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They set their own exams.


They select their own students.


They award their own degrees.


They organize their own laboratory work.


主旨题。录音提到“Individual colleges choose their own students who ... university”,可知剑桥大学各学院自主招生,故B项正确。
更多 “单选题A They set their own exams.B They select their own students.C They award their own degrees.D They organize their own laboratory work.” 相关考题
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考题 In the United States, every church is a completely independent organization,and concerned with its own finance and its own building.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 197 A key to successful Management by Objectives (MBO) isA. insuring that employees have clearly defined objectivesB. involving employees in decision meetingsC. permitting employees to set their own objectivesD. allowing employees to perform. their own evaluationsE. A or C

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考题 WhichisthecorrectwaytoconnecttoboththetargetdatabaseandtherecoverycatalogfromtheRMANcommandline?()AssumethatthetargetdatabaseiscalledORCLandthattherecoverycatalogdatabaseiscalledRCAT.Alsoassumethattherecovery-catalogowneriscalledRCAT_OWN.AssumetheenvironmentisconfiguredfortheORCLdatabase.A.rmantarget=/catalog=/@rcatB.rmantarget=/catalog=rcat_own/rcat_ownC.rmantarget=/catalog=rcat_own/rcat_own@RCATD.rmantarget=sys/robert@orclcatalog=rcat_own/rcat_own@RCATE.Youcannotconnecttothetargetdatabaseandtherecoverycatalogatthesametime.

考题 His long-term goal is to set up his own business.A:idea B:energy C:aim D:order

考题 Although Wales has been united with England for more than 400 years,the Welsh has kept alive().Atheir own languageBtheir own literatureCtheir own traditionDAll of the above

考题 Which statement best describes echo?()A、Echo is the discernable leak-through of your own Rx path into your own Tx path. B、Echo is the discernable leak-through of the packets of your Rx path into your own Tx path. C、Echo is the nonaudible leak-through of the packets of your Rx path into your own Tx path. D、Echo is the audible leak-through of the packets from the transmit path into your own receive path. E、Echo is the nonaudible leak-through of the packets of your Tx path into your own Rx path.

考题 Which of the following are properties that can be set for Custom Controls?()A、Specifying validationB、Configuring data sourcesC、Your own custom propertiesD、All of the above

考题 Which is the correct way to connect to both the target database and the recovery catalog from the RMAN command line?() Assume that the target database is called ORCL and that the recovery catalog database is called RCAT. Also assume that the recovery-catalog owner is called RCAT_OWN. Assume the environment is configured for the ORCL database. A、 rman target=/ catalog=/@rcatB、 rman target=/ catalog=rcat_own/rcat_ownC、 rman target=/ catalog=rcat_own/rcat_own@RCATD、 rman target=sys/robert@orcl catalog=rcat_own/rcat_own@RCATE、 You cannot connect to the target database and the recovery catalog at the same time.

考题 Which two statements apply when a user has entered private configuration mode by typing configure private? ()A、All users have their own active configurationB、All users have their own private candidate configurationC、When a user commits, all nonconflicting changes made by all users are commitedD、When a user commits, only the user's own changes are commited

考题 单选题Which of the following are properties that can be set for Custom Controls?()A Specifying validationB Configuring data sourcesC Your own custom propertiesD All of the above

考题 单选题Solid waste generation,and electricity and water consumption are costly and have their own set of environmental().A inspectB impairsC impactsD insects

考题 单选题According to the author, economists were confused because _____.A people’s behavior was disorderly on the TitanicB people did not act in their own interest on the TitanicC most men did not act in their own interest on the LusitaniaD women and children could not climb into the lifeboats

考题 单选题Which statement best describes echo?()A Echo is the discernable leak-through of your own Rx path into your own Tx path. B Echo is the discernable leak-through of the packets of your Rx path into your own Tx path. C Echo is the nonaudible leak-through of the packets of your Rx path into your own Tx path. D Echo is the audible leak-through of the packets from the transmit path into your own receive path. E Echo is the nonaudible leak-through of the packets of your Tx path into your own Rx path.

考题 单选题Exchange students are generally placed in homes that are _____.A very similar to their own homesB typical of homes in the land they are visitingC as different from their own home as is possibleD None of the above

考题 单选题Although Wales has been united with England for more than 400 years,the Welsh has kept alive().A their own languageB their own literatureC their own traditionD All of the above

考题 单选题A They are encouraged to do maintenance for the training centre.B Most of them get paid for their work.C They have to cook their own meals.D They can choose to do community work.

考题 单选题It was not until the accident happened _____ .A when I became aware of my foolishnessB when my foolishness became obviousC that did I realize my own follyD that I became aware of my own foolishness

考题 单选题If it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision,she shall NOT,if possible,()A decrease speedB increase speedC turn to port for a vessel on her own port sideD turn to starboard for a vessel on her own port side

考题 单选题A They set their own exams.B They select their own students.C They award their own degrees.D They organize their own laboratory work.