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Ball bearing and glands in the socket of gooseneck to be cleaned,examined,repaired or renewed if necessary.This sentence is most possibly found in ________.

A.Chief Mate's remark on stowage plan

B.Store list made by Chief Engineer

C.Collision Report made by Master

D.Repair List


更多 “ Ball bearing and glands in the socket of gooseneck to be cleaned,examined,repaired or renewed if necessary.This sentence is most possibly found in ________.A.Chief Mate's remark on stowage planB.Store list made by Chief EngineerC.Collision Report made by MasterD.Repair List ” 相关考题
考题 —How clean the bedroom is!—Yes,I am sure that someone it.A.cleans B.cleaned C.has cleaned D.had cleaned

考题 —Why don’t we choose that road to save time ?—The bridge to it __________ .A. has repaired B. is repairedC. is being repaired D. will be repaired

考题 interface Playable {void play();}interface Bounceable {void play();}interface Rollable extends Playable, Bounceable {Ball ball = new Ball("PingPang");}class Ball implements Rollable {private String name;public String getName() {return name;}public Ball(String name) {this.name = name;}public void play() {ball = new Ball("Football");System.out.println(ball.getName());}}这个错误不容易发现。

考题 Which of the following is true of an ACL when a packet matching an ACE is found?() A. The matching ACE is skipped to allow all other ACEs to be examined.B. The matching ACE is processed and then the last ACE is examined.C. The matching ACE is processed and then the next ACE is examined.D. The matching ACE is processed and the next packet is examined

考题 --- Hi, Terry, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?--- Sorry. .A. It' s repaired B. It has been repairedC. It's being repaired D. It had been repaired

考题 PentiumIII CPU的架构是()。 A.Socket7B.Socket423C.SocketAD.Socket370


考题 Turning accessories on the posts to be dismantled,examined,cleaned,greased,repaired if necessary and refitted.This sentence is most possibly found in ________.A.Chief Mate's remark on stowage planB.Store list made by Chief EngineerC.Collision Report made by MasterD.Repair List

考题 The gooseneck is (). Stop using it at once.A、bendB、bentC、bandD、bended

考题 查看bep1主机与smp的连接情况,需要inaccess接入到manager当中,执行命令()A、socket –smpB、socket –smscC、socket –sspD、socket –sms

考题 ()类型的插槽可以使用Intel Core i7的处理器。A、Socket AB、Socket AM2+C、Socket BD、Socket 370

考题 以下哪些接口方式属于Intel公司产品的接口方式?()A、Socket 370B、Socket 754C、socket AD、socket 478

考题 Socket的工作步骤分为:创建Socket、打开连接到Socket的输入/输出流、按某个协议对Socket进行读/写操作、()

考题 Which of the following is true of an ACL when a packet matching an ACE is found?()A、The matching ACE is skipped to allow all other ACEs to be examined.B、The matching ACE is processed and then the last ACE is examined.C、The matching ACE is processed and then the next ACE is examined.D、The matching ACE is processed and the next packet is examined

考题 目前,PIII及CIII的CPU的插座型号为()A、Socket 7B、Socket 370C、Socket AD、Socket 478

考题 下面正确的创建 Socket 的语句是()A、 Socket a  =  new Soeket(80):B、 Socket b  =  new Socket("130. 3. 4. 5", 80):C、 ServerSocket c  =  new Socket(80)D、 ServerSocket d =  new Socket ("130. 3. 4, 5", 80)

考题 PentiumIII CPU的架构是()。A、Socket7B、Socket423C、SocketAD、Socket370

考题 单选题Shims of different thicknesses are inserted between the shells to enable adjustment of ().A the bearing clearancesB the bearing thicknessC the bearing strengthD the bridge hardness

考题 单选题关于克隆影片剪辑实例的语句命令duplicateMovieClip(“ball”, “ball”+2,1),该语句完成的功能是()。A 将舞台上的实例ball克隆,将生成的实例命名为ball并放置在第1层B 将舞台上的实例ball克隆,将生成的实例命名为ball2并放置在第1层C 将舞台上的实例ball克隆,将原来的ball实例删除D 将舞台上的实例ball克隆,将原来的ball实例重新命名为ball2

考题 单选题In most pumps and pump motors overpacking the ball bearings full of grease will result in ()A moisture emulsification of the bearing greaseB insufficient circulation and overheating of the bearingC proper grease circulation to cool the bearingD sliding friction between balls and races

考题 单选题The damaged cargo is not allowed to export without().A repairing or replacingB to repair or to replaceC being repaired or replacedD to be repaired or replaced

考题 单选题下面正确的创建 Socket 的语句是()A  Socket a  =  new Soeket(80):B  Socket b  =  new Socket(130. 3. 4. 5, 80):C  ServerSocket c  =  new Socket(80)D  ServerSocket d =  new Socket (130. 3. 4, 5, 80)

考题 单选题A grease gun is generally used to lubricate a ().A condensate pump ball bearingB main shaft bearingC main turbine bearingD diesel engine wrist pin bearing

考题 单选题To determine the main bearing clearance of a propulsion diesel engine, you should measure the main bearing shell using a ball anvil outside micrometer and measure the crankshaft journal using a/an ()A telescopingB ring ‘snap’ gaugeC inside vernier caliperD outside micrometer

考题 单选题Lubricating oil used in a diesel engine serves to()A reduce the wear of bearing surfacesB cool the bearing surfacesC assist in sealing bearing surfacesD all of the above

考题 单选题()using the derrick at once,the gooseneck is bent.A ContinueB StartC CommenceD Stop

考题 单选题68 A being examined B to be examined C being operated D to be operatedA AB BC CD D