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医生要他减少抽烟。(cut down on)

The doctor told him to cut down on smoking.
更多 “医生要他减少抽烟。(cut down on)” 相关考题
考题 In order to save time, I () my shopping to once a week. A.cut offB.cut outC.cut upD.cut down

考题 When _________a hill, the driver should build up speed early in order to cut down gasoline consumption.A. approachedB. to approachC. approachD. approaching

考题 In order to cut down on the carbon emission, more people choose to travel_.A.by electric car, bicycle or planeB.by private car, bicycle or busC.by bus, electric car or planeD.by bicycle, bus or electric car

考题 患者,女,48岁。看医生时拒绝执行任何吩咐,医生嘱其张开嘴时,反而咬紧牙关,要他睁眼,反而紧闭,要他伸出手来,反而放到身后去。此种现象属于A.模仿症状B.强迫动作C.重复与刻板动作D.违拗症状E.被动现象

考题 He cut ______his smoking.A. inB. upC. backD. down

考题 Passage FourThe atmosphere and oceans are not the only parts of the environment being damaged. Rain forests are being quickly destroyed as well, and their survival is questionable. E. O. Wilson, a biologist at Harvard, calls the depletion(枯竭、耗尽)of rain forest areas "the greatest extinction since the end of the age of dinosaurs(恐龙)."Unlike some environmental issues, rain forests' depletion has fortunately received significant public and media's attention. Despite the opposition to the cutting down of rain forests, the problem continues. Every year, Brazil chops down an area of forests the size of the state of Nebraska. In addition to the Amazon's rain forests, many other forests are being cut down as well.: In Indonesia, Zaire, Papua-new Guinea, Malaysia, Burme, the Philippines, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, and Venezuela, rain forests that were once great have been lost.According to some estimates, 50 million acres of rain forest are cut down every year. The United Nations says the figure is closer to 17 million acres. The World Wildlife Fund says that every minute,25 to 50 acres are cut down or burnt to the ground.The world's growing population has been a primary reason of rain forests' destruction. More people need land to live on and wood products to consume. Limiting population growth may be the first in a series of steps that would alleviate the destruction of the rain forests.48. In the opinion of the author, ______are being destroyed terribly at present.A. the oceansB. the atmosphereC. the rain forestsD. all the above

考题 The words "chop down" in the second paragraph means______A. clearB. make room forC. destroyD. cut down

考题 Which the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. The United Nations says about 50 million acres of rain forests are cut down every year.B. Luckily people and the mass media all paid special attention to the depletion of rain forests.C. The author thought the oceans' survival is questionable.D. People have stopped cutting down rain forests because of the opposition of most people.

考题 Do you think you could cut it 30%() A、byB、atC、down

考题 I understand that the governor is considering a new plan_____. A、to cause that the amount of papers written in government offices reducedB、what would eliminate unnecessary writing in governmentC、that would eliminate unnecessary paperwork in governmentD、who want to cut down the amount of writing in government

考题 In order to()handling and shipping expenses as()as possible, we suggest that you ship the large order in containers. A、cut down⋯muchB、cut out⋯muchC、subtract⋯lowD、decrease⋯high

考题 The government decided to ____ its military expenditure. A. cut offB. cut upC. cut awayD. cut down on

考题 If you have finished this section, please ( ) me, and I will cut down the price to U.S. 10.00. A、informB、uniformC、tallD、tell

考题 The relevant authorities have recently ________ some companies and individuals for their illegal emission that is harmful to the environment. A. cut back onB. cracked down onC. followed up onD. held out on

考题 Which of the following tools are BEST used to cut away the outside covering of a CAT5e cable?() A. StripperB. Punch down toolC. Butt setD. Snips

考题 35岁,女性,看医生时拒绝执行任何吩咐,医生叫他张开嘴时,反而咬紧牙关,要他睁眼,反而紧闭,要他伸出手来,反而放到身后去。此种现象属于A.模仿症状B.违拗症状C.重复与刻板动作D.强迫动作E.被动现象

考题 In order to cut down on the carbon emission,more people choose to travel______.A.by electric car,bicycle or planeB.by private car,bicycle or busC.by bus,electric car or planeD.by bicycle. bus or electric car

考题 A(n) ( ) five years ago Pangkor boasted sweet-sfnglng blrds Now the jungle is being cut down.A. just B. mere C. only D. simple

考题 甲:上周去医院,给我看病的医生竟然还在抽烟。乙:所有抽烟的医生都不关心自己的健康,而不关心自己健康的人也不会关心他人的健康。甲:是的,不关心他人健康的医生没有医德。我今后再也不会让没有医德的医生给我看病了。根据上述信息,以下除了哪项,其余各项均可得出?A.甲认为他不会再找抽烟的医生看病。 B.乙认为上周给他看病的医生不会关心乙的健康。 C.甲认为上周给他看病的医生不会关心医生自己的健康。 D.甲认为上周给他看病的医生不会关心甲的健康。 E.乙认为上周给甲看病的医生没有医德

考题 How would you like your hair done?()A、Can you do it?B、Cut down.C、Fell down.D、Cut short.

考题 禁止在粉尘作业现场进食、抽烟、饮水等,以减少粉尘危害。

考题 单选题Why do forests in many parts of the world slowly disappear?A New trees are not looked after properly.B Many trees have been cut down by man.C Man has not paid enough attention to planting trees.D All of the above.

考题 单选题Can you cut down the shortlanded cargo()half?A atB inC byD with

考题 单选题_____A The tree was broken.B All the leaves fell down.C One of the branches fell down.D The tree was cut down.

考题 单选题When an engine is starting and has got a sufficiently high speed, say about 20 rpm,()A the starting air supply is cut off and fuel is injected into the cylindersB the fuel feeding is cut off and the turning gear is put inC the starting air supply is cut off and turning gear is taken outD the electric blower is shut down and fuel is injected into the cylinders

考题 单选题Countries sometimes spoil their beauty spots because ______.A they are too poor to build beautiful hotels on themB they have to cut down trees to build hotels on themC they have to sell them to borrow money from foreign banksD they are lacking experience in building hotels

考题 单选题What is the text mainly about?A Ways to cut down the cost of the coverage,B How to make the report more attractive.C To describe the work of the executive producer.D To introduce the style and features of the news programme.

考题 单选题______ they to cut down the cost of advertising, the cost of production ______ significantly fall.A Are; willB Were; shallC Are; shouldD Were; would