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更多 “ Refertotheexhibit.TherearetwositesconnectedacrossWANlinks.Allintersiteandintrasitelinksalwayshavethesameroutingmetric.ThenetworkadministratorseesonlythetoproutersandlinksbeingusedbyhostsatbothLANAandLANB.Whatwouldbetwosuggestionstoload-balancethetrafficacrossbothWANlinks?()A.MakeHSRPtrackinterfacesbetweentheedgeandcorerouters.B.ReplaceHSRPwithGLBP.C.Addcrossedintrasitelinks:R1-R4,R2-R3,R5-R8,andR6-R7.D.MakeR3andR8havelowerHSRPprioritythanR1andR7.E.ReplaceHSRPwithVRRP ” 相关考题
考题 省委十四届八次全会提出,要建设现代化基础设施体系,加快()三大通道建设,构建系统完备、高效实用、智能绿色、安全可靠的现代化基础设施体系。 A.开放B.湾区C.美丽D.花园

考题 下列药用植物的叶只有叶片而无叶柄和托叶的有()。 A、山楂B、女贞C、连翘D、龙胆E、石竹

考题 IP地址10.0.10.0和掩码255.255.255.0代表的是一个()。 A.主机地址B.网络地址C.广播地址D.以上都不对

考题 极化转换器是把输入的线极化波转换为()。 A.左旋极化B.圆极化C.极化

考题 Given:Which code, inserted at line 16, correctly retrieves a local instance of a Point object?() A.Point p = Line.getPoint();B.Line.Point p = Line.getPoint();C.Point p = (new Line()).getPoint();D.Line.Point p = (new Line()).getPoint();

考题 设有语句float x=3.0,y=3.0;使x值为6.0的表达式是() A.x*=y-4B.x*=yC.x=y+4D.x+=y

考题 All client computers on your company network run Windows 7. The Finance department staff run an application that collects data from 09.30 hours to 15.00 hours everyday. After data collection, the application generates reports that contain data aggregation for the day and the previous week. During report generation, the Finance department staff experience slow performance on their computers. You discover that the usage of the processor on these computers is between 90 and 100 percent. You need to reduce the impact of report generation on the Finance computers. What should you do?()A.Set the priority of the application to Low.B.Set the priority of the application to Real-time.C.Configure the processor affinity mask to ensure that the application uses all the available processors.D.Modify the memory settings of the computers to optimize the performance of the background applications.

考题 教学目标的结构或分类并不是唯一的,不同的教学理论有一些不同的看法。但最有影响的是布卢目姆的分类,他把教学目标分为()三大领域。 A.认知、情感和动作技能B.了解、理解和应用C.生理、心理和情感D.认知、情感和学习策略