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词义辨析题。根据前文提到的solid ground和句意“地震中的许多伤亡是由不坚固的建筑结构和较差的建____筑造成的”可知,这里应填入表示地址的词。选项中site“场所,地点”,表示建筑地址,要比place“位置,地方”符合题意,故选D。
更多 “单选题______A placesB directionsC structuresD sites” 相关考题
考题 单选题No sooner had he seen the horrible sight while he stood motionlessly.A than B beforeC whenD as

考题 单选题The sentence “Our planet has shrunk” underlined in Paragraph 1 means that __________.A the earth has become physically smallerB the more advanced ways of traveling has made the distance between countries shorterC the traditional concept of our planet has become out-of-dateD modern means of communication has made it much easier for people to communicate with each other from different parts of the world

考题 问答题中国与白俄罗斯经贸合作委员会第八次会议  1月18日,商务部副部长于广洲和白俄罗斯(Belarus)国家监察委员会主席洛马奇共同主持了中白经贸合作委员会第八次会议。双方就扩大贸易和经济技术合作,加强地方合作,推动信息化交流,增进企业了解等问题深入交换了意见。  于广洲指出,中自双边经贸关系平稳增长,成果显著。他建议双方进一步挖掘经贸合作潜力,着力发展长期稳定、互利互惠的双边贸易,继续深化在汽车制造、能源、机械、电信、医药、纺织等领域的经济技术合作,加强企业交流,发展地方合作,开展在中国西部开发和振兴东北地区合作等。  洛马奇表示,白方视中国为其对外政策的重要方向和亚太地区的重要伙伴,对发展中自经贸关系给予厚望。中白经济稳步发展为扩大经贸合作提供了良好空间,目前,中白贸易快速发展,投资项目不断涌现,双方应在此基础上进一步推动企业间交流,开展地区及贸易促进组织间的合作,全力推动经济技术合作项目进展。

考题 单选题Tamarins lost the paradise of their tree-bound niche mainly because the Portuguese __________.A cut down trees to make rooms of the housesB cleared the forests to set up cities and farmsC deforested some regions for playgroundsD hunted the most distinctive monkeys

考题 问答题Language exists to communicate whatever it can communicate. Some things it communicates so badly that we never attempt to communicate them by words if any other medium is available. Those who think they are testing a boy’s “elementary” command of English by asking him to describe in words how one ties one’s tie or what a pair of scissors is like, are far astray. For precisely what language can hardly do at all, and never does well, is to inform us about complex physical shapes and movements. Hence descriptions of such things in the ancient writers are nearly always unintelligible. Hence we never in real life voluntarily use language for this purpose; we draw a diagram or go through pantomimic gestures. The exercises which such examiners set are no more a test of “elementary” linguistic competence than the most difficult bit of trick—riding from the circus ring is a test of elementary horsemanship.  Another grave limitation of language is that it cannot, like music or gesture, do more than one thing at once. However the words in a great poet’s phrase interanimate one other and strike the mind as quasi-instantaneous chord, yet, strictly speaking, each word must be read or heard before the next. That way, language is as unilinear as time. Hence, in narrative, the great difficulty of presenting a very complicated change which happens suddenly. If we do justice to the complexity, the time the reader must take over the passage will destroy the feeling of suddenness. If we get in the suddenness we shall not be able to get in the complexity.  One of the most important and effective uses of language is the emotional. It is also, of course, wholly legitimate. We do not talk only in order to reason or to inform. We have to make love and quarrel, to propitiate and pardon, to rebuke, to console, intercede, and a rouse. “He that complains,” said Johnson, “acts like a man, like a social being.” The real objection lies not against the language of emotion as such, but against language which, being in reality emotional, masquerades—whether by plain hypocrisy or subtle self-deceit—as being something else.

考题 单选题The farmers know that fertilizer can accelerate the growth of these tomato plants.A accommodate B accord C quicken D accomplish

考题 单选题______A in B for C about D within

考题 单选题They soon moved back to the country because they did’t used to city life.A usedn’t to B wouldn’t used toC hadn’t used toD couldn’t get used to

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A The models of the online fashion stores were not suitable.B Some online fashion stores still make profits.C There are online stores in Italy that make money.D Sweden’s online stores are doing well by discount.

考题 问答题Research published in May 1998 by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) showed that reducing coastal and river pollution and ensuring a reliable water supply were among the top environmental priorities for the public.  All discharges to water in the UK require the consent of the appropriate regulatory authority. In England and Wales the Environment Agency’s principal method of controlling water pollution is through the regulation of all effluent discharges, including sewage, into groundwater, and inland and coastal waters. The Agency maintains public registers containing information about water quality, discharge consents, authorizations and monitoring. Applicants for consents to discharge have the right of appeal if they are dissatisfied with the Agency’s decision; most of these appeals are dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate, an executive agency of the DETR. In Scotland control is the responsibility of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), and most appeals are dealt with by the Scottish Office. In Northern Ireland the Environment and Heritage Service is responsible for controlling water pollution.  In 1997, there were 4,717 cases in England and Wales of discharges exceeding their consented limits, including a number of offences by water companies discharging insufficiently treated sewage. The majority of these breaches did not cause any significant environmental damage. However, the Environment Agency did bring 65 cases to court, of which 61 were successful, resulting in fines ranging from £ 440 to £ 12,000 and one prison sentence of two months. In Scotland, there were 2,734 pollution incidents in 1997; SEPA seeks prosecution in all significant cases.  In 1997 and 1998, the Government introduced statutory Environmental Quality Standards (EQSs) for 33 substances in water. The new regulations give legal force for the first time to standards for some of the most dangerous pollutants found in the aquatic environment.  In the UK, 96 percent of the population live in properties connected to a sewer, and sewage treatment works serve over 80 percent of the population. In England and Wales, the water industry is committed to an investment programme of some £ 11,000 million over ten years for improvements to water quality. Progressively higher treatment standards for industrial waste effluents and new measures to combat pollution from agriculture are expected to bring further improvements in water quality. In Scotland, responsibility for the provision of all water and sewerage services lies with three Water and Sewerage Authorities, covering the north, east and west of the country.

考题 单选题If the author’s predictions are realized, the demand for unskilled workers will be __________.A very highB very lowC the same as todayD constantly rising

考题 单选题______A increasesB reducesC decreasesD adds

考题 单选题______A some B any C none D one

考题 单选题The war broke out in the outskirt of the capital of the country.A surrounding regions B stock yardsC manufacturing districtsD backstreets

考题 单选题______A getB giveC meetD notice

考题 单选题______A improperB riskyC fairD wise

考题 单选题______A Having B With C In D On

考题 单选题______A link B build C maintain D turn

考题 单选题Latin America, with its many diverse musical cultures, is a case in point.A animated B elevated C varied D dignified

考题 单选题The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they can __________.A better control the whole negotiation processB easily find new approaches to meeting market needsC fast-forward their proposals to headquartersD easily make friends with businesspeople abroad

考题 单选题The phrase “call-outs” in the passage is used to____________.A cancelled NHSB emergent visits to his patients at any timeC night visits to the home of his patientsD night walks out of his home

考题 单选题The central idea of the above passage is that __________.A attitudes affect our actionsB teachers are important in developing or changing pupils’ attitudesC attitudes can be changed by some classroom experiencesD by their attitudes, teachers inadvertently affect pupils’ attitudes

考题 单选题Alexander Hamilton was accused of being involved in a scheme to establish a separate nation in the western part of the United States.A plot B decision C order D notion

考题 单选题______A breakB shakeC touchD push

考题 问答题外交部发言人谈2000年中国外交工作  今后,中国将继续坚持邓小平外交思想,始终不渝地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,坚决维护国家主权、领土完整和民族尊严,坚定推进祖国统一大业。我们愿在和平共处五项原则基础上,加强与世界各国的友好合作关系。在国际事务中,我们将继续伸张正义,反对霸权主义和强权政治,维护世界和平与稳定,促进人类的共同发展。  我们将切实加强同发展中国家的团结与合作,继续巩固同周边国家的睦邻友好关系,努力保持相对稳定的大国关系框架,改善与发展同欧洲各国及其他发达国家的关系,为中国的改革开放和现代化建设营造一个长期和平稳定的国际和周边环境。  我们将积极参加多边外交活动,坚定维护联合国宪章的宗旨和原则以及公认的国际关系准则,同全世界所有爱好和平的国家和人民一道,为推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序,建设一个和平、安全、繁荣、稳定的新世界作出自己的贡献。

考题 问答题Classes at American College  The year at an American college is divided into 2 semesters or 3 quarters. Semesters are 15 weeks; quarters are 10 weeks. American college students usually attend school from September to May. Occasionally their academic pursuits extend into the summer.  Students choose their classes a few weeks prior to the start of each term. Universities offer a great many classes in the students’ main area of study and in other areas as well. Students must take both. These include science, mathematics, computer, history and English. Other classes may be just for fun, like dance, theater or sports. Tests usually are given in the middle of the term and at the end3. The final examinations are extremely important. In some classes, the professor asks the students to write a research paper or complete a certain task instead of taking a test.  Classes usually are organized through lectures. For example, a student may attend 2 or 3 lectures a week by the professor. As many as several hundred students sit at each lecture. Sometimes they also attend a smaller class to ask questions and discuss what the professor says4. These small classes are taught by professor’s assistants. In science classes, students also have a long laboratory class each week.  What do American students study at college? The US Department of Education says the most popular area of study is sciences and management. Next is social science, which encompasses history, sociology, literature, public relations and political science. English is another popular field of study. Then comes computer science and health and life sciences like biology, chemistry and physics. Education is popular, too. Foreign languages are not popular as a main area of study among American college students. However, students at many colleges must study a language other than English before they can graduate. The most popular foreign language is Spanish, followed by French and German.

考题 单选题______A positive B negative C satisfactory D gratifying

考题 单选题______A villages B areas C towns D houses