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MDC Company believes that its customers are satisfied because the company _____.

gives them opportunities to order


provides good service and quality


guarantees the quickest delivery


sends new catalogues to them


从文章的第四段第一句话... because you confirm our beliefs that good service and quality result in satisfied customers可知,顾客满意的原因是由于该公司为他们提供了优质的服务以及上乘的质量。因此,MDC公司认为自己的顾客是满意的。正确答案选B。
更多 “单选题MDC Company believes that its customers are satisfied because the company _____.A gives them opportunities to orderB provides good service and qualityC guarantees the quickest deliveryD sends new catalogues to them” 相关考题
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考题 3 Joe Lawson is founder and Managing Director of Lawson Engineering, a medium sized, privately owned familybusiness specialising in the design and manufacture of precision engineering products. Its customers are majorindustrial customers in the aerospace, automotive and chemical industries, many of which are globally recognisedcompanies. Lawson prides itself on the long-term relationships it has built up with these high profile customers. Thestrength of these relationships is built on Lawson’s worldwide reputation for engineering excellence, which hastangible recognition in its gaining prestigious international awards for product and process innovation and qualityperformance. Lawson Engineering is a company name well known in its chosen international markets. Its reputationhas been enhanced by the awarding of a significant number of worldwide patents for the highly innovative productsit has designed. This in turn reflects the commitment to recruiting highly skilled engineers, facilitating positive staffdevelopment and investing in significant research and development.Its products command premium prices and are key to the superior performance of its customers’ products. LawsonEngineering has also established long-term relationships with its main suppliers, particularly those making the exoticmaterials built into their advanced products. Such relationships are crucial in research and development projects,some of which take a number of years to come to fruition. Joe Lawson epitomises the ‘can do’ philosophy of thecompany, always willing to take on the complex engineering challenges presented by his demanding customers.Lawson Engineering now faces problems caused by its own success. Its current location, premises and facilities areinadequate to allow the continued growth of the company. Joe is faced with the need to fund a new, expensive,purpose-built facility on a new industrial estate. Although successful against a number of performance criteria, LawsonEngineering’s performance against traditional financial measures has been relatively modest and unlikely to impressthe financial backers Joe wants to provide the necessary long-term capital.Joe has become aware of the increasing attention paid to the intangible resources of a firm in a business. Heunderstands that you, as a strategy consultant, can advise him on the best way to show that his business should bejudged on the complete range of assets it possesses.Required:(a) Using models where appropriate, provide Joe with a resource analysis showing why the company’s intangibleresources and related capabilities should be taken into account when assessing Lawson Engineering’s casefor financial support. (12 marks)

考题 (b) ‘Strategic positioning’ is about the way that a company as a whole is placed in its environment and concerns its‘fit’ with the factors in its environment.With reference to the case as appropriate, explain how a code of ethics can be used as part of a company’soverall strategic positioning. (7 marks)

考题 (ii) The answers to any questions that the potential investors may raise in connection with the maximumpossible investment, borrowing to finance the subscription and the implications of selling the shares.(7 marks)Note: you should assume that Vostok Ltd and its trade qualify for the purposes of the enterprise investmentscheme and you are not required to list the conditions that need to be satisfied by the company, itsshares or its business activities.

考题 Our company will()the customers' suggestions.A. respondB. responding toC. respond to

考题 Directions:The following isan introduction of a company.After reading it, you should give brief answers to the five questions ( No.56 to No. 60) that follow. The answers(in not more than 3 words)should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.Ditis Hong Kong Ltd is a manufacturer of security products and peripheral equipment, knowledge-based company. All of our managers has high technical education and fluently spoken English, Chinese, Japanese and Russian. We major in professional digital security products. Our products with advanced technology, stable performance, cost-effective, stylish design, excellent quality, has won the trust of customers and a wide range of popular.Being a professional manufacturer of security products, we value Innovation, Dedication and Superiority, and satisfy our customers by adding new designs and features to our products according to customers needs.Our service knowledge is second to none. We really appreciate your business and hope to deal with you again.We sincerely welcome customers to visit and give us your advice.41.What kind of company is Ditis Hong Kong Ltd?Ditis Hong Kong Ltd is a manufacturer of ________ and peripheral equipment, knowledge-based company.42. What’s the educational background of the managers in Ditis Hong Kong Ltd?All of our managers has ________________.43. What’s the major products of the company?They major in ______________ products.44. How can the company satisfy its customers?It satisfies its customers by adding ____________to our products according to customers needs45. How about the service and knowledge of the company?Our service knowledge is ___________.

考题 The company ____ its sales by an average of 10% per year since its establishment in 1993. A、increasesB、increasedC、is increasingD、has increased

考题 One reason is that banks must ________ customers, who will switch to another bank if they are not satisfied.A、compete forB、compete againstC、compete withD、compete in

考题 Carl Sagan believes that Venus might be colonized from earth because__________.A.it might be possible to change its atmosphere B.its atmosphere is the same as the earth's C.there is a good supply of water on Venus D.the days on Venus are long enough

考题 The author easily built a team of his company because __________.A.they were underpaid at their previous jobs B.they were turned down by other companies C.they were confident of the author and his business D.they were satisfied with the salaries in his company

考题 资料:“Our cars are for people who want something different.” This has been the slogan for over 50 years of Suprema Cars, a manufacturer of an English sports car. The car is mostly handmade in the company's factory in northern England. Suprema Car produces approximately 500 cars a year. About 5 years ago, the company began to lose sales and market share, and in the last two years, it has made a loss. Recently, there have been problems with the labor force. The factory workers have demand higher wages and better working conditions. They are also unhappy because the management is insisting that they increase production, but the workers think this will have a bad effect on the quality of the cars. The company still has many loyal customers. People buy Suprema sports cars because they are handmade and have an image of quality and craftsmanship. Why do some customers still stick to Suprema Cars? A.Because its products are handmade and qualified. B.Because its name represents luxury. C.Because the company is famous. D.Because its products are cheap.

考题 Company could reject the products back from its customers.

考题 有关FusionStorage主要模块间的交互流程描述,正确的有()?A、系统启动时MDC与ZK互动决定主MDC;主MDC与其他MDC相互监控心跳,主MDC决定某MDC故障后接替者。其他MDC发现主MDC故障后与ZK互动决定升任主MDCB、OSD启动时向MDC查询归属MDC;向归属MDC报告状态,归属MDC把状态变化发给VBS。当归属MDC故障后,主MDC指定一个MDC接管OSD;同一个MDC多能两个归属资源池C、VBS启动查询MDC;想MDC注册(主MDC维护了一个活动VBS的列表,主MDC同步到VBS列表到其他MDC;以便MDC能够向OSD的状态变化通知到VBS);向MDC确认自己是否为leader;VBS从主MDC获取IOView;主VBS像OSD获取元数据,其他VBS向主VBS获取元数据D、MDC数量和ZK数量总是保持一致

考题 The George Char Broiler Company wants to create its own locale file to accommodate a non-supported German language among its customers from Brunswick. This is the first locale file the company has tried to create. Which tag number will it assign to this locale?()A、0B、1C、U0D、U1E、It is impossible to create a locale with Cisco Unity Express.F、There will be no tag number, since it is only possible to create one locale.

考题 A company is planning to implement a B2C store and would like to recommend products to its customers according to their personal information (for example: age, gender, marital status).  Which WebSphere Commerce V5.6 function/feature could be used to implement this requirement?()A、gift certificatesB、marketing campaignsC、merchandising associationsD、loyalty programs

考题 单选题The company is starting a new advertising campaign to _____ new customers to its stores.A joinB attractC stickD transfer

考题 单选题What lesson can be best learned from the stories of Chinese restaurant and the European car manufacturer?A To retain customers, service should be improved.B Good quality of product is the most important.C Customer needs should be the primary concern.D Good service and quality can make customers satisfied.

考题 问答题Practice 3  Discussion—about 5 minutes  In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the task promptly, an example of which is below, and then about three minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.  For two candidates  Satisfaction Survey  The company you work for has conducted a satisfaction survey. We all know customer satisfaction is essential to the survival of our businesses.  You have been asked to find out whether customers are satisfied.  Discuss the situation together, and decide:  ● how to find out whether the customers are satisfied  ● what to ask in a customer satisfaction survey.

考题 单选题What can we learn about the company?A It has the largest number of customers.B It is grateful for its employees’ efforts.C It is successful in the market place.D It charges the least for its services.

考题 单选题From the passage we can learn that MDC Company always ______.A keeps its promiseB provides the same productsC sells its products at a low priceD delivers its products without delay

考题 单选题A: I’m not at all satisfied with the service  B: ______A Nobody has complained like that before.B I sincerely apologize for that.C I wonder why you are dissatisfied with it.D It’s not our fault as there are too many customers.

考题 单选题MDC Company believes that its customers are satisfied because the company _____.A gives them opportunities to orderB provides good service and qualityC guarantees the quickest deliveryD sends new catalogues to them

考题 单选题In order to increase revenues, a cellphone company has decided to change its fee structure. Instead of charging a flat rate of $20 per month and $0.05 for every minute over 200 minutes, the company will now charge $50 per month for unlimited usage.  Which of the following is a consideration that, if true, suggests that the new plan will not actually increase the company’s revenues?A A rival company, which charges no start-up fee, offers an unlimited calling plan for $40 per month.B Two-thirds of the company’s customers use less than 500 minutes per month.C Studies have shown that customers using unlimited calling plans will increase their monthly usage of minutes by over 50 percent.D One-fifth of the company’s customers use in excess of 1,000 minutes per month.E In recent months the company has received several complaints of insufficient signal strength and poor customer service.

考题 单选题The purpose of this letter is to _____.A tell the customers about the quality of their productsB express the company’s thanks to the customersC prove the excellent service of the companyD inform the customers of a new catalogue

考题 问答题Do you think it is wise for a company to set a low price to attract customers? Why or why not?

考题 判断题Company could reject the products back from its customers.A 对B 错

考题 单选题According to the research findings, the customers who will bring in more profit are those whoA are regarded as loyal customers.B happen to buy the products from a company.C trust the quality of the products from a company.D care little about prices of the products.