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Except where otherwise provided in this Convention,the ______for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea is the low-water line along the coast as marked on large-scale charts officially recognized by the coastal State.

A.normal baseline

B.outer limit of the territorial sea

C.limit of the territorial sea

D.breadth of the territorial sea


更多 “ Except where otherwise provided in this Convention,the ______for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea is the low-water line along the coast as marked on large-scale charts officially recognized by the coastal State.A.normal baselineB.outer limit of the territorial seaC.limit of the territorial seaD.breadth of the territorial sea ” 相关考题
考题 ()that you have no objection,we will have the meeting in your room. A、IfB、To be providedC、Provided Except

考题 _________________[A] Now that[B] Although[C] Provided[D] Except that

考题 The word “breadth of a vessel” in International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972 means ______.A.The molded breadthB.The registered breadthC.The breadth amidshipsD.The maximum breadth

考题 Where did the name Mark Twain come from?A. It came from a safe passage.B. It came from a term used by the boatmen.C. It came from his boyhood.D. It came from his measuring tool.

考题 The tanker has in operation,except as provided for in Regulation 15(5) and (6) of Annex A of MARPOL 73/78,an oil discharge monitoring and control system and ______ as required.A.an IGSB.a scriberC.a P/VD.a slop tank arrangement

考题 An oil tanker,except as provided for otherwise,might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when ______.A.she is not within a special areaB.she is within a special areaC.she has just departured from a special areaD.she is about to enter a special area

考题 The capacity of the segregated ballast tanks shall be ______ determined that the ship may operate safely on ballast voyages without recourse to the use of cargo tanks for water ballast except as provided otherwise.A.SuchB.AsC.SoD.Well

考题 Weather observations provided by each weather station include all of the following except ______.A.temperatureB.visibilityC.predicted weather for the next twelve hoursD.barometric pressure and change in the last three hours

考题 材料:The Salvor shall immediately after the termination of the services or sooner notify the Council and where practicable the Owners of the amount for which he demands security(inclusive of costs expenses and interest)from each of the respective Owners.Where the exception to the principle of no cure-no pay under Convention Article 14 becomes likely to be applicable the owners of the vessel shall on the demand of the Salvor provide security for the Salvors special compensation.The amount of any such security shall be reasonable in the light of the knowledge available to the Salvor at the time when the demand is made.Unless otherwise agreed such security shall be provided(i)to the Council(ii)in a form. approved by the Council and(iii)by persons firms or corporations either acceptable to the Salvor or resident in China and acceptable to the Council.The Council shall not be responsible for the sufficiency(whether in amount or otherwise)of any security which shall be provided nor for the default or insolvency of any person firm or corporation providing the same.The owners of the vessel their Servants and Agents shall use their best endeavours to ensure that the cargo owners provide their proportion of security before the cargo is released.Until security has been provided as aforesaid the Salvor shall have a maritime lien on the property salved for his remuneration.问题:The amount of security provided by owners shall be _______.A.as small as practicable to ensure not to affect the normal business of the ownersB.sufficient to cover all costs expenses and interest the salvor had sustained in the process of or in connection with the savage operationsC.actual costs expenses and interest incurred to the salvor calculable immediately after the termination of the servicesD.reasonable in the light of the knowledge available to the Salvor at the time when the demand is madeWhere the principle of no cure-no pay is likely not to be applicable the owners of the vessel _______.A.is exempted from providing any security for the Salvor's special compensationB.shall not provide any security for the Salvor's special compensation unless otherwise provided in the salvage contractC.shall not provide any security for the Salvor's special compensation even the Salvor so demandsD.shall on the demand of the Salvor provide security for the Salvor's special compensationThe Council to which the security has been provided shall _______.A.be responsible for its sufficiency(whether in amount or otherwise)B.be responsible for the default or insolvency of any person firm or corporation providing the sameC.be responsible for its sufficiency(whether in amount or otherwise)but not for the default or insolvency of any person firm or corporation providing the sameD.be responsible neither for its sufficiency(whether in amount or otherwise)nor for the default or insolvency of any person firm or corporation providing the same请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 For the purpose of the Rules, except where otherwise required, the term ______.A.vessel includes seaplanesB.seaplane includes non-displacement craftC.vessel engaged in fishing includes a vessel fishing with trolling linesD.vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver includes fishing vessels

考题 When I got out of the car and walked about among them, ____one old man who shook his head disapprovingly, they all began to cheer.A.see that B.except that C.provided that D.except for

考题 翻译:We hope you will quote your rock-bottom price, otherwise we have no alternative but to place our orders else where.

考题 单选题For each person it is certified to carry,a lifeboat on an oceangoing passenger vessel must be provided with all of the following EXCEPT().A 3 litres of waterB 1 unit of provisionsC 1 seasickness kitD 1 life preserver

考题 单选题Weather observations provided by each weather station include all of the following except().A temperatureB visibilityC predicted weather for the next twelve hoursD barometric pressure and change in the last three hours

考题 单选题An emergency bilge pumping system is provided and should be () of the main bilge pumping system, according to the SOLAS 74 Convention.A dependentB in dependentC in seriesD in parallel

考题 单选题Safety of navigation is dealt with in chapter V of the SOLAS Convention which identifiescertain navigation safety services which should be provided by Contracting Governments and sets forth provisions of an operational nature applicable in general to all ships on all voyages. This is()the Convention as a whole.A in contrast toB in compliance withC the essence ofD representing

考题 单选题Every existing product carriers of 40000 tons deadweight and above shall be provided with segregated ballast tanks and shall comply with the specified requirements,or,alternatively,operate with()in accordance with the convention.A Crude Oil WashingB dedicated clean ballast tanksC cargo tank cleaning systemD Oil Record Book

考题 单选题For the purpose of the Rules,except where otherwise required,the term().A vessel includes seaplanesB seaplane includes non-displacement craftC vessel engaged in fishing includes a vessel fishing with trolling linesD vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver includes fishing vessels

考题 单选题()anything provided for in Clause 7 and 8 of this bill of lading and subject to Clause 17,if it can be proved where the loss or damage occurred the carrier and the merchant shall,as to the liability of the carrier,be entitled to require such liability to be determined by the provisions contained in any relevant international convention or national law.A NotwithstandingB WhatsoeverC WhereaboutD Nevertheless

考题 单选题An oil tanker,except as provided for otherwise,might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when().A she is not within a special areaB she is within a special areaC she has just departured from a special areaD she is about to enter a special area

考题 单选题Except as provided for otherwise,an oil tanker might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when().A the tanker is within 50 nautical miles from the nearest landB the tanker is no more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landC the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landD the tanker is not more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land

考题 单选题Any oil tanker which is not required to be provided with segregated ballast tanks in accordance with this paragraph may,however,be qualified as a segregated ballast tanker ()it complies with the other requirements of paragraphs of this Convention.A provided thatB on the part ofC neverthelessD notwithstanding

考题 单选题The miners escaped the danger by ______.A a hair breadth B hair breadthC hair’s breadth D a hair’s breadth

考题 单选题“Inability to provide for the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and for subsequent relieving watches persons who are sufficiently rested and otherwise fit for duty” is considered to be one of the detainable deficiencies under ().A the SOLAS ConventionB the MARPOL ConventionC the STCW ConventionD the LIAD LINE Convention

考题 单选题()A room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.A Captains cabinB Chief officer;s lockerC ChartroomD Pilots cabin

考题 单选题Where foam extinguishing systems are provided on a ship,each machinery flat in the protected space must have a(n)().A coamingB alarmC drainD fire sensor

考题 问答题翻译:We hope you will quote your rock-bottom price, otherwise we have no alternative but to place our orders else where.