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16、le direct





更多 “16、le directA.直属领导B.直播C.直角D.无效选项” 相关考题
考题 利用[移动]设计图标可以创建的动画效果:( ) A、Direct to PointB、Direct to LineC、Direct to GridD、Path to End

考题 以下不是Authorware默认的移动方式是:( ) A、Direct to PointB、Direct to LineC、Direct to GridD、Path to End

考题 D2D全称叫Direct to Direct,即设备跟设备直接通信。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 View the Exhibit and examine the Data Pump architecture. Identify the numbered components.() A. 1 - Oracle Loader, 2 - Oracle Data Pump, 3 - Direct Path APIB. 1 - Oracle Data Pump, 2 - Direct Path API, 3 - Oracle LoaderC. 1 - Direct Path API, 2 - Oracle Loader, 3 - Oracle Data PumpD. 1 - Oracle Loader, 2 - Direct Path API, 3 - Oracle Data Pump

考题 该患者按体重千克数补钠应为A.16×40×0.3mmol/LB.16×40×0.4mmol/LC.16×40×0.6mmol/LD.16×40×0.7mmol/LE.16×40×0.5mmol/L

考题 Whichtwoaretrueregardingdirect-pathexports?() A.Direct-pathexportistypicallyfaster.B.Direct-pathexportcanbeinvokedinteractively.C.Direct-pathexportischaractersetindependent.D.Direct-pathexportbypassestheSQL-commandprocessinglayer.E.Direct-pathexportcanbeusedtoexportrowscontainingLOBsandBFILEs.

考题 以下哪个释放顺序是正确的()A、Direct3D对象、Direct3D设备对象B、Direct3D设备对象、Direct3D对象C、顺序任意D、无需释放

考题 三种主要存储技术中,直接存储技术DAS的英文全称为()。A、Direct Attached StorageB、Direct Attached StoreC、Direct Accessed StorageD、Direct Accessed Store

考题 Direct3D Create9函数创建一个Direct3D对象并获得指向Direct3D对象接口的指针,且参数必须设置为()。

考题 由于Direct3D设备对象是由Direct3D对象创建的,因此应先释放Direct3D设备对象。

考题 一个Direct3D对象只能创建一个Direct3D设备对象。

考题 一个Direct3D对象可以创建多个Direct3D设备对象。

考题 Direct RDRAM

考题 DM广告的DM的英文全称是()A、Design messageB、Design mailC、Direct mailD、Direct message

考题 3ds max 6的标准灯光共有:Target Spot(目标聚光灯)、()、()、free direct(自由平行灯光)、()和Sky light(天空光灯)等共6种灯光。A、free spot,target direct,omniB、free spot,target direct,omnaC、free spot,target direct,omnaD、free spot,targe tdirect,omni spot

考题 direct表示()A、8位立即数B、16位立即数C、8位直接地址D、16位地址

考题 Which of the following lines will be added to the file /usr/lib/uucp/Devices on the SLIP server machine for a SLIP connection on tty1?()A、direct 9600 - tty1B、direct tty1 - 9600C、Direct tty1 - 9600D、Direct /dev/tty1 - 9600

考题 Which two are true regarding direct-path exports?()A、Direct-path export is typically faster.B、Direct-path export can be invoked interactively.C、Direct-path export is character set independent.D、Direct-path export bypasses the SQL-command processing layer.E、Direct-path export can be used to export rows containing LOBs and BFILEs.

考题 What is true regarding direct-load insert?()A、A direct-load insert can be invoked by suing the APPEND hint.B、Inserting using the NOLOGGING option is the default for direct-load inserts.C、All data loaded using direct-load insert is loaded below the high-water mark.D、An object that is modifies using parallel direct-load can be queried within the same Transaction.

考题 Which of the following lines will be added to the file /usr/lib/uucp/Devices on the SLIP client machine for a SLIP connection on tty1?()A、direct 9600 - /dev/tty1B、Direct tty1 - 9600C、Direct /dev/tty1 - 9600D、direct tty1 - 9600

考题 装置复归采用()控制方式。A、sbo-with-enhanced-securityB、direct-with-enhanced-seurityC、sbo-with-normal-seurityD、direct-with-normal-seurity

考题 判断题由于Direct3D设备对象是由Direct3D对象创建的,因此应先释放Direct3D设备对象。A 对B 错

考题 判断题一个Direct3D对象可以创建多个Direct3D设备对象。A 对B 错

考题 单选题The terrestrial system of GMDSS consists of().A radio-telephony, DSC, Direct Printing Telegraphy,Navtex and SARTB INMARSAT, DSC, Direct Printing Telegraphy, Navtex and SARTC radio-telephony,DSC,EPLRB,Navtex and SARTD Status Recording system,DSC,Direct Printing Telegraphy, Navtex and SART

考题 填空题DXUT(The DirectX Utility Library)是建立在Direct3D9和Direct3D10上的一个程序框架,其目标是建立一个强大而容易使用的Direct3D()框架,它简化了Win32和Direct3DAPI的使用。

考题 单选题以下()FTP命令表示显示远程主机目录direct中的信息A ftp directB ls directC get directD put direct

考题 单选题There shall be()into sleeping rooms from cargo and machinery spaces or from galleys,storerooms,drying rooms or communal sanitary areas.A no direct openingsB direct openingsC no more than one direct openingD up to one direct opening

考题 单选题What is true regarding direct-load insert?()A A direct-load insert can be invoked by suing the APPEND hint.B Inserting using the NOLOGGING option is the default for direct-load inserts.C All data loaded using direct-load insert is loaded below the high-water mark.D An object that is modifies using parallel direct-load can be queried within the same Transaction.