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更多 “单选题A eitherB allC bothD neither” 相关考题
考题 She recommended two books to me, but () of them was interesting. A、eitherB、bothC、noneD、neither

考题 On account of the snowstorm () flight will be canceled. A、neitherB、allC、bothD、these

考题 His first attempt failed,(). A、his second attenpt did eitherB、so did his second attenptC、# neither did his second attenptD、so his second attenpt did

考题 20.A.eitherB.allC.bothD.two

考题 Are stevedores going to open the hatches ________ do we have to?A.eitherB.whileC.orD.nor

考题 -Whenshallwegotothemuseum,thisafternoonortomorrowmorning?-_____isOK.I’mfreethesedays.A.BothB.AllC.EitherD.Neither

考题 12.A.likeB.are likeC.are bothD.are all

考题 His answer is not correct, and _______.-A.neither am IB.neither is mineC.either is mineD.mine is neither

考题 _____of her brothers came to the wedding.They don ’t like her new busband.A.EitherB.NeitherC.All

考题 _____of the boys came to the party. They were ill.A. EitherB. AllC. Neither

考题 New cities appeared on ( ) sides of the river. A、everyB、eachC、bothD、all

考题 The two boys ran out of the room separately, ( ) carrying a bag. A、everyB、allC、bothD、each

考题 Does she speak French or German?She doesn't,()A. eitherB. neitherC. none

考题 They could hardly believe what he said, _________. A、so could IB、neither could IC、neither couldn't ID、neither I could

考题 A:I don't get up late on Sundays. B:( ).A. Neither have IB. Neither am IC. Neither do I

考题 WhatkindofportsdoOracleWebCacheandOracleHttpServercomepre-configuredwith?() A.Non-SSLonlyB.SSLonlyC.bothD.none

考题 There is a tree on ___ side of the street. A. eitherB. everyC. bothD. neither

考题 8. There are many tall buildings on ___________sides of the street.A.eitherB.allC.bothD.other

考题 It is futile to discuss the matter further, because__________going to agree upon anything today.A.neither you nor I are B.neither you nor me is C.neither you nor I am D.neither me nor you are

考题 Both teams were in hard training; ______ was willing to lose the game.A. either B. neither C. another D. the other

考题 I didn't know the answer,__.A.neither he did B.neither did he C.neither he knew D.he didn't neither

考题 If you don′ t go to the mountains withme tomorrow, __________.A.neither do I B.neither I do C.neither will I D.neither I will

考题 It's()the driest summers we have ever known.A、allB、ofC、bothD、one of

考题 清除浮动可以用以下哪种属性()。A、position:relative;B、float:clearC、clear:bothD、margin:0 auto

考题 通常我们使用clear的()属性解决浮动塌陷。A、leftB、rightC、bothD、none

考题 发动机停车后,磁电机开关应在()位。A、RB、LC、BOTHD、OFF

考题 单选题According to the passage, dealers are different from brokers in thatA dealers neither buy nor sell securities themselves.B brokers neither buy nor sell securities themselves.C all of the above.

考题 单选题What kind of ports do Oracle Web Cache and Oracle Http Server come pre-configured with ? ()A  Non-SSL onlyB  SSL onlyC  bothD  none