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A special language variety that mixes languages and is used by speakers of different languages for purposes of trading is called ______.?





A选项,dialect 方言可分地域方言和社会方言。故排除。



更多 “A special language variety that mixes languages and is used by speakers of different languages for purposes of trading is called ______.?A.dialect B.idiolect C.pidgin D.register” 相关考题
考题 Structured programming practices(71)rise to Pascal,in which constructs were introduced to make programs more readable and better(72). C provided a combination of assembly language and high-level Structure to create a general-purpose language that could be used from system to(73)programming. Next came object orientation,which is(74)of a methodology and design philosophy than a language issue.This is(75)by the addition of so-called OO extensions to current languages,such as C.A.givingB.givenC.gaveD.gives

考题 The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data Native American languages are indeed different, so much so in fact that Navajo could be used by the US military as a code during World War II to send secret messages.

考题 The language used to talk about language is called .A、special languageB、local languageC、metalanguageD、human language

考题 Mastering a foreign language can help bridge the gap between different languages and cultures.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 the grammar-translation method was at one time called ______ since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of latin and greek. A、classical MethodB、minimum methodC、audiolingual MethodD、aural-oral method

考题 A variety of a language used recognizably in a specific region or by a specific social class is called__________. A.dialect B.registers C.creoles D.pidgins

考题 The language used to describe the language itself is called__________. A.paralanguage B.special language C.metalanguage D.interlanguage

考题 共用题干 The Bilingual BrainWhen Karl Kim immigrated to the United States from Korea as a teenager,he had a hard time learning English.Now he speaks it fluently, and he had a unique opportunity to see how our brains adapt to a second language.As a graduate student, Kim worked in the lab of Joy Hirsch, a neuroscientist in New York Their work led to an important discovery.They found evidence that children and adults don't use the same parts ofthe brain when they learn a second language.The researchers used an instrument called an MRI(magnetic resonance imaging)scanner to study the brains of two groups of bilingual people.One group consisted of those who had learned a second language as children.The other consisted of people who,like Kim,learned their second language later in lite.Peoplefrom both groups were placed inside the MRI scanner ,This allowed Kim and Hirsch to see which parts of thebrain were getting more blood and were more active.They asked people from both groups to think about whatthey had done the day before ,first in one language and then the other.They couldn't speak out loudbecause any movement would disrupt(干扰)the scanning.Kim and Hirsch looked specifically at two language centers in the brain-Broca' s area, which isbelieved to control speech production,and Wernicke's area,which is thought to process meaning.Kim andHirsch found that both groups of people used the same part of Wernicke's area no matter what language theywere speaking.But their use of Broca's area was different.People who learned a second language as children used the same region in Broca's area for both tneir first and second languages.People who learned a second language later in life used a different part of Broca's area for their second language.How does Hirsch explain this difference?Hirsch believes that when language is first being programmed in young children,their brains may mix the sounds and structures of all languages in the same area.Once that programming is complete,the processing of a new language must be taken over by adifferent part of the brain.A second possibility is simply that we may acquire languages differently as children than we do asadults.Hirsch thinks that mothers teach a baby to speak by using different methods involving touch,sound and sight.And that is very different from learning a language in a high school or college class.Kim and Hirsch find that children______.A: use the same region in Broca's area to learn their first and second languageB:learn a second language slower than adultsC:are better at acquiring the sound system of a second language than adultsD:use special parts of the brain to program the structures of their first language

考题 共用题干 The Day a Language DiedWhen Carlos Westez died at the age of 76,a language died,too.Westez,more commonly known as Red Thunder Cloud,was the last speaker of the Native American language,Catawba.Anyone who wants to hear various songs of the Catawba can contact the Smithsonian Institution in Washington,D.C.,where, back in the 1940s,Red Thunder Cloud recorded a series of songs for future generations.______(46) They are all that is left of the Catawba language.The language that people used to speak is gone forever.We are all aware of the damage that modern industry can do to the world's ecology(生态).However, few people are aware of the impact that widely spoken languages have on other languages and ways of life.English has spread all over the world.Chinese,Spanish,Russian,and Hindi have become powerful languages,as well.______(47)When this happens,hundreds of languages that are spoken by only a few people die out.Scholars believe there are about 6 ,000 languages around the world,but more than half of them could die out within the next 100 years.There are many examples.Araki is a native language of the island of Vanuatu,located in the Pacific Ocean.It is spoken by only a few older adults,so like Catawba,Araki will soon disappear.Many languages of Ethiopia will have the same fate because each one has only a few speakers.______(48)In the Americas,100 languages,each of which has fewer than 300 speakers,also are dying out.Red Thunder Cloud was one of the first to recognize the threat of language death and to try to do something about it.He was not actually born into the Catawba tribe,and the language was not his mother tongue.______(49)The songs he sang for the Smithsonian Institution helped to make Native American music popular.Now he is gone,and the language is dead.What does it mean when a language disappears? When a plant or insect or animal species dies,it is easy to understand what we've lost and to appreciate what this means for the balance of the natural world.However,language is only a product of the mind.To be the last remaining speaker of a language,like RedThunder Cloud,must be a lonely destiny,almost as strange and terrible as being the last surviving member of a dying species.______(50)_______(48)A:Some people might want to try to learn some of these songs by heart.B:Papua New Guinea is an extremely rich source of different languages,but more than 100 of them are in danger of extinction(灭绝).C:However,he was a frequent visitor to the Catawba reservation in South Carolina,where he learned the language.D:These languages don't have many native speakers.E:For the rest of us,when a language dies,we lose the possibility of a unique way of seeing and describing the world.F:As these languages become more powerful,their use as tools of business and culture increases.

考题 共用题干 The Day a Language DiedWhen Carios Westez died at the age of 76,a language died,too.Westez,more commonly known asRed Thunder Cloud,was the last speaker of the Native American language,Catawba.Anyone who wants to hear various songs of the Catawba can contact the Smithsonian Institution in Washington,D.C.,where,back in the 1940s,Red Thunder Cloud recorded a series of songs for future generations.______(46)They are all that is left of the Catawba language.The language that.people used to speak is gone forever.We are all aware of the damage that modern industry can do to the world's ecology(生态).However, few people are aware of the impact that widely spoken languages have on other languages and ways of life. English has spread all over the world.Chinese,Spanish,Russian,and Hindi have become powerful langua- ges,as well.______(47)When this happens,hundreds of languages that are spoken by only a few peo- pie die out.Scholars believe there are about 6,000 languages around the world,but more than half of them could die out within the next 100 years.There are many examples.Araki is a native language of the island of Vanuatu,located in the Pacific Ocean.It is spoken by only a few older adults,so like Catawba,Araki will soon disappear.Many languages of Ethiopia will have the same fate because each one has only a few speakers.______(48)In the Americas,100 languages,each of which has fewer than 300 speakers,also are dying out.Red Thunder Cloud was one of the first to recognize the threat of language death and to try to do some-thing about it.He was not actually born into the Catawba.tribe,and the language was not his mother tongue.______(49)The songs he sang for the Smithsonian Institution helped to make Native American music popular.Now he is gone,and the language is dead.What does it mean when a language disappears?When a plant or insect or animal species dies,it is easy to understand what we've lost and to appreciate what this means for the balance of the natural world.However,language is only a product of the mind.To be the last remaining speaker of a language,like Red Thunder Cloud,must be a lonely destiny,almost as strange and terrible as being the last surviving member of a dying species.______(50)______(46)A:As these languages become more powerful,their use as tools of business and culture increases.B:For the rest of us,when a language dies,we lose the possibility of a unique way of seeing and describing the world.C:These languages don't have many native speakers.D:However,he was a frequent visitor to the Catawba reservation in South Carolina,where he learned the language.E:Papua New Guinea is an extremely rich source of different languages,but more than 100 of them are ir danger of extinction(灭绝).F:Some people might want to try to learn some of these songs by heart.

考题 共用题干 The Bilingual Brain When Karl Kim immigrated to the United States from Korea as a teenager,he had a hard time learning English.Now he speaks it fluently,and he had a unique opportunity to see how our brains adapt to a second language.As a graduate student,Kim worked in the lab of Joy Hirsch,a neuroscientist in New York.______(46)They found evidence that children and adults don't use the same parts of the brain when they learn a second language. The researchers used an instrument called an MRI(magnetic resonance imaging)scanner to study the brains of two groups of bilingual people.______(47)The other consisted of people who,like Kim, learned their second language later in life.People from both groups were placed inside the MRI scanner.This allowed Kim and Hirsch to see which parts of the brain were getting more blood and were more active.They asked people from both groups to think about what they had done the day before,first in one language and then the other.They couldn't speak out loud because any movement would disrupt the scanning. Kim and Hirsch looked specifically at two language centers in the brain-Broca's area,which is believed to control speech production,and Wernicke's area,which is thought to process meaning.Kim and Hirsch found that both groups of people used the same part of Wernicke's area no matter what language they were speaking. ______(48) People who learned a second language as children used the same region in Broca's area for both their first and second languages.People who learned a second language later in life used a different part of Broca's area for their second language.______(49)Hirsch believes that when language is first being programmed in young children,their brains may mix the sounds and structures of all languages in the same area.Once that programming is complete,the processing of a new language must be taken over by a different part of the brain. A second possibility is simply that we may acquire languages differently as children than we do as adults.Hirsch thinks that mothers teach a baby to speak by using different methods involving touch'sound, and sight.______(50)______(46)A:But their use of Broca's area was different.B:One group consisted of those who had learned a second language as children.C:How does Hirsch explain this difference?D:We use special parts of the brain for language learning.E:And that is very different from learning a language in a high school or college class.F:Their work led to an important discovery.

考题 共用题干 Some Things We Know About LanguageMany things about language are a mystery,and many will always remain so.But some things we do know.First , we know that all human beings have a language of some sort.There is no race(种族)of men anywhere on earth so backward that it has no language,no set of speech sounds by which the people communicate with one another.Furthermore,in historical times,there has never been a race of men without a language. Second,there is no such thing as a primitive(原始的)language.There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped,who are,as we say,uncivilized,but the languages they speak are not primitive.In all known languages we can see complexities that must have been tens of thousands of years in developing. This has not always been well understood;indeed,the direct contrary has often been stated.Popular ideas of the language of the American Indians will illustrate.Many people have supposed that the Indians communicated in a very primitive system of noises.Study has proved this to be nonsense.There are,or were, hundreds of American Indian languages,and all of them turn out to be very complicated and very old.They are certainly different from the languages that most of us are familiar with,but they are no more primitive than English and Greek.A third thing we know about language is that all languages are perfectly adequate.That is,each one is a perfect means of expressing the culture of the people who speak the language. Finally,we know that language changes.It is natural and normal for language to change;the only languages which do not change are the dead ones.This is easy to understand if we look backward in time. Change goes on in all aspects of language.Grammatical features change as do speech sounds,and changes in vocabulary are sometimes very extensive and may occur very rapidly.Vocabulary is the least stable part of any language.According to the third paragraph,the author thinks that______.A:there exist some primitive languages in the worldB:there are many people who don't have a languageC:no languages in the world haven't been well developedD:there are some languages we know having little complexities

考题 共用题干 Some Things We Know About LanguageMany things about language are a mystery,and many will always remain so.But some things we do know.First , we know that all human beings have a language of some sort.There is no race(种族)of men anywhere on earth so backward that it has no language,no set of speech sounds by which the people communicate with one another.Furthermore,in historical times,there has never been a race of men without a language. Second,there is no such thing as a primitive(原始的)language.There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped,who are,as we say,uncivilized,but the languages they speak are not primitive.In all known languages we can see complexities that must have been tens of thousands of years in developing. This has not always been well understood;indeed,the direct contrary has often been stated.Popular ideas of the language of the American Indians will illustrate.Many people have supposed that the Indians communicated in a very primitive system of noises.Study has proved this to be nonsense.There are,or were, hundreds of American Indian languages,and all of them turn out to be very complicated and very old.They are certainly different from the languages that most of us are familiar with,but they are no more primitive than English and Greek.A third thing we know about language is that all languages are perfectly adequate.That is,each one is a perfect means of expressing the culture of the people who speak the language. Finally,we know that language changes.It is natural and normal for language to change;the only languages which do not change are the dead ones.This is easy to understand if we look backward in time. Change goes on in all aspects of language.Grammatical features change as do speech sounds,and changes in vocabulary are sometimes very extensive and may occur very rapidly.Vocabulary is the least stable part of any language.The author has used American Indian language to illustrate______.A:it hasn't been well understood that there is no primitive languageB:the Indians communicated in a very primitive system of noisesC:English and Greek are less primitive than American Indian languagesD:hundreds of American Indian languages are easy and young

考题 共用题干 Some Things We Know About LanguageMany things about language are a mystery,and many will always remain so.But some things we do know.First , we know that all human beings have a language of some sort.There is no race(种族)of men anywhere on earth so backward that it has no language,no set of speech sounds by which the people communicate with one another.Furthermore,in historical times,there has never been a race of men without a language. Second,there is no such thing as a primitive(原始的)language.There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped,who are,as we say,uncivilized,but the languages they speak are not primitive.In all known languages we can see complexities that must have been tens of thousands of years in developing. This has not always been well understood;indeed,the direct contrary has often been stated.Popular ideas of the language of the American Indians will illustrate.Many people have supposed that the Indians communicated in a very primitive system of noises.Study has proved this to be nonsense.There are,or were, hundreds of American Indian languages,and all of them turn out to be very complicated and very old.They are certainly different from the languages that most of us are familiar with,but they are no more primitive than English and Greek.A third thing we know about language is that all languages are perfectly adequate.That is,each one is a perfect means of expressing the culture of the people who speak the language. Finally,we know that language changes.It is natural and normal for language to change;the only languages which do not change are the dead ones.This is easy to understand if we look backward in time. Change goes on in all aspects of language.Grammatical features change as do speech sounds,and changes in vocabulary are sometimes very extensive and may occur very rapidly.Vocabulary is the least stable part of any language.Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?A:A language is a means of expressing a particular culture.B:All languages can well express their respective cultures.C:American Indian languages are as complex as English.D:Some languages are better than others.

考题 共用题干 Some Things We Know About LanguageMany things about language are a mystery,and many will always remain so.But some things we do know.First,we know that all human beings have a language of some sort. There is no race of men anywhere on earth so backward that it has no language,no set of speech sounds by which the people communicate with one another. Furthermore,in historical times,there has never been a race of men without a language.Second,there is no such thing as a primitive language.There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped,who are,as we say,uncivilized,but the languages they speak are not primitive .In all known languages we can see complexities that must have been tens of thousands of years in developing.This has not always been well understood;indeed,the direct contrary has often been stated.Popular ideas of the language of the American Indians will illustrate.Many people have supposed that the Indians communicated in a very primitive system of noises.Study has proved this to be nonsense .There are,or were,hundreds of American Indian languages,and all of them turn out to be very complicated and very old.They are certainly different from the languages that most of us are familiar with,but they are no more primitive than English and Greek.A third thing we know about language is that all languages are perfectly adequate. That is, each one is a perfect means of expressing the culture of the people who speak the language.Finally,we know that language changes.It is natural and normal for language to change;the only languages which do not change are the dead ones.This is easy to understand if we look backward in time.Change goes on in all aspects of language.Grammatical teatures change as do speech sounds,and changes in vocabulary are sometimes very extensive and may occur very rap-idly. Vocabulary is the least stable part of any language. The author has used American Indian languages as an example to show that they are______.A: just as old as some well-known languagesB: just as sophisticated as some well-known languagesC: more developed than some well-known languagesD: more complex than some well-known languages

考题 共用题干 Some Things We Know About LanguageMany things about language are a mystery,and many will always remain so.But some things we do know.First,we know that all human beings have a language of some sort. There is no race of men anywhere on earth so backward that it has no language,no set of speech sounds by which the people communicate with one another. Furthermore,in historical times,there has never been a race of men without a language.Second,there is no such thing as a primitive language.There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped,who are,as we say,uncivilized,but the languages they speak are not primitive .In all known languages we can see complexities that must have been tens of thousands of years in developing.This has not always been well understood;indeed,the direct contrary has often been stated.Popular ideas of the language of the American Indians will illustrate.Many people have supposed that the Indians communicated in a very primitive system of noises.Study has proved this to be nonsense .There are,or were,hundreds of American Indian languages,and all of them turn out to be very complicated and very old.They are certainly different from the languages that most of us are familiar with,but they are no more primitive than English and Greek.A third thing we know about language is that all languages are perfectly adequate. That is, each one is a perfect means of expressing the culture of the people who speak the language.Finally,we know that language changes.It is natural and normal for language to change;the only languages which do not change are the dead ones.This is easy to understand if we look backward in time.Change goes on in all aspects of language.Grammatical teatures change as do speech sounds,and changes in vocabulary are sometimes very extensive and may occur very rap-idly. Vocabulary is the least stable part of any language. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A: A language can express many cultures.B: All languages can well express their respective cultures.C: American Indian languages are not as sophisticated as English.D: Some languages are better than other languages.

考题 The fact that different languages have different words for the same object is good proof that human language is ().AarbitraryBnon-arbitraryClogicalDnon-productive

考题 In many societies of the world, we find a large number of people who speak more than one language. As a characteristic of societies, b() inevitably results from the coming into contact of people with different cultures and different languages.

考题 At one time()was called Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of Latin and Greek.

考题 The fact that different languages have different words for the same object is good proof that human language is ().A、arbitraryB、non-arbitraryC、logicalD、non-productive

考题 Linguistics studies particular language, not languages in general.

考题 单选题How many languages can be installed for the Cisco Agent Desktop (CAD) and the Cisco Supervisor Desktop ().A one language for both the CAD and the CSD  B one language for the CAD and a different language for the CSD  C two languages for the CAD and one language for the CSD  D two languages for both the CAD and the CSD

考题 填空题At one time()was called Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of Latin and Greek.

考题 问答题◆Topic 9:Keeping Variety of Language and Culture  Questions for Reference:  1) What is the reason for losing a variety of language and culture?  2) What are the solutions to the problem of languages and culture dying?  3) What’s the most important thing we should do to save our language and cult/are from now on?

考题 单选题The records of ship security training, drills and exercises shall be kept in the working language or languages of the shipIf the language or languages used are not(), a translation into one of these languages shall be included.A English, French or SpanishB Chinese, English or FrenchC English, French or JapaneseD Chinese, English or Spanish

考题 单选题The fact that different languages have different words for the same object is good proof that human language is ().A arbitraryB non-arbitraryC logicalD non-productive

考题 填空题In many societies of the world, we find a large number of people who speak more than one language. As a characteristic of societies, b() inevitably results from the coming into contact of people with different cultures and different languages.