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1.7.1: =-0.5A1.7.3: 3V, 3A
更多 “教材第7版331页R2,R3,R5,R9” 相关考题
考题 有一直流电桥电路如下图,其电桥的平衡条件是()。 A、R1²R2=R3²R4B、R1²R3=R2²R4C、R1²R4=R2²R3

考题 已知R2=1000,R3=200,执行指令MOV R2,R3, LSL2后,R2=___【15】____,R3=__【16】_____。

考题 根据材料回答{TSE}题:在图7-6所示的OSPF协议多区域结构中,路由器 (23) 为主干路由器; (24) 为区域边界路由器。{TS}A.R4、R5、R6 B.R2、R4、R5、R6C.Rl、R2、R3 D.Rl

考题 Given the network diagram, which routers currently make up the IS - IS backbone?() A. R3,R4,R6B. R2,R3,R6,R7C. R1 through R8D. R3,R4,R5,R6E. R2,R3,R4,R6,R7

考题 Refer to the exhibit. On the basis of the configuration provided, how are the Hello packets sent by R2 handled by R5 in OSPF area 5?() A. The Hello packets will be exchanged and adjacency will be established between routers R2 and R5.B. The Hello packets will be exchanged but the routers R2 and R5 will become neighbors only.C. The Hello packets will be dropped and no adjacency will be established between routers R2 and R5.D. The Hello packets will be dropped but the routers R 2 and R5 will become neighbors.

考题 Refer to the exhibit. On the basis of the configuration that is provided, how would the BGP updates that come from router R1 be replicated inside autonomous system 65200?() A. All BGP updates that are received on router R 2 will be sent to routers R3 and R4. Routers R3 and R4 will then forward those BGP updates to router R5B. None of the BGP updates that are received on router R2 will ever be received by router R5C. All BGP updates that are received on router R2 will not be sent to routers R3 and R4D. All BGP updates that are received on router R2 will be sent directly to router R5

考题 电路如图所示,已知:R1=6Ω,R2=R3=3Ω,R4=2Ω,R5=8Ω,R6=10Ω,Us=18V,Is=3A,则A、B两点间的电压UAB是(  )V。 A.30.6 B.3.6 C.-27 D.-30.6

考题 如题图所示电路中,已知Us=12V,R1=15Ω,R2=30Ω,R3=20Ω,R4=8Ω,R5=12Ω,电流I为(  )。 A. 2A B. 1.5A C. 1A D. 0.81A

考题 电路如题图所示,已知R1=R2,R3=R4=R5,且运放的性能均理想,的表达式为?(  )

考题 下列关于普通投资者风险承受能力等级与产品或服务风险等级的匹配的说法,正确的有( )。A.C2类投资者可购买或接受R1、R2风险等级的产品或服务 B.C3类投资者可购买或接受R1、R2、R3风险等级的产品或服务 C.C4类投资者可购买或接受R1、R2、R3、R4风险等级的产品或服务 D.C5类投资者可购买或接受R1、R2、R3、R4、R5风险等级的产品或服务

考题 由证券主管当局、证券交易所、券商制定的最初保证金率R1、R2、R3的相互关系可表示为()。A:R1≥R2≥R3B:R1≤R2≤R3C:R2≥R3≥R1D:R3≥R1≥R2

考题 普通投资者风险承受能力等级应与产品或服务风险等级的匹配,下列符合规定标准的是( )。A.C1类投资者可购买或接受R1、R2、R3、R4、R5风险等级的产品或服务 B.C3类投资者可购买或接受R1、R2、R3、R4风险等级的产品或服务 C.C5类投资者可购买或接受R1、R2、R3、R4、R5风险等级的产品或服务 D.C2类投资者可购买或接受R1、R2、R3风险等级的产品或服务

考题 如图所示,R1=R2=10Ω,R3=25Ω,R4=R5=20Ω,E1=40V,E2=10V,E3=80V。则流过R3上的电流A。

考题 20/5t桥式起重机电动机转子回路测试时,在断电情况下扳动手柄,当转动5个挡位时,要求R5、R4、R3、R2、R1各点依次与()点短接。A、R6B、R7C、R8D、R9

考题 如右图所示,其中R1=5Ω,R2=10Ω,R3=8Ω,R4=3Ω,R5=6Ω,求图中A、B端等效电阻R?

考题 下列CBA工艺中回收率最高的是()。A、R3、R4循环工艺B、R2、R3、R4循环工艺C、R2、R3循环工艺D、R3循环工艺

考题 ARM汇编语句“ADD R0, R2, R3, LSL#1”的作用是()A、 R0 = R2 + (R3  1) B、 R0 =( R2 1) + R3 C、 R3= R0+ (R2  1) D、 (R3  1)= R0+ R2 

考题 r1 is the hub , multipoint mode subinterface, r2 and r3 is spoke, when r2 down at the spoke, What will r1 react?how about r3?

考题 假设R2=2.2,当执行R3=TRUNC[R2]时,是将值2.0赋给变量R3(SIEMENS系统)。

考题 在R参数使用中,下面选项()的格式是对的(SIEMENS系统)A、O[R1]B、/R2 G00 X100.0C、N{R3}X200.0D、R5=R1-R3

考题 ATPCS定义了寄存器组中的()作为参数传递和结果返回寄存器。A、R0,R1,R2,R3B、R4,R5,R6,R7C、R8,R9,R10,R11

考题 已知R2=1000,R3=200,执行指令MOV R2,R3,LSL#2后,R2=(),R3=()。

考题 LDLT5450岩性密度测井仪主放大器电路中,R2、R5、R3、R4、R6、R8的作用是什么?

考题 在岩性密度测井仪主放大器电路中,R2、R5是调节(),R3、R4是调节(),R6、R8是调节()。

考题 单选题取甲公司10个交易日的收益率为r样本,样本值为r1=4.684%,r2=4.597%,r3=4.321%,r4=4.373%,r5=4.280%,r6=4.136%,r7=4.150%,r8=3.982%,r9=4.270%,r10=4.261%,此样本的均值为( )。A 4. 207%B 4.305%C 4.321%D 4.373%

考题 问答题在4-20mA电压/电流变换器中,如果R1=R2=1kΩ,R4=R5,R3=1kΩ,Ui为0-5V,试求R4和Ub。

考题 填空题已知R2=1000,R3=200,执行指令MOV R2,R3,LSL#2后,R2=(),R3=()。

考题 单选题在无转发机制的五段基本流水线(取指、译码/读寄存器、运算、访存、写回寄存器)中,下列指令序列存在数据冒险的指令对是(  )。I1:add R1,R2,R3;(R2)+(R3)→R1I2:add R5,R2,R4;(R2)+(R4)→R5I3:add R4,R5,R3;(R5)+(R3)→R4I4:add R5,R2,R6;(R2)+(R6)→R5A I1和I2B I2和I3C I2和I4D I3和I4