在调用运行上述程序后,a和b的值分别为A.0 0B.1 1C.2D.1 2

考题 下列程序运行后的输出结果是______。Private Sub f(k,s) s = 1 for j = 1 To k s=s*j Next jEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_ Click () Sum = 0 for i = 1 To 3 Call f(i, s) Sum = Sum + s Next i Print Sum End SubA.0B.3C.6D.9

考题 在窗体中添加一个名称为Commandl的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序: Public x As Integer Private Sub Commandl_click() x=10 Call s 1 Call s 2 MsgBOx x End Sub Pfivate Sub s1() x=x+20 End Sub Private SubA.10B.30C.40D.50

考题 有如下程序: Private Sub Command1 Click() Dim a As Single Dim b As Single a=5:b=4 Call S(a,B)End Sub Sub S(x As Single,y As Single) t=x x=t\y y=t Mod y End Sub 在调用运行上述程序后,a和b的值分别为A.0 0B.1 1C.2 2D.1 2

考题 下列程序运行后的输出结果是______。Private Sub f(k,s)s=1For j=1 To ks=s*jNextEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Sum=0For i=1 To 3Call f(i,s)Sum=Sum+sNextPrint SumEnd Sub

考题 class Super {  public int i = 0;  public Super(String text) {  i = 1; }  }  public class Sub extends Super {  public Sub(String text) {  i = 2;  }   public static void main(String args[]) {  Sub sub = new Sub(“Hello”);  System.out.println(sub.i);  }  }  What is the result?()  A、 0B、 1C、 2D、 Compilation fails.

考题 s=”this is the mainstring”,sub=”string”,strindex(s,sub)是()

考题 设当前目录是根目录,使用第()组命令不能在一级子目录SUB1下建立二级子目录SUB11。A、CD SUB1(回车)MD SUB11B、MD SUB1/SUB11C、MD SUB11D、MD/SUB1/SUB11

考题 单选题假设ed为需求弹性,当(  )时,商品降价将使企业销售收入增加。A |eSUBd/SUB|1B |eSUBd/SUB|=1C 0|eSUBd/SUB|1D |eSUBd/SUB|=0

考题 单选题class Super {  public int i = 0;  public Super(String text) {  i = 1; }  }  public class Sub extends Super {  public Sub(String text) {  i = 2;  }   public static void main(String args[]) {  Sub sub = new Sub(“Hello”);  System.out.println(sub.i);  }  }  What is the result?()A  0B  1C  2D  Compilation fails.

考题 单选题永续盘存法公式为()A Ksubt/sub+1=Isubt/sub-(1-δ)Ksubt/subB Ksubt/sub+1=It+(1-δ)Ksubt/subC Ksubt/sub+1=Isubt/sub+(1+δ)Ksubt/subD Ksubt/sub+1=Isubt/sub-(1+δ)Ksubt/sub

考题 单选题酶促反应速度(v)达到最大反应速度(Vmax)的80%时,底物浓度[S]为A p1Ksubm/sub/pB p2Ksubm/sub/pC p3Ksubm/sub/pD p4Ksubm/sub/pE p5Ksubm/sub/p

考题 单选题class super (   public int I = 0;   public super (string text) (   I = 1   )   )     public class sub extends super (   public sub (string text) (   i= 2   )   public static void main (straing args) (  sub sub = new sub (“Hello”);   system.out. PrintIn(sub.i);  )   )   What is the result?()A  Compilation will fail.B  Compilation will succeed and the program will print “0”C  Compilation will succeed and the program will print “1”D  Compilation will succeed and the program will print “2”

考题 单选题正态分布时,算术平均数、中位数、众数的关系为()A msub0/sub<msube/sub<(xB msub0/sub=msube/sub=(xC msub0/sub>msube/sub>(xD msube/sub<msub0/sub<(x

考题 多选题下列表示中____的表示形式是正确的。ApUsub95/sub= 1%,vsubeff/sub =9 /pBpUsubr/sub= 1%,k=2 /pCpusubC/sub=0. 5% /pDpusubC/sub=±0 5%.k=1 /p

考题 多选题设up为标准正态分布的p分位数,则有(  )。Ausub0.49/sub>0 Busub0.3/sub<usub0.4 /subCusub0.5/sub=0 Dusub0.23/sub=-usub0.77 /subEusub0.5/sub=-usub0.5/sub

考题 单选题( )被称为广义货币。A pMsub0/sub/pB pMsub1/sub/pC pMsub2/sub/pD pMsub3/sub/p

考题 填空题s=”this is the mainstring”,sub=”string”,strindex(s,sub)是()