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更多 “_____   A.cave   B.shade   C.sunshine   D.open” 相关考题
考题 共用题干 Older Volcanic EruptionsVolcanoes were more destructive in ancient history,not because they were bigger,but because the carbon dioxide they released wiped out life with greater ease.Paul Wignall from the University of Leeds was investigating the link between volcanic eruptions and mass extinctions.Not all volcanic eruptions killed off large numbers of animals,but all the mass extinctions over the past 300 million years coincided with huge formations of volcanic rock.To his surprise,the older the massive.volcanic eruptions were,the more damage they seemed to do.He calculated the"killing efficiency" for these volcanoes by comparing the proportion of life they killed off with the volume of lava(熔岩)that they produced.He found that size for size,older eruptions were at least 10 times as effective at wiping out life as their more recent rivals.The Permian(二叠纪)extinction,for example,which happened 250 million years ago,is marked by floods of volcanic rock in Siberia that cover an area roughly the size of western Europe.Those volcanoes are thought to have pumped out about 1 0 gigatonnes(十亿吨)of carbon as carbon dioxide.The global warming that followed wiped out 80 percent of all marine genera(种类)at the time,and it took 5 million years for the planet to recover.Yet 60 million years ago,there was another huge amount of volcanic activity and global warming but no mass extinction.Some animals did disappear but things returned to normal within ten thousands of years."The most recent ones hardly have an effect at all,"Wignall says.He ignored the extinction which wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago,because many scientists believe it was primarily caused by the impact of an asteroid(小行星).He thinks that older volcanoes had more killing power because more recent life forms were better adapted to dealing with increased levels of CO2.Vincent Courtillot,director of the Paris Geophysical InstitUte in France,says that Wignall's idea is provoca- tive.But he says it is incredibly hard to do these sorts of calculations.He points out that the killing power of volcanic eruptions depends on how long they lasted.And it is impossible to tell whether the huge blasts lasted for thousands or millions of years.He also adds that it is difficult to estimate how much lava prehistoric volcanoes produced,and that lava volume may not necessarily correspond to carbon dioxide emissions.What is Vincent Courtillot's attitude toward Wignall's idea?A:Positive. B:Negative. C:Neutral. D:Unclear.

考题 A. smell B. evidence C.sound D.color

考题 Brunel work was largely ignored by his colleagues.A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

考题 The professor interpreted the poem for us.A:extended B:spent C:expanded D:explained

考题 共用题干 Few Facts about Singapore1. Singapore is an independent city state in southeastern Asia,consisting of one major island-the Singapore Island-and more than 50 small islands,located off the southern tip of Malay.The city of Singapore,the capital of the country,is at the southeastern end of the Singapore Island;it is one of the most important port cities and commercial centers of Southeast Asia. The total area of the re- public is 640 sp.km.2. Low lying Singapore Island has no outstanding relief(轮廓鲜明的)features. A central area of hills rises to the maximum height of 176 m.The country has a wet tropical climate,with an average annual temperature of 27 .20℃.The average annual rainfall is 2,413 mm;the wettest months are November through January.3. Singapore is governed under a constitution of 1959.A president,elected to a four-year term is head of state,and a prime minister is head of government. The president used to be selected by Parliament ,but by a 1991 constitutional amendment(修正案),the president is now elected direct-ly by the people.The Parliament is the law making body with its 81 members popularly elected.4. In the late 1980s the country had some 290 primary schools with 278,300 pupils and 160 secondary schools with 200,200 students.The main institutions of higher education are the NationalUniversity of Singapore,several technical colleges,and a teachers college.5. Singapore has one of the highest standards of living of any country in Asia. In the late 1980s the gross domestic product was estimated at$23 .7 billion,or$8,870 per person.The fishing industry is centered on the port of southwestern Singapore Island.Industry has grown rapidly since the 1 960s , and Singapore now produces a diversity(多样化的)of goods , including chemicals ,electronic items,clothing,and processed foods,etc.Shipbuilding and petroleum refining are also important. Though small,Singapore has an industry of its own and can______.A: live a better lifeB: made up of one major island and more than 50 small islandsC: have more farmlandD: by the peopleE: produce many kinds of goodsF: have a big population

考题 共用题干 Unlocking the Human Genome(基因组)1 A project to unlock secrets一what scientist could resist that challenge?This is what many scientists are doing as they work on the Human Genome Project.The aim of the project is to decode(破译)all of the some 100,000 genes in the human body. Scientists are using DNA fingerprinting techniques to do the decoding.2 DNA is the substance found in the chromosomes(染色体)of a cell. A chromosome is a chain of genes.Each gene carries a piece of genetic information.At any one moment in a cell, thousands of genes are turned on and off to produce proteins(蛋白质).The challenge for scientists is to find out what role each gene plays in protein production.At some point this decoding will be complete.Then scientists will have a map of an ideal genome,or a picture of the total genetic nature of a human being.The ideal genome is called a consensus(交感)genome. Everything works well in a consensus genome.3 But no one in the world has a consensus genome.Everyone's genome is different from the ideal. These differences are referred to as genetic mutations(突变).Genetic mutations in a person's genome mean that the person has a greater than average chance of suffering from health problems.Some problems are not life-threatening.These would include things like colorblindness,or mild headaches.Other problems are serious,such as heart disease,or cancer.4 It will take years to identify the role of each of the 100,000 genes.The short-term goal of the project is to find the physical and mental health problems a person is likely to encounter during his or her lifetime.The long-term goal is to have each person live a longer,healthier life.The Human Genome Project is trying to map all_________that make us human.A:that person's healthB:a scientific answerC:scientific researchersD:the genesE:the functionF:the size

考题 共用题干 第三篇Reading PoemNo poem should ever be discussed or"analyzed",until it has been read aloud by someone, teacher or student. Better still,perhaps,is the practice of reading it twice,once at the beginning of the discussion and once at the end,so the sound of the poem is the last thing one hears of it.All discussions of poetry are,in fact,preparations for reading it aloud,and the reading of the poem is,finally,the most telling"interpretation"of it,suggesting tone,rhythm,and meaning all at once.Hearing a poet read the work in his or her own voice,on records or on film,is obviously a special reward.But even those aids to teaching can not replace the student and teacher reading it or, best of all,reciting it.I have come to think,in fact,that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than"analyzing"it,if there isn't time for both.I think one of our goals as teachers of English is to have students love poetry. Poetry is"a criticism of life","a heightening of life,enjoyment with others".It is"an approach to the truth of feeling",and it"can save your life".It also deserves a place in the teaching of languages and literature more central than it presently occupies.I am not saying that every English teacher must teach poetry.Those who don't like it should not be forced to put that dislike on anyone else.But those who do teach poetry must keep in mind a few things about its essential nature,about its sound as well as its sense,and they must make room in the classroom for hearing poetry as well as thinking about it.The recitation of a poetry by the teacher or a student in the classroom______.A:is the best way to understand itB:easily arouses some discussion among the studentsC:helps the teachers to analyse itD:can not take the place of the poet reading it analyse