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If the essay were to continue after sentence 15, which of the following would be the best content for sentence 16?

A comparison of the gross revenues of Larson’s and Rent and Lurhmann’s La Boheme


The number of sold-out performances of La Boheme each year throughout the world


Puccini’s goals for the first production of the opera


The possible reasons the artists felt the need to alter a masterpiece


A list of other productions developed from La Boheme


第15句主要讲的是艺术家感觉有必要对La Bohéme进行适当的改变,故选D。
更多 “单选题If the essay were to continue after sentence 15, which of the following would be the best content for sentence 16?A A comparison of the gross revenues of Larson’s and Rent and Lurhmann’s La BohemeB The number of sold-out performances of La Boheme each year throughout the worldC Puccini’s goals for the first production of the operaD The possible reasons the artists felt the need to alter a masterpieceE A list of other productions developed from La Boheme” 相关考题
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考题 The back-chaining technique means the students repeat a sentence after the teacher, starting from the end part of the sentence and moving towards the beginning.()

考题 Which routing protocol will continue to receive and process routing updates f rom neighbors after the passive - interface router configuration command is entered?()A、EIGRPB、RIPC、OSPFD、IS - IS

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考题 单选题Which is the best sentence to insert between sentence 13 and sentence 14?A Examples such as this demonstrate that incentives can be very effective.B If the penalty had been greater, perhaps it would have had the desired effect.C Clearly, rewards are more effective in most situations than punishments.D Many schools have also implemented effective after-school reading programs.E I’m not sure what the school decided to do with the program, since it wasn’t working.

考题 单选题Which of the following is the best revision of the underlined portion of sentence 2 (reproduced below)?This is the experience that a thinker has when, after they thought about a problem long and hard, they suddenly come upon a solution in a flash when they are no longer thinking about it.A that a thinker has when, after they thought long and hard about a problem, their solution suddenly arises like a flashB that thinkers have when a solution suddenly had arisen like a flash after they were thinking long and hard about a problemC that a thinker has when, after having thought long and hard about a problem, they suddenly come upon a solutionD that thinkers have when, after having thought long hard hard about a problem, they suddenly come upon a solutionE that thinkers have when, thinking long and hard about a problem, they suddenly come upon a solution in a flash

考题 单选题There are about 130 prison establishments in England and Wales and some 20 in Scotland,many of which were built in the()century.A 16thB 17thC 18thD 19th

考题 单选题In the context of the passage as a whole, which of the following additions would most strengthen the first paragraph?A A sentence listing mundane tourist attractions available on the East Coast, inserted after sentence 2B A sentence offering an overview of the attractions that Branson offers, inserted after sentence 4C A sentence explaining the settlement of the Ozarks and the founding of Branson, after sentence 4D A sentence listing recent statistics regarding annual in-state visitors versus out-of-state visitors to Branson, inserted before sentence 5E A sentence listing the annual tourist revenues in the city of Branson, inserted before sentence 6

考题 判断题The back-chaining technique means the students repeat a sentence after the teacher, starting from the end part of the sentence and moving towards the beginning.()A 对B 错

考题 单选题In context, which version of the underlined portion of sentence 5 (reproduced below) is the best?Because the victims often get depression because of their symptoms, other doctors used to bell it was psychological.A those symptoms wereB their depression wasC the victims wereD chronic fatigue syndrome wasE they were

考题 单选题Which word or phrase, if inserted at the beginning of sentence 15, best fits the context?A In fact,B However,C Additionally,D BecauseE Nevertheless,

考题 单选题Which routing protocol will continue to receive and process routing updates f rom neighbors after the passive - interface router configuration command is entered?()A EIGRPB RIPC OSPFD IS - IS

考题 多选题The session of user SCOTT receives the following error after executing an UPDATE command on the EMPtable: ERROR at line 1: ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource On investigation, you find that a session opened byuser JIM has a transaction that caused the deadlock.  Which two statements are true regarding the session ofSCOTT in this scenario()AThe session is terminated after receiving the error and JIM can continue with his transaction.BSCOTT should perform a COMMIT or ROLLBACK to allow JIM to continue with his transaction.CThe session is rolled back after receiving the error and JIM can continue with his transaction.DSCOTT has to reexecute the last command in the transaction after he commits the transaction.

考题 单选题Which of the following was not a true description of southern blacks’ situation after the Civil War?A They were provided separate but equal facilities and services.B They were second-class citizens.C They were terrorized by the Ku Klux Klan.D Their freedom was restricted by “black codes”.

考题 单选题The expression “fared best” in the sentence “During the 1960s and 1970s, and again after 1992, the poorest groups fared best.” in para. 8 can be paraphrased by which of the following?A obtained higher incomeB lived a better lifeC enjoyed more equalityD paid lower income tax

考题 填空题From the middle part to the end of the 18th century, in English literature () flourished. They were mostly stories of mystery and horror which take place in some haunted or dilapidated middle age castles.