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“The greater the man,the greater the courtly”中文意思是()


更多 ““The greater the man,the greater the courtly”中文意思是()” 相关考题
考题 Moses, sometimes for the greater good, () must be made. A、bloodB、sacrificeC、liesD、promises

考题 The higher the standard of living,the(). A、greater is the amount og goods consumedB、greater amount of goods consumedC、amount of goods is used greaterD、greater the amount of goods consumed

考题 It can be inferred from the passage that the impact of divorce_____.[A] on kids of different sexes will probably change as they grow older[B] may cause most kids’ difficulties in communicating with others[C] on an irritable girl is greater than a noncompliant boy[D] is always greater on boys than on girls

考题 Concern was expressed about the greater ________ of work being imposed on teachers.A weightB burdenC tensionD intensity

考题 There is little doubt ___ her advice is of greater value to us. A.thatB.whetherC.whyD.if

考题 中国作为疆域辽阔 、人口众多、历史悠久的国家,应该对人类有较大的贡献。A、Acountry with a vast territory, a big population and a long history,China should make greater contributions to humanity.B、China is a country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, should make greater contributions to humanity.C、China has a vast territory, a big population and a long history, and thus makes greater contributions to humanity.D、As a country,China has not only a vast territory, a big population but also a long history. Therefore,China should make greater contributions to humanity.

考题 There is no ( ) who lays down his life for his friends. A、greater love than that of a manB、greater love than a man'sC、greater love than a manD、as greater love as a man

考题 前缀列表{ip ip-prefix}的命令格式为 ip ip-prefix ip-prefix-name[index index-number]{permit|deny}ipv4-address mask-length[greater-equal greater-equal-value][less-equal less-equal-value],如果仅指定了greater-equal未指定less-equal,则前缀范围为()A.[0,greater-equal-value]B.[mask-length.greater-equal-value]C.[greater-equal-value,32]D.无限制

考题 The relative air pressure in the inlet manifold of a turbocharged diesel engine is usually______.A.greater than the average exhaust manifold pressureB.less than the average exhaust manifold pressureC.greater at the turbine wheel than at the impellerD.greater at reduced engine speed

考题 A semisubmersible which flops between forward and aft angles of trim is likely to have ______.A.KML less than KGLB.an off-center LCGC.LCG greater than LCBD.KML greater than KMT

考题 A celestial body will cross the prime vertical circle when the latitude is numerically ______.A.greater than the declination and both are of the same nameB.less than the declination and both are of the same nameC.greater than the declination and both are of contrary nameD.less than the declination and both are of contrary name

考题 The rich philosophical thought in Sunzi′s Art of War has ___________ greater and greater attention from scholar′ s of ancient Chinese philosophy.A.paid B.given C.attached D.aroused

考题 The expression "greater tolerance" (Para.1) refers to__________.A.greater willingness to accept social change B.quicker adaptation to changing circumstances C.more respect for different beliefs and behavior D.greater readiness to agree to different opinions and ideas

考题 The harder he studies,_______.( )A.he‘ll make great progress B.the greater progress he’ll make C.he‘ll make greater progress D.the greater he’ll make progress

考题 In his time he enjoyed a reputation_______.A.as great as Mozart,if not greater than B.as great as,if not greater than,Mozart C.as great,if not greater,as Mozart D.greater,if not as great as Mozart

考题 The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court()Ahas much greater power than other justices of the Supreme CourtBhas no greater voting power than other justices of the Supreme CourtChas greater say in deciding a caseDhas greater voting power than other justices of the Supreme Court

考题 When is the connection concentrator enabled?()A、When the value of MAX_CONNECTIONS is greater than the value of MAX_COORDAGENTS.  B、When the value of MAX_AGENTS is greater than the value of MAX_CLIENTS.  C、When the value of NUM_AGENTS is greater than the value of MAX_AGENTS. D、When the value of NUM_CONNECTIONS is greater than the value of NUM_COORDAGENTS.

考题 使用限制检索技术查找2000年以来的计算机方面的文献,检索式为:()A、computer? ? And Greater than 1999B、computer* ? And Greater than 1999C、computer? *And Greater than 1999D、computer** And Greater than 1999

考题 While monitoring a system using vmstat, which of the following options most likely indicates that the system is CPU bound?()A、 r is greater than 40B、 id is greater than 50C、 sum of id and wa equals 50D、 sum of us and sy equals 100

考题 单选题In this passage, the author tells us _____.A how to make the workers more productiveB impossible factors leading to greater efficiencyC to what extent more money leads to greater productivityD how to make workers’ jobs more interesting

考题 单选题The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court()A has much greater power than other justices of the Supreme CourtB has no greater voting power than other justices of the Supreme CourtC has greater say in deciding a caseD has greater voting power than other justices of the Supreme Court

考题 单选题The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of a fully-loaded truck ______ to the truck.A the greater stress isB greater is the stressC the stress is greaterD the greater the stress

考题 单选题It is important to use only pure lead and to choose a thickness of wire which is greater than the normal allowable clearance but () this amount.A not less than twiceB greater at least twice thanC not greater twice thanD larger three times than

考题 单选题A semisubmersible which flops between forward and aft angles of trim is likely to have().A KML less than KGLB an off-center LCGC LCG greater than LCBD KML greater than KMT

考题 单选题Which of the following statements concerning fuel atomization in a diesel engine cylinder is correct?()A The greater the atomization, the greater the penetrationB The greater the atomization, the less the penetrationC The degree of atomization has nothing to do with the degree of penetrationD Atomization and penetration are one and the same

考题 单选题In the Northern Hemisphere,the right half of the storm is known as the dangerous semicircle because().A the wind speed is greater here since the wind is traveling in the same general direction as the storm's trackB the direction of the wind and seas might carry a vessel into the path of the stormC the seas are higher because of greater wind speedD All of the above

考题 填空题“The greater the man,the greater the courtly”中文意思是()