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更多 “单选题INSERTINTOGoods(Name,Storage,Price)VALUES(’Keyboard’,3000,90.00)的作用是()。A 插人默认值B 添加数据到一行中的所有列C 插入多个行D 添加数据到一行中的部分列” 相关考题
考题 关于group by 以下语句正确的是( )A.SELECT store_name FROM Store_Information GROUP BY store_nameB. SELECT SUM(sales) FROM Store_Information GROUP BY salesC.SELECT store_name, price SUM(sales) FROM Store_Information GROUP BY store_name,priceD.SELECT store_name, SUM(sales) FROM Store_Information GROUP BY store_name

考题 若给出关系Student(S_no,Shame,Sage,S_sex,SD_name,S_add,S_tel),并用SQL语言定义Student关系如下:CREATE Student(S_no CHAR(6), Sname CHAR(30)NOT NULL, Sage CHAR(30), S_sex CHAR(1), SD_name CHAR(20), S_add CHAR(30), S_tel CHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY(S_no));采用(41)向Student中插入记录能被正确地执行。A.INSERT INTO Smdent(S_no,Sname,Sage,S_sex,SD_name,S_add,S_tel)VALUES('010456','黎敏','18',",",",")B.INSERT INTO Student(S_no,Sname,Sage,S_sex,S_r)name,S_add,S_tel)VALUES('010456','黎敏','18','男','计算机学院','北京','88661200')C.INSERT INTO Student(S_no,Sname,Sage,S_sex,SD_name,S_add,S_tel)VALUES(,'黎敏','18','F','计算机学院','北京','88661200')D.INSERT INTO Student(S_no,Sname,Sage,S_sex,SD_name,S_add,S_tel)VALUES('010456',,'18','F','计算机学院','北京','88661200')

考题 听力原文:M: Would you tell me about the main contents of the document?W: Name, quality, unit price and amount of goods, ports of loading and destination, price and payment terms, shipping documents, latest shipment date and validity of the L/C.Q: What may be the name of the document?(19)A.Collection Order.B.Bill of Lading.C.Letter of Credit.D.Certificate of Origin.

考题 ClicktheExhibitbutton.GiventheHTMLform:,insubmit.jsp,instantiatesaninstanceofcom.example.Productthatcontainstheresultsoftheformsubmission?()A.B.C.D.

考题 存储初始化安装时有哪些数据必须输入?() A.WWN, checksumB.Storage system name, WWNC.WWN, storage system passwordD.Storage system name, storage system password

考题 在表user有name、tel和data3个字段,要求向表user中插入一新记录,该记录数据分别为:王明、8888888、2005-5-5,用SQL语句实现操作是()。 A.INSERINTOuserVALUES(王明,8888888,2005-5-5)B.INSERINTOuserVALUES“王明”,”8888888”,#2005-5-5#C.INSERINTOuser(name,tel,datA.VALUES(“王明”,“8888888”,#2005-5-5#)D.INSERINTOuser(name,tel,datA.VALUES(“王明”,“8888888”,“2005-5-5“)

考题 The keyboard of a typewriter refers to the set of keys in it.Most typewriters have"qwerty"key-boards.The name crones from the first six letters on the board′s second line.The"qwerty"board was?set up by C.L.Sholes,who was the first man to make a really good typewriter. Some letters,such as S and T,are used together a great deal in English.Sholes placed such?pairs of letter far apart on his keyboard.This made it harder for typists to learn the keyboard.But it?helped keep typewriters from jamming.On early machines the bars holding the letters often caught on?each other when moving quickly. Sholes made the name of his machine easy to type.lie placed on the same line all the letters of?the word"type"and"writer". This article is mostly about a__________.A.pair of letters B.keyboard C.language D.man's life

考题 INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(‘ID’,‘NAME’); 语句在执行时将()A、编译错:提示变量未定义B、运行错:提示不能识别符号C、将值ID和NAME插入到表中D、提示用户输入ID和NAME的值,再将输入值插入表中

考题 现有表book,字段:id(int),title(varchar),price(float);其中id字段设为标识,使用insert语句向book表中插入数据,以下语句错误的是()。A、insert into book (id,title,price) values(1,'java',100)B、insert into book (title,price) values('java',100)C、insert into book values ('java',100) 这辆都不可以啊,如果不指定列需要明确的给出空值D、insert book values('java',100)

考题 What must be specified to create an extent pool()A、blocksize, rank group, and nameB、storage type, rank group, and nameC、storage type, capacity, and rank groupD、capacity, name, and storage type

考题 如果要查询book表中所有书名以“数据库”开头的书籍价格,下列()语句是正确的。A、SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name=“数据库*”B、SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name LIKE“数据库*”C、SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name=“数据库%”D、SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name LIKE“数据库%”

考题 When monitoring a system using vmstat with an interval, which of the following conclusions should be drawn about the metrics under page pi and page po?()A、 The values do not include working storage.B、 The values do not include persistent storage.C、 The values include both persistent and working storage.D、 The values are not working or persistent storage.

考题 单选题What must be specified to create an extent pool()A blocksize, rank group, and nameB storage type, rank group, and nameC storage type, capacity, and rank groupD capacity, name, and storage type

考题 多选题某公司使用SQLServer作为数据信息存储的平台,其中Sales数据库有一个用于存放产品信息的表Products。现在销售部门的人员临时需要一张商品价格表,要求列出所有产品的名称和其单价,并且以中文显示列名,那么下面SQL语句中可以满足条件的是()ASELECT Product Name AS’产品的名称’,Unit Price AS’单价’FROM ProductsBSELECT Product Name=产品的名称,Unit Price=单价FROM ProductsCSELECT Product Name=“产品的名称”,Uni tPrice=“单价”FROM ProductsDSELECT Product Name’产品的名称’,Unit Price’单价’FROM Products

考题 多选题Which three statements inserts a row into the table?()AINSERT INTO employees VALUES ( NULL, ‘John’,‘Smith’);BINSERT INTO employees( first_name, last_name) VALUES(‘John’,‘Smith’);CINSERT INTO employees VALUES (‘1000’,‘John’,NULL);DINSERT INTO employees(first_name,last_name, employee_id) VALUES ( 1000, ‘John’,‘Smith’);EINSERT INTO employees (employee_id) VALUES (1000);FINSERT INTO employees (employee_id, first_name, last_name) VALUES ( 1000, ‘John’,‘’);

考题 单选题When monitoring a system using vmstat with an interval, which of the following conclusions should be drawn about the metrics under page pi and page po?()A  The values do not include working storage.B  The values do not include persistent storage.C  The values include both persistent and working storage.D  The values are not working or persistent storage.

考题 单选题You need to design the storage of the application texts for UI elements to fulfill the requirements. Which table and column design should you use?()A Languages (LanguageID, Name)Elements (ElementID, Description)ElementLanguages (ElementID, LanguageID, Text) B Languages (LanguageID, Name)Elements (ElementID, LanguageID, Description, Text) C Languages (LanguageID, Name)ElementTexts (LanguageID, Text)ElementDescriptions (ElementID, Description) D Languages (LanguageID, Name)Elements (ElementID, Description, Text)

考题 单选题现有表book,字段:id(int),title(varchar),price(float);其中id字段设为标识,使用insert语句向book表中插入数据,以下语句错误的是()。A insert into book(id,title,price)values(1,’java’,100)B insert into book(title,price)values(’java’,100)C insert into book values(’java’,100)D insert book values(’java’,100)

考题 单选题36 You are creating a report wizard to create a matrix report. The query build, you select the patient_name column from the patient table; the doctor_name from the doctors table; and the doctor_ID, patient_ID and ID columns from the procedure table. In the report wizard you select patient_name as the row value, doctor_ID as the column values and the count as the cell values. You need to add a total for each doctors column. In the wizard report which tab will allow you to create the summary column?()A Rows B Totals C Columns D Cells E Data

考题 单选题You deploy mobile devices that run Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0. Users store a price list in Microsoft Office Excel Mobile files on the devices.   Users install a new mobile application on the devices.   A user reports that the device performs slowly after the installation. All attempts to remove the application fail.   You need to remove the application without losing the saved price list.   What should you do?()A Copy the price list to an external storage card and perform a hard reset.B Copy the price list by using a Desktop ActiveSync and perform a soft reset.C Copy the price list to another Windows Mobilebased device by using Bluetooth and perform a soft reset.D Move the price list to the Program Files directory on the Windows Mobilebased device and perform a hard reset.

考题 多选题Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Primary Key FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) Which three statements inserts a row into the table? ()AINSERT INTO employees VALUES (NULL, 'JOHN','Smith');BINSERT INTO employees( first_name, last_name) VALUES ('JOHN','Smith');CINSERT INTO employees VALUES ('1000','JOHN','NULL');DINSERT INTO employees(first_name,last_name, employee_id) VALUES ('1000, 'john','Smith');EINSERT INTO employees (employee_id) VALUES (1000);FINSERT INTO employees (employee_id, first_name, last_name) VALUES ( 1000, 'john',);

考题 单选题The PRODUCTS table has these columns: PRODUCT_ID NUMBER(4) PRODUCT_NAME VARCHAR2(45) PRICE NUMBER(8,2) Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS ORDER BY price, product _ name; What is true about the SQL statement? ()A The results are not sorted.B The results are sorted numerically.C The results are sorted alphabetically.D The results are sorted numerically and then alphabetically.

考题 单选题现有表book,字段:id(int),title(varchar),price(float);其中id字段设为自增长的标识,使用insert语句向book表中插入数据,以下语句错误的是()。A insertintobook(id,title,price)values(1,’java’,100)B insertintobook(title,price)values(’java’,100)C insertintobookvalues(’java’,100)D insertbookvalues(’java’,100)

考题 多选题要在users表中插入一条新记录,下面语句正确的是()。AInsert Into users(id,user_name) Values(100, luhong)BInsert Into users(real_name,tel) Values(卢红,6545632)CInsert Into users(user_name,Email) Values(luhong, )DInsert Into users(user_name,Email) Values(luhong, NULL)

考题 单选题Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Primary Key FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) HIRE_DATE DATE Which INSERT statement is valid? ()A INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, first_name, last_name, hire_date) VALUES (1000, 'John', 'smith','01/01/01);B INSERT INTO employees(employee_id, first_name, last_name, hire_date) VALUES (1000, 'John', 'smith','01 january 01');C INSERT INTO employees(employee_id, first_name, last_name, Hire_date) VALUES (1000, 'John', 'smith', To_ date ('01/01/01));D INSERT INTO employees(employee_id, first_name, last_name, hire_date) VALUES (1000, 'John', 'smith','01-Jan-01');

考题 单选题要查询book表中所有书名中以“计算机”开头的书籍的价格,可用()语句。A SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name=‘计算机*’B SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_nameLIKE‘计算机*’C SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name=‘计算机%’D SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_nameLIKE‘计算机%’

考题 单选题According to the speaker, how does the price of an electronic keyboard compare with the price of a piano?A The electronic instrument is much more expensive.B The electronic instrument is slightly more expensive.C The piano is slightly more expensive.D The piano is much more expensive.