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66 A  careful       B  generous      C  mean           D  close









更多 “单选题66 A careful B generous C mean D closeA AB BC CD D” 相关考题
考题 32. Of all the students in our class, she is ______.A. most careful B. careful C. more careful D. the most careful

考题 The old lady is said to be generous ____her money . A. forB. toC. atD. with

考题 She always does her homework _____ than her brother.A. more careful B. careful C. more carefully D. carefully

考题 What does the author mean by “paralysis by analysis” (Last line, paragraph 4)?[A] Endless studies kill action.[B] Careful investigation reveals truth.[C] Prudent planning hinders progress.[D] Extensive research helps decision-making.

考题 The author assumes that his readers are__________ the basic concepts.A. careful withB. careful toC. familiar withD. familiar to

考题 Linda is never ( ) A、so more careful as her fatherB、so careful as that of his father’sC、so careful as her father’sD、so careful as her father

考题 The Chinese Red Cross contributed a()sum to the relief of the physically disabled.A. generalB. genuineC. generous

考题 We hope that these generous discounts will bring about a substantial order.()

考题 X线平均波长(λmean)与最短波长(λmean)的关系是A.λmean=3λminB.λmean=5λminC.λmean=2λminD.λmean=5λminE.λmean=λmin

考题 x线平均波长(λmean)与最短波长(λmin)的 关系是A.λmean =3λminB.λmean =2.5λmin x线平均波长(λmean)与最短波长(λmin)的 关系是A.λmean =3λminB.λmean =2.5λminC.λmean =2λminD.λmean =l.5λminE.λmean=λmin

考题 已知Lxx=∑(x-mean(x))2=400,Lyy=∑(y-mean(y))2=3000,Lxy=∑(x-mean(x))·(y-mean(y))=-1000;则相关系数r=()。注:mean(x)、mean(y)分别为x,y的均值。 A.0.925B.-0.913C.0.957D.0.913

考题 已知字符‘A’的ASCII代码值是65,字符变量cl的值是‘A’,c2的值是‘D’。则执行语句printf(”%d,%d”,cl,c2—2);的输出结果是( )。A.65,68B.A,68C.A,BD.65,66

考题 X线平均波长(λmean)与最短波长(λmin)的关系是A.λmean=3λminB.λmean=2.5λminC.λmean=2λminD.λmean=1.5λminE.λmean=λmin

考题 X线平均波长(λmax)与最短波长(λmax)的关系,正确的是A.λmean=3.5λminB.λmean=3.2λminC.λmean=2.8λminD.λmean=2.5λminE.λmean=2.2λmin

考题 21. He never does his work ________Mary.A. as careful asB. so careful asC. as carefully asD. carefully as

考题 What is the author's opinion of some New Yorkers from her experience7A.Easy-going.B.Self-centred.C.Generous.D.Conservative.

考题 The soundings on the chart are based on the depth of water available at ______.A.mean low waterB.mean lower low waterC.mean high waterD.mean high water springs

考题 X线平均波长与最短波长(Xo)的关系是A.λmean=0.5λ0B.λmean=1.0λ0C.λmean=2.0λ0D.λmean=2.5λ0E.λmean=3.5λ0

考题 X线平均波长(λmean)与最短波长(λmin)的关系,正确的是A.λmean=3.5λmin B.λmean=3.2λmin C.λmean=2.8λmin D.λmean=2.5λmin E.λmean=2.2λmin

考题 He is exceedingly generous this time,which is really strange.A:too B:extremely C:extensively D:oddly

考题 X线平均波长与最短波长(λ0)的关系是()A、λmean=0.5λ0B、λmean=1.0λ0C、λmean=2.0λ0D、λmean=2.5λ0E、λmean=3.5λ0

考题 单选题In a weather report “GMT” stands for().A Greenwich Mean TimeB Gross Mean TimeC Great Mean TimeD Gross Metric Ton

考题 单选题75 A kind B generous C cruel D effectiveA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题He is so kind and generous that he always cast his _____ upon the waters.A stoneB breadC sandD fish

考题 单选题X线平均波长(λmean)与最短波长(λmin)的关系是(  )。A λmean=3λminB λmean=2.5λminC λmean=2λminD λmean=1.5λminE λmean=λmin

考题 单选题X线平均波长与最短波长(λ0)的关系是()A λmean=0.5λ0B λmean=1.0λ0C λmean=2.0λ0D λmean=2.5λ0E λmean=3.5λ0

考题 单选题X线平均波长(λmean)与最短波长(λmin)的关系,正确的是()A λmean=3.5λminB λmean=3.2λminC λmean=2.8λminD λmean=2.5λminE λmean=2.2λmin