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On account of the snowstorm () flight will be canceled.






更多 “ On account of the snowstorm () flight will be canceled. A、neitherB、allC、bothD、these ” 相关考题
考题 If you are traveling in Australia. take _________of the duty-free goods availableat our store in the Sydney Airport.A. holdB. advantageC. noticeD. account

考题 YoucreateaPasswordSettingsobject(PSO).YouneedtoapplythePSOtoadomainusernamedUser1.Whatshouldyoudo() A.ModifythepropertiesofthePSO.B.ModifytheaccountoptionsoftheUser1account.C.ModifythesecuritysettingsoftheUser1account.D.ModifythepasswordpolicyoftheDefaultDomainPolicyGroupPolicyobject(GPO).

考题 GivenanHttpServletRequestrequest,whichretrievesanobjectoftypeAccountwithanIdof“account”?() A.Accountaccount=request.getResource(”account”):B.Accountaccount=request.getAttribute(“account”):C.Accountaccount=request.getParameter(account”):D.Accountaccount=(Account)request.getResource(“account”):E.Accountaccount=(Account)request.getAttribute(“account”):F.Accountaccount=(Account)request.getParamter(“account”):

考题 国内航班()A.domestic flightB.flightC.scheduled flightD.internationa1 flight

考题 You are the administrator of a Windows Server 2003 computer named Testking1.Backups of the System State data of Testking1 occur each day by using the localAdministrator account.A new requirement restricts you from running services by using theAdministrator account. To meet the requirement, you create a new service accountnamed BackupTestking1 to be used for backups. You want this account to have theminimum permissions necessary to perform backups.You need to grant the appropriate permissions to the BackupTestking1 account andto configure the backup job to use the BackupTestking1 account.What should you do?()A. Add the BackupTestking1 account to the Server Operators group. Modify the backup Scheduled Task to use the BackupTestking1 account.B. Add the BackupTestking1 account to the Backup Operators group. Modify the backup Scheduled Task to use the BackupTesking1 account.C. Add the BackupTestking1 account to the Server Operators group. Modify the Task Scheduler service to use the BackupTestking1 account.D. Add the BackupTestking1 account to the Backup Operators group. Modify the Task Scheduler service to use the BackupTestking1 account.

考题 YouhaveacomputerthatrunsWindowsXPProfessional.Fiveuserssharethecomputer.AusernamedUser1isamemberofthePowerUsersgroupandtheAdministratorsgroup.User1hasencryptedfilesonthecomputer.User1takesanextendedleaveofabsence.YouneedtoensurethatuserscannotaccessthecomputerasUser1.YoumustbeabletoprovideUser1accesstothefilesuponUser1’sreturn.Whatshouldyoudo?()A.DisabletheUser1account.B.AddUser1totheGuestsgroup.C.ResetthepasswordfortheUser1account.D.Renamentuser.datasntuser.manintheUser1userprofile.

考题 v 假设ICBCA_ACCOUNT和CBCA_ACCOUNT是用计算机语言定义的两个不同的类。前者代表工商银行账户,后者代表建设银行账户。ZhangSan_ICBCAccount和LiSi_ICBCAccount 是用ICBCA_ACCOUNT类定义的两个对象;ZhangSan_CBCAccount是用CBCA_ACCOUNT类定义的一个对象。下列说法中错误的是__(26)__。(26)A.ZhangSan_ICBCAccount是ICBCA_ACCOUNT类的一个实例B.ZhangSan_ICBCAccount和LiSi_ICBCAccount总具有相同的属性C.ZhangSan_ICBCAccount和LiSi_ICBCAccount总具有相同的状态D.ZhangSan_CBCAccount和LiSi_ICBCAccount总具有不同的操作

考题 系统帐户信息保存在注册表中的位置是()。 A.HCU\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\NamesB.HCR\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\NamesC.HLM\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\NamesD.HCR\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\Names

考题 As the pace of life continues to increase ,we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through lift,being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.Stress is an natural part of everyday lift and there is no way to avoid it. In fact ,it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be .A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation adn give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health. The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress,and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress,in whatever form,we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between "fight" or "flight" and in more primitive days the choice made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme,but however little the stress,it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long,through continued exposure to stress,that health becomes endangered.Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stress.Since we cannot remove stress from our lives(it would be unwise to do so even if we could),we need to find ways to deal with it. In Paragraph 3, "such a reaction" refers back to_B_____.a."making a choice between 'flight' or 'fight'" b."reaction to stress both chemically and physically" c."responding to crises quickly" d."losing heart at the signs difficulties"

考题 There is no margin for error in our plan.A:room B:house C:place D:account