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The right to limit liability in connection with the ship ______ also extended to Charterers and any person interested in or in possession of the vessel and,in particular,any manager or operator of her.






更多 “ The right to limit liability in connection with the ship ______ also extended to Charterers and any person interested in or in possession of the vessel and,in particular,any manager or operator of her.A.hasB.takesC.isD.makes ” 相关考题
考题 ___ would financially protect a surgeon should he cut off the left leg of a patient rather than the right which suffers from bone cancer. A.Personal liability coverageB.Professional liability coverageC.Premises coverageD.Product coverage

考题 The captain of a ship can be also calledA.masterB.agentC.ship ownerD.pilot

考题 A carrier or a shipper ________ to enter into any agreement, stipulation, condition, reservation or exception as to the responsibility and liability of the carrier or the ship for the loss of or damage to, or in connection with, the custody and care and handling of the goods prior to the loading on, and subsequent to the discharge from, the ship on which the goods are carried by sea.A.is entitledB.are entitledC.entitlesD.entitle

考题 If the Charterer nominates an unsafe port and the ship is damaged through going there, ________ will be liable for the damage, subject to that the master acts reasonably in going there.A.heB.herC.the ownerD.the shipper

考题 A charterer is unable to complete the loading of a vessel during the lay days specified in the charter party. Under these circumstances,the ______.A.vessel operator can collect demurrageB.ship is authorized extra time to discharge the cargoC.charterer must pay dispatch moneyD.effective period of the charter is extended

考题 ______ is entitled to enter into,with a shipper,any agreement,stipulation,condition,reservation or exception as to the responsibility and liability of the carrier or the ship for the loss of or damage to,or in connection with,the custody and care and handling of the goods prior to the loading on,and subsequent to the discharge from,the ship on which the goods are carried by sea.A.A carrierB.A consigneeC.A consignerD.A receiver

考题 The fact that it has become impossible to procure a cargo ______,as a rule,relieve the Charterer of liability.A.is notB.isC.does notD.can hardly be

考题 Usually the Charterer has to redeliver the ship in the same good order ______ when delivered,fair wear and tear excepted.A.inB.byC.onD.as

考题 Where events have rendered performance of the contract illegal either by English law or by the law of the country in which performance was to have taken place,the Charterer will ______ from the liability to provide a cargo.A.be providedB.be excusedC.be suppliedD.be replied

考题 Apart from special contract or statute every Shipowner is ______ a liability akin to that of a common carrier,irrespective of whether the goods were shipped by a Charterer or on a general ship.A.onB.inC.underD.at

考题 Your ______ working on my vessel has acknowledged the truth of and liability for the damage.A.representativeB.DPC.ship-ownerD.man

考题 The captain of a ship can be also called () .A、masterB、agentC、ship ownerD、pilot

考题 单选题If the bill of lading()contain a space in which the shipper can insert the declared value of the goods,the Shipowner is not entitled to limit his liability.A doesB didC does notD will not

考题 单选题That the Shipowner has broken a condition precedent will()the Charterer from the liability to provide a cargo.A dischargeB pertainC retainD remain

考题 单选题The maximum angle at which the intact stability curves are valid for ship’s is the angle for().A the limit of positive stabilityB the limit of small-angle stabilityC maximum offsetD downflooding

考题 单选题If the ship is delayed by reason of Charterer’s failure to name a port,()will be liable for the damages.A the ownerB the ChartererC the shipperD the carrier

考题 单选题The consignee’s refusal to take delivery,or failure to do so within a reasonable time,also puts an end to()liability as a carrier.A the Shipowner'sB the Charterer'sC the cargo owner's

考题 单选题The carrier is entitled to limit his liability to the stated sum per package or unit even if he failedto exercise due diligence to make the vessel().A to be seaworthyB being seaworthyC be seaworthyD seaworthy

考题 单选题Apart from special contract or statute every Shipowner is()a liability akin to that of a common carrier,irrespective of whether the goods were shipped by a Charterer or on a general ship.A onB inC underD at

考题 单选题The right to limit liability in connection with the ship()also extended to Charterers and any person interested in or in possession of the vessel and,in particular,any manager or operator of her.A hasB takesC isD makes

考题 单选题The fact that it has become impossible to procure a cargo(),as a rule,relieve the Charterer of liability.A is notB isC does notD can hardly be

考题 单选题If the Shipowner fails to give the Charterer the notice of readiness to load,and delay in commencing to load is thereby caused,the Charterer will(),as he is not bound to look out for the ship.A be responsibleB not be responsibleC pay the Shipowner for the expenses incurredD not claim the Shipowner for the expenses incurred

考题 单选题The ship owner’s liability for cargo damage is covered under what marine insurance policy?()A HullB CargoC Protection and IndemnityD Pollution

考题 单选题Contracts whereby the possession and control of a ship vest()the Charterer are becoming more common today especially in the oil tanker trade.A onB toC atD in

考题 单选题The loading of the ship must be done in accordance with().A the ship’s instructionsB the terminal’s instructionsC the port captain’s instructionsD the charterer’s instructions

考题 单选题The object of the both-to-blame collision clause is().A to free the carrying ship from liabilityB to free the non-carrying ship from liabilityC to free the ship in the wrong from liabilityD to free the ship not to blame from liability

考题 单选题Where events have rendered performance of the contract illegal either by English law or by the law of the country in which performance was to have taken place,the Charterer will()from the liability to provide a cargo.A be providedB be excusedC be suppliedD be replied

考题 单选题()is entitled to enter into,with a shipper,any agreement,stipulation,condition,reservation or exception as to the responsibility and liability of the carrier or the ship for the loss of or damage to,or in connection with,the custody and care and handling of the goods prior to the loading on,and subsequent to the discharge from,the ship on which the goods are carried by sea.A A carrierB A consigneeC A consignerD A receiver